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Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:15 pm
by Skate4RnR
A big thank you to all those who voted for them. This message is from the Democratic Party. :lol:

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:19 pm
by Monty610
I love The Dems spinning that they "want" to face Tea Party candidates.


The Democrats who actually won yesterday are ones who are campaigning against Obama-care.

This spin is reminding me of the Dems confidence in '04 that Kerry had Bush beat...

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:45 pm
by Ugmo
Monty610 wrote:I love The Dems spinning that they "want" to face Tea Party candidates.


The Democrats who actually won yesterday are ones who are campaigning against Obama-care.

This spin is reminding me of the Dems confidence in '04 that Kerry had Bush beat...
And yet the Tea Party candidate in Delaware is going to cost the Republicans a Senate seat and most likely the Senate majority.

That's some kinda spin when even Karl Rove agrees with the Democrats. Fact is, no way no how is the general populace as conservative as these Tea Party lunatics. One of the only things that will fire up the Democratic base in a mid-term election is the prospect of some anti-masturbation candidate like the twit in Delaware actually representing them in the Senate.

Edit: Or look at it this way: in 2008 Sarah Palin cost McCain any chance of winning the presidency. Now you have a whole bunch of Sarah Palins all over the country making the Republican Party look completely insane. How is that possibly positive for the GOP?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:12 pm
by Skate4RnR
Ugmo wrote:
And yet the Tea Party candidate in Delaware is going to cost the Republicans a Senate seat and most likely the Senate majority.

That's some kinda spin when even Karl Rove agrees with the Democrats. Fact is, no way no how is the general populace as conservative as these Tea Party lunatics. One of the only things that will fire up the Democratic base in a mid-term election is the prospect of some anti-masturbation candidate like the twit in Delaware actually representing them in the Senate.

Edit: Or look at it this way: in 2008 Sarah Palin cost McCain any chance of winning the presidency. Now you have a whole bunch of Sarah Palins all over the country making the Republican Party look completely insane. How is that possibly positive for the GOP?
Shhhhh! Monty's one of them.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:16 pm
by Ugmo
Skate4RnR wrote:Shhhhh! Monty's one of them.
If I remember correctly Monty is quite enamored of Palin. Okay, there is a percentage of the population that is, but there is a much larger percentage that isn't. That's going to be a huge problem for all the Tea Party candidates.

Speaking of which, what's Joe the Plumber up to? Isn't he predestined to be a Tea Party candidate?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:19 pm
by Skate4RnR
Ugmo wrote:
Skate4RnR wrote:Shhhhh! Monty's one of them.
If I remember correctly Monty is quite enamored of Palin. Okay, there is a percentage of the population that is, but there is a much larger percentage that isn't. That's going to be a huge problem for all the Tea Party candidates.

Speaking of which, what's Joe the Plumber up to? Isn't he predestined to be a Tea Party candidate?
I know but Monty popped in because he doesn't want us up in here bad mouthing his people. Imagine what a bunch of Ross Perot's can do to the Republican party! :lol:

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:27 pm
by Ugmo
Ross Perot was entertaining, and he was a bit crazy - but somehow he didn't seem nearly as crazy as all these Tea Party candidates! I've just been reading about the Republican gubernatorial candidate in New York, who compared the passage of the health care bill to 9/11, wants to house welfare recipients in prisons, and allegedly sent people e-mails filled with bestiality! As well as some off-color e-mails about Obama, which I'm sure will go down really well in New York of all places.

The Tea Party is like a reservoir tip for the craziest Republicans.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:31 pm
by Ugmo
Tell me this dude isn't electable!

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:55 pm
by Skate4RnR
Ugmo wrote:Ross Perot was entertaining, and he was a bit crazy - but somehow he didn't seem nearly as crazy as all these Tea Party candidates! I've just been reading about the Republican gubernatorial candidate in New York, who compared the passage of the health care bill to 9/11, wants to house welfare recipients in prisons, and allegedly sent people e-mails filled with bestiality! As well as some off-color e-mails about Obama, which I'm sure will go down really well in New York of all places.

The Tea Party is like a reservoir tip for the craziest Republicans.
It is a good thing that these candidates are shaking things up though. I just think it's funny how the media portrays all this govt. working for it's own best interests bullshit is something new. NEW? They've been butt fucking since I don't know when.

