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Post by Luminiferous »

Highlights so far:

Republicans emphatically approved a toughly worded party platform at their national convention Tuesday that would ban all abortions and gay marriages, reshape Medicare into a voucher-like program and cut taxes to energize the economy and create jobs.


The platform affirms the rights of states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriage. It backs a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.


The party says it opposes legislation intended to restrict Second Amendment rights by limiting the capacity of clips or magazines or otherwise restoring the assault weapons ban passed during the Clinton presidency.


The party states that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed." It opposes using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or to fund organizations that perform or advocate abortions. It says the party will not fund or subsidize health care that includes abortion coverage.


The platform makes clear that "we oppose any form of amnesty for those who, by intentionally violating the law, disadvantage those who have obeyed it." It demands that the Justice Department halt lawsuits against Arizona, Alabama and other states that have enacted tough measures against illegal immigrants. It says federal funding should be denied to universities that provide in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants. It advocates making English the official national language.


It states that a Republican president on his first day in office would use his waiver authority to halt progress in carrying out the health care act pushed through by President Barack Obama and that Republican victories in November would guarantee that the act is never implemented. It proposes a Republican plan based on improving health care quality and lowering costs and a system that promotes the free market and gives consumers more choice.


Republicans support consumer choice, including home schooling, local innovations such as single-sex classes , full-day school hours and year-round schools. It says Republicans renew their call for replacing family planning programs for teens "with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior."


The platform says Republicans are "the party of peace through strength" and support the concept of American exceptionalism — "the conviction that our country holds a unique place and role in human history." It criticizes the current administration for its weak positions toward such countries as North Korea, China and Iran and its reductions in military spending. The Republican national military strategy "restores as a principal objective the deterrence using the full spectrum of our military capabilities."
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Re: The RNC

Post by roxxxtar »

F for the cut and paste.
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Re: The RNC


It proposes a Republican plan based on improving health care quality and lowering costs and a system that promotes the free market and gives consumers more choice.
So they are going to abolish patent protection for drugs and medical devices? They don't have any market based plan. To Republicans the word "free market" means get rid of the laws that protect patients. Actually anything that increases corporate profits gets labeled "market based solution."
Republicans renew their call for replacing family planning programs for teens "with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior."
LMFAO, would be great to hear Romney embrace that on Thursday night. GOP wants to take the country back to the Father Knows Best years.
criticizes the current administration for reductions in military spending.
Meanwhile they bitch about the deficit.

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Re: The RNC

Post by Gritt »

So what they're saying is that if you're not white, wealthy, and male that you can fuck right off.

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Re: The RNC

Post by Luminiferous »

roxxxtar wrote:F for the cut and paste.
I said highlights, not complete list..

Go gargle Grishnak's balls..
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Re: The RNC

Post by johnk5150 »

Mrs. Romney gave a solid, impassioned speech. Then she and Mitt did it missionary style for 3 1/2 minutes at the end of the night.
He's like the Liberace of bass & pot.

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Re: The RNC

Post by brotherplanet »

I agree with their stance on Education and Immigration and nothing else.

On defense... We're already armed to the teeth. I mean, we outspend all of Europe combined, and while China might become a threat in the future, they still have no real navy to speak of when compared to the USN.

Marriage... Gay people have just as much right to a bitter divorce as straight people. I love how Christians think God created marriage when cultures that had nothing to do with Christianity had marriages. Also... If marriage is so sacred why aren't these same people working to make divorce illegal?

Abortion.. I have trouble with third trimester abortions because the nerves are functioning and therefore the fetus actually feels the pain when it's killed, but a first trimester when it's still a blob? I have no problem.
Last edited by brotherplanet on Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Turner Coates »

johnk5150 wrote:Mrs. Romney gave a solid, impassioned speech. Then she and Mitt did it missionary style for 3 1/2 minutes at the end of the night.
...with the lights off.

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Re: The RNC

Post by Luminiferous »

Republicans renew their call for replacing family planning programs for teens "with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior."
LMFAO, would be great to hear Romney embrace that on Thursday night. GOP wants to take the country back to the Father Knows Best years.
I'm laughing at the thought that the entire GOP were all virgins on their wedding nights..

Teaching abstinence is the PARENT'S job in the child's life, not the school teachers.

The family planning classes (which I can remember have been going since I was in high school in the late 70's/early 80's) teach the kids to prepare for the life's events that may occur when the parent are too stupid or blindly believing THEIR child would NEVER have sex..
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Re: The RNC


Luminiferous wrote:
I'm laughing at the thought that the entire GOP were all virgins on their wedding nights...
I look at that crowd tonight and don't have a hard time believing it. Looks like a star trek convention sprinkled with bored poverty stricken minorities who were probably paid to provide some color.

So the Bush's had to show up today and endorse Mittens. Laughing and joking with the Kennebunkport mansion in the background. Then McCain got up and talked about invading Iran and Syria. Ryan promised to fix everything while providing no details. The guy has really small hands and a high voice. He was probably born female.

Still did not hear any mention of Iraq of Afghanistan. There was that fat girl who they claimed served in Iraq but otherwise, no mention of the wars they started. Then there was the Ron Paul tribute video where they cherry picked some crap about cutting spending. The only spending they will cut are programs that benefit kids too young to vote for the GOP.

They better go out big tomorrow because what happened so far will not excite the voters.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Nevermind »

Luminiferous wrote:
I'm laughing at the thought that the entire GOP were all virgins on their wedding nights...
I look at that crowd tonight and don't have a hard time believing it. Looks like a star trek convention sprinkled with bored poverty stricken minorities who were probably paid to provide some color.
Just let that racism of yours show why don't you.