I really am glad this shit's been going down. It's been fascinating to watch.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:22 pm
by Skate4RnR
They interviewed Paladino today and asked him his stance on abortion in cases of incest and rape. He said that people could adopt the children. I can't fucking wait! This guy is a regular ZVD.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:30 pm
by bane
enter your username wrote: 1) shifting the tax burden to the middle class
Care to elaborate on that?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:33 pm
by Skate4RnR
Now what happens when the GOP gives these candidates $$$, will they cave in on their ideas or...?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:21 pm
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote:
And yet the Tea Party candidate in Delaware is going to cost the Republicans a Senate seat and most likely the Senate majority.
If O'Donnell can come out of nowhere to beat Michael Castle, she can do the same in the general election. Especially that she now has full financial and spiritual backing from the Republican Party.
That's some kinda spin when even Karl Rove agrees with the Democrats.
LOL at what fucking Karl Rove thinks. Rove dislikes O'Donnell because he is an establishment Republican and she ran without the guidance or control of the RNC and other major GOP politicians. Rove told Sean Hannity that O'Donnell did not represent the conservative characteristics of "rectitude and truthfulness and sincerity." If you don't see the irony in that analysis, you need to get your head examined. Don't patronize someone you despise in order back up one of your points. It makes you look like a fool.
Fact is, no way no how is the general populace as conservative as these Tea Party lunatics.

The Tea Party platform, if you can call it that, is no different than the Republican party's platform. They agree on the same social issues, they are all against the economic platform of President Obama and the Democratic party. The only difference between the two is the Tea Party's anti-incumbency and their nascent psuedo-populist front.

One of the only things that will fire up the Democratic base in a mid-term election is the prospect of some anti-masturbation candidate like the twit in Delaware actually representing them in the Senate.
The Democratic base is extremely narrow and in disarray. Their pocket of influence is spread too far thin to mobilize any more votes. They will lose massive seats in both houses of congress in 2010. The people that put Obama over the top in 2008 were people that don't normally vote. David Plouffe could do that after a failed Bush presidency, he won't be as effective after two years of piss-poor performance by a Democratic congress and to a lesser extent, the President.
Edit: Or look at it this way: in 2008 Sarah Palin cost McCain any chance of winning the presidency. Now you have a whole bunch of Sarah Palins all over the country making the Republican Party look completely insane. How is that possibly positive for the GOP?

You've never had more than a yeoman's understanding of politics in general but this is really naive. Palin was a detriment to McCain's campaign not because she was "insane" or "crazy" it was because she had neither the intelligence or the political savvy to back up a candidate like her running mate. McCain was no intellectual powerhouse, but he was a political veteran who could still come across like he knew what he was doing.

These left-wing epithets calling conservatives crazy or nutjobs or whatever serves no purpose because voters hear that and they know these people aren't nutjobs, and energizes them even more. Resorting to ad hominem may work on Bill Maher's show but it grates on voters after awhile. And being diametrically opposed to liberal policies doesn't make you crazy.

I am not Republican and I'm no Tea Party fan, but listening to a left-winger delude themselves into thinking that things are on the up and up for them going into the elections is like the Emperor's New Clothes.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:53 pm
by dtmfs
These left-wing epithets calling conservatives crazy or nutjobs or whatever serves no purpose because voters hear that and they know these people aren't nutjobs, and energizes them even more. Resorting to ad hominem may work on Bill Maher's show but it grates on voters after awhile.
Agree 100% with this, All these leftist dumbfucks who keep attacking the tea party are hurting their own cause, especially When some are getting fucking busted dressed up like tea partiers for the sole purpose of spewing racist bullshit so they can rile up the minorities and try to get them to vote democrat. Seriously how fucking stupid is that shit?? These fuckers bitch and cry about racism nonstop so what the fuck do they do? They send people out to be as racist as possible :shock: and they're suppose to be the voice of reason? talk about spreading fear with lies, something they constantly use against the right, shit is fucking priceless.

It's fucking dumb as shit because by doing that stuff they're making light out of actual racism, Maybe the left is more racist than the right after all might explain why african american tea party members were assaulted not to mention all the bleeding heart bean baggers assaulting cops in Arizona with absolutley no coverage at all, Shit the least they could've done was dressed up a couple loony leftists and had them shout racial slurs during the health care bill passege, at least then they would've actually gotten some of that shit on tape, This whole situation is fucking retarded.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:00 pm
by MurrayFiend
I agree with everything Bill Maher says.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:31 am
by Ugmo
If O'Donnell can come out of nowhere to beat Michael Castle, she can do the same in the general election. Especially that she now has full financial and spiritual backing from the Republican Party.
Except that two-thirds of Delawarians (or whatever they’re called) consider her to be unelectable. It’s one thing to win a vote when the only people voting are Republicans. It’s another thing when everyone else gets to vote as well.
LOL at what fucking Karl Rove thinks. Rove dislikes O'Donnell because he is an establishment Republican and she ran without the guidance or control of the RNC and other major GOP politicians. Rove told Sean Hannity that O'Donnell did not represent the conservative characteristics of "rectitude and truthfulness and sincerity." If you don't see the irony in that analysis, you need to get your head examined. Don't patronize someone you despise in order back up one of your points. It makes you look like a fool.
Fucking Karl Rove is the reason why the Asshole Party held the White House for eight years following the roaring 90s. His political mind is vastly superior to yours.

The Tea Party platform, if you can call it that, is no different than the Republican party's platform. They agree on the same social issues, they are all against the economic platform of President Obama and the Democratic party. The only difference between the two is the Tea Party's anti-incumbency and their nascent psuedo-populist front.
The problem is not the Tea Party’s vague and completely unrealistic “lower taxes, less spending” mantra (no politician ever spends less – they spend the same amount of money on stuff they personally like better). The problem is that when these people get asked questions on the campaign trail that you can’t answer with “lower taxes, less spending,” that’s when all kinds of other bizarre and divisive shit tumbles out of their mouths, like Paladino in New York comparing health care reform to 9/11 or Christine O’Donnell campaigning against masturbation. These people aren’t nutjobs because they think they want less taxes and lower spending, they’re nutjobs because more often than not they also happen to believe all kinds of nutty shit that is considered distasteful by everyone except a certain portion of the Republican Party.

The Democratic base is extremely narrow and in disarray. Their pocket of influence is spread too far thin to mobilize any more votes. They will lose massive seats in both houses of congress in 2010. The people that put Obama over the top in 2008 were people that don't normally vote. David Plouffe could do that after a failed Bush presidency, he won't be as effective after two years of piss-poor performance by a Democratic congress and to a lesser extent, the President.

Wait, you are calling the Democratic base narrow and I’m the one who doesn’t understand politics? This is rich. The Democrats always traditionally have problems in mid-term elections because their base is the opposite of narrow, it’s very broad and thus more complex to motivate. The Republican base consists of a very narrow demographic, and that’s why they always show up in mid-terms.

You've never had more than a yeoman's understanding of politics in general but this is really naive. Palin was a detriment to McCain's campaign not because she was "insane" or "crazy" it was because she had neither the intelligence or the political savvy to back up a candidate like her running mate. McCain was no intellectual powerhouse, but he was a political veteran who could still come across like he knew what he was doing.
It was a combination – she was as dumb as a stump, and she also embraced a lot of crazy ideas that are completely alien to everyone outside of flyover country. And that’s the problem here, because for some reason the Tea Party tends to attract these nutbars and then hope they’ll be electable when independents and Democrats are allowed to vote too.

These left-wing epithets calling conservatives crazy or nutjobs or whatever serves no purpose because voters hear that and they know these people aren't nutjobs, and energizes them even more. Resorting to ad hominem may work on Bill Maher's show but it grates on voters after awhile. And being diametrically opposed to liberal policies doesn't make you crazy.
LOL. No, voters hear Carl Paladino saying welfare recipients should be housed in prisons and taught "personal hygiene" and Christine O’Donnell saying masturbation is a sin, and they know these people ARE nutjobs. And speaking of epithets, they also see Carl Paladino’s e-mails to his friends and business associates with “Run Nigger Run” jokes in them, and they know he’s not only a nutjob, he’s a bigot too.

I am not Republican and I'm no Tea Party fan, but listening to a left-winger delude themselves into thinking that things are on the up and up for them going into the elections is like the Emperor's New Clothes.
Of course you’re not Republican! You right-wing assholes never are. It’s astonishing that the Republicans ever win anything, considering even their asshole base doesn’t want to admit to being in the party.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:20 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote: Except that two-thirds of Delawarians (or whatever they’re called) consider her to be unelectable. It’s one thing to win a vote when the only people voting are Republicans. It’s another thing when everyone else gets to vote as well.