Still did not hear any mention of Iraq of Afghanistan. There was that fat girl who they claimed served in Iraq but otherwise, no mention of the wars they started.
This is why you're an uncredible partisan shithead.
To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
House of Representatives


Gary Ackerman, Rob Andrews, Jim Barcia, Ken Bentsen, Shelley Berkley, Howard Berman, Marion Berry, Sanford Bishop, Rod Blagojevich, Bob Borski, Leonard Boswell, Rick Boucher, Allen Boyd, Brad Carson, Bob Clement, Bud Cramer, Joseph Crowley, Jim Davis, Peter Deutsch, Norm Dicks, Cal Dooley, Chet Edwards, Eliot Engel, Bob Etheridge, Harold Ford, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Bart Gordon, Gene Green, Ralph Hall, Jane Harman, Baron Hill, Joe Hoeffel, Tim Holden, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, William Jefferson, Chris John, Paul Kanjorski, Patrick Kennedy, Ron Kind, Nicholas Lampson, Tom Lantos, Nita Lowey, Ken Lucas, Bill Luther, Stephen Lynch, Carolyn Maloney, Edward Markey, Frank Mascara, Jim Matheson, Carolyn McCarthy, Mike McIntyre, Michael McNulty, Martin Meehan, Dennis Moore, John Murtha, Bill Pascrell, Collin Peterson, David Phelps, Earl Pomeroy, Tim Roemer, Mike Ross, Steven Rothman, Max Sandlin, Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman, Ronnie Shows, Ike Skelton, Adam Smith, John Spratt, Charles Stenholm, John Tanner, Ellen Tauscher, Gene Taylor, Karen Thurman, Jim Turner, Henry Waxman, Anthony Weiner, Robert Wexler, Al Wynn

Baucus (MT) Bayh (IN) Biden (DE) Breaux (LA)Cantwell (WA) Carnahan (MO) Carper (DE) Cleland (GA) Clinton (NY) Daschle (SD) Dodd (CT) Dorgan (ND) Edwards (NC) Feinstein (CA) Harkin (IA) Hollings (SC) Johnson (SD) Kerry (MA) Kohl (WI) Landrieu (LA) Lieberman (CT) Lincoln (AR) Miller (GA) Nelson (FL) Nelson (NE) Reid (NV) Rockefeller (WV) Schumer (NY) Torricelli (NJ)

For the Afghanistan war (Obama's good war)

House of Representatives were:
420 Ayes, 1 Nay

98 Ayes, 0 Nays

So fuck you and your fake butthurt.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Gritt »

Well it looks like had a field day with Ryan's speech.
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Re: The RNC


Nevermind wrote:Just let that racism of yours show why don't you.
Observing that there are minorities who look bored and poor is not racist. The GOP is trying hard to appeal to minorities. It's not unlikely they hired poor minorites to sit in the audience to make it appear the party has broad support.

Nevermind wrote: This is why you're an uncredible partisan shithead.
To Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
House of Representatives
That's a vote to authorize force in Iraq. The Iraq war was started by the neo-conservative movement which plays a large role in the Romney campaign. You must have been too young to follow current events in 2002-2003. Nobody was talking about an Iraq war after 9/11. It wasn't even on the radar screen. It was something the neo-conservative movement wanted proir to the 9/11 attacks and it was something they started. They sold it to the public and the Representatives in Congress were merely voting on behalf of a public misinformed by the neo-conservative movement.

You're a fucking imbecile.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Crazy Levi »

Sixdgritt wrote:Well it looks like had a field day with Ryan's speech.
Even FOX NEWS did.

"On the other hand, to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech. On this measure, while it was Romney who ran the Olympics, Ryan earned the gold.

The good news is that the Romney-Ryan campaign has likely created dozens of new jobs among the legions of additional fact checkers that media outlets are rushing to hire to sift through the mountain of cow dung that flowed from Ryan’s mouth. Said fact checkers have already condemned certain arguments that Ryan still irresponsibly repeated."

Read more: ... z253gp07cs ... ree-words/
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Re: The RNC


Ryan’s VP Spin

TAMPA, Fla. — Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention contained several false claims and misleading statements. Delegates cheered as the vice presidential nominee:

Accused President Obama’s health care law of funneling money away from Medicare “at the expense of the elderly.” In fact, Medicare’s chief actuary says the law “substantially improves” the system’s finances, and Ryan himself has embraced the same savings.

Accused Obama of doing “exactly nothing” about recommendations of a bipartisan deficit commission — which Ryan himself helped scuttle.

Claimed the American people were “cut out” of stimulus spending. Actually, more than a quarter of all stimulus dollars went for tax relief for workers.

Faulted Obama for failing to deliver a 2008 campaign promise to keep a Wisconsin plant open. It closed less than a month before Obama took office.

Blamed Obama for the loss of a AAA credit rating for the U.S. Actually, Standard & Poor’s blamed the downgrade on the uncompromising stands of both Republicans and Democrats.

And when he wasn’t attacking Obama, Ryan was puffing up the record of his running mate, Mitt Romney, on taxes and unemployment.
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Re: The RNC

Post by MickeyG »

Did someone hack Fox news website to post that critique of Ryans' speech?
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Re: The RNC


Looks like tonight is suck up to Mexicans night. Can't believe the Romney kid is up there showing off the Spanish he learned at some prep school. Now he is choking. LMFAO
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Re: The RNC


"When a Randian is speaking of a priority for the poor and weak, you know you have a world-class bullshitter." ... -ryan.html
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Re: The RNC


Time to roll out the dirt poor Mormons. Mitt came by when the Palin look alike had laundry hanging all over the house. The retired fireman and his