Daily Kos/PPP polls about conservative candidates aren't considered impartial. And they have her at a 30/50 approval rating so you are wrong on both counts. As usual.

Fucking Karl Rove is the reason why the Asshole Party held the White House for eight years following the roaring 90s. His political mind is vastly superior to yours.

You did not address my points. Karl Rove's tearing down of O'Donnell is not for the same reasons or for the same rationale that you are. We know who Karl Rove is and we know what he's accomplished. But for you to hide under his skirt and reference him like he's on your side is laughable.

like Paladino in New York comparing health care reform to 9/11 or

Kind of similar to Michele Obama calling the Tea Party people racists and members of the Congressional Black Caucus lying and saying they were called niggers while walking to the capitol building by tea partiers. Are they crazy, too?

Christine O’Donnell campaigning against masturbation.
So she's crazy because she was in a Christian organization that followed the beliefs of their religion by talking about abstinence? This is what you define as crazy? Then I guess Bill Clinton was nuts when he fired Jocelyn Elders for encouraging kids to masturbate.
These people aren’t nutjobs because they think they want less taxes and lower spending, they’re nutjobs because more often than not they also happen to believe all kinds of nutty shit that is considered distasteful by everyone except a certain portion of the Republican Party.
Nutty people believe nutty shit, huh? That was profound. The "nutty stuff" you keep mentioning like being against Obama's health care plan and saying abstinence is the best prevention for sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies are beliefs held by a large percentage of people, 55% against Obamacare, and the latter is in line with Catholicism, Islam, Orthodox and Conservative Judaism and most mainline Protestant groups. All crazy people, I'm sure.
Wait, you are calling the Democratic base narrow and I’m the one who doesn’t understand politics? This is rich. The Democrats always traditionally have problems in mid-term elections because their base is the opposite of narrow, it’s very broad and thus more complex to motivate. The Republican base consists of a very narrow demographic, and that’s why they always show up in mid-terms.

I swear to all that is holy, you are goddamned moron. When I say the Democratic party has a narrow base, I'm not talking about their political positions in relation to the macro-politic, I'm talking about in relation to their own party. The Republican base makes up the majority of it's members because their platform consists of issues that all of them agree on for most part. The Tea partiers and the establishment Republicans generally take the same positions. The base of the left wing are people like Nancy Pelosi and her ilk so 'firing up the base" doesn't accomplish much unless you live in San Francisco or Boston. The base of the Republican party is pretty much every Republican. That means that Democratic Party has a narrow base.

It was a combination – she was as dumb as a stump, and she also embraced a lot of crazy ideas that are completely alien to everyone outside of flyover country. And that’s the problem here, because for some reason the Tea Party tends to attract these nutbars and then hope they’ll be electable when independents and Democrats are allowed to vote too.
I can't stand Palin but honestly you make her look like Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Almost every political blogger and editorial writer in the country has conceded that the Republicans will take the House, Senate, and most of the Governor's races, and yet you are trying to rationalize the naive belief that once people hear more of the "crazy positions" that they will see the magical liberal light and all think like Rachel Maddow.

Of course you’re not Republican! You right-wing assholes never are. It’s astonishing that the Republicans ever win anything, considering even their asshole base doesn’t want to admit to being in the party.
Every Republican I have ever known has been proud as punch to be known as that. I don't admit to being in the party because I'm not in the party. I don't believe in their platform or much of their ideology and find very few of their politicians have integrity.

You are a dum-dum cheese-dick guitar player that doesn't even live in this country and who never went to college, so lecturing you about the modern political spectrum is below my pay grade. I'm a registered independent and have been since I could vote. I like to fuck with you especially because you try to pontificate about a great many things and your lack of education is so transparent. Even some of the liberal people on this board can't go along with you because you sound like such a jackass who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Hey tell us more about how the EU is responsible for preventing WWIII...

Teacher, O Teacher!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:36 am
by Ugmo
I'll go point by point with you on this when I have a minute, but you know what always makes me laugh? You allude to the fact that you went to college in half your fucking posts! You must think you're the only guy at Sludge who ever went to college.

What college did you go to?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:39 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote:I'll go point by point with you on this when I have a minute, but you know what always makes me laugh? You allude to the fact that you went to college in half your fucking posts! You must think you're the only guy at Sludge who ever went to college.

What college did you go to?

Northwest Dakota State Barber College. No go work on your rebuttal, bitch. And make sure you get some input from your drummer.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:41 am
by Ugmo
Seriously, what college did you go to? I mean, you're really proud of yourself, so I assume it was a good one, otherwise you wouldn't brag about it constantly. Which college - Ivy League?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:45 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
I'm a liar, I really didn't go. I play in a band. Sometimes I watch msnbc. I read Howard Zinn's book once. It took me a while.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:49 am
by Ugmo
"The vast majority of the population, 85.2%, had finished high school and over a quarter, 27.7%, had earned a Bachelor's degree." ... ted_States

You can stop mentioning that you went to college now, because it doesn't make you any more special than any other chump.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:52 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
But I just admitted that I didn't go to college. I'm just like you. Now we can talk at the same level. You are wasting time on that rebuttal.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:54 am
by Ugmo
Uh... I graduated from Middlebury College in 1998. So, like more than a quarter of the population I am indeed college educated, and it has never once occurred to me to use that as a smack-talk point at Sludge. Are you the first person in your family to get a college education or something? Otherwise I don't see why you would bring it up so often.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:57 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote:Uh... I graduated from Middlebury College in 1998. So, like more than a quarter of the population I am indeed college educated, and it has never once occurred to me to use that as a smack-talk point at Sludge. Are you the first person in your family to get a college education or something? Otherwise I don't see why you would bring it up so often.

Hmmm, I've made fun of your lack of schooling before and you never mentioned you went to school. Now all of a sudden you went to Middlebury. I hope you changed your myspace...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:03 am
by Ugmo
You made fun of my schooling before and I never rebutted it? If so, that's because I don't take you or your dumbfuck insults seriously. 25 percent of the fucking population is college educated! Why would I even consider that to be a serious insult?

I haven't exactly been private with my personal information here. I live in Austria and work as a freelance translator for the pharmaceutical industry - so yeah, of course I'm college-educated. As is everyone else in my family. As are a lot of other people. Which is why that's such a bizarre thing to use for smack talk.

Seriously, are you the first person in your family to go to college? If so, congratulations. Now act like you've been there before and remove it from your repertoire of Sludge smack talk, because it makes you look like you're desperate for something to be proud of.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:16 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote:You made fun of my schooling before and I never rebutted it? If so, that's because I don't take you or your dumbfuck insults seriously. 25 percent of the fucking population is college educated! Why would I even consider that to be a serious insult?

Because when your knowledge of politics is so pedestrian and sounds like Media Matters regurgitation, and when one of your most frequent retorts whenever you get exposed for talking out of your ass so much is, " Ok so I may be wrong about that but..." , and when you get basic facts of history incorrect, you look really uneducated. If you really did go to college, you must feel even more embarrassed. Your parents wasted their money.

I haven't exactly been private with my personal information here. I live in Austria and work as a freelance translator for the pharmaceutical industry - so yeah, of course I'm college-educated.
"Of course" you're college educated because you are fluent in another language? My parent's maid, Emilia, knows Spanish and English. I'm going to ask her if she went to Middlebury.


Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:19 am
by Ugmo
You are a fucking tool. You disagree with me on everything because you're a far-right-wing asshole, not because I'm wrong. What basic facts of history have I ever gotten wrong?

And where did you go to college, chump?

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:22 am
by Ugmo
Ooh, Semniferious Buttnoid's parents have a maid. They must be wealthy. I fear the smack talk that he can come up with from that fact.

Re: Winning Tea Party Candidates

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:29 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Ugmo wrote:You are a fucking tool. You disagree with me on everything because you're a far-right-wing asshole, not because I'm wrong. What basic facts of history have I ever gotten wrong?

And where did you go to college, chump?

Uh Oh! I think somebody is


Hey I just called my parents house and spoke to Emilia. She actually did go to Middlebury at the same time as you! She told me to promise not to say anything about her freelance cleaning work. Then I told her about your freelance work and she was relieved.

I also asked her if you used the word "chump" a lot in college and she said that you had some weird fascination with Apollo Creed. Something to do with rebelling against your WASP upbringing or something.

:lol: :lol: :lol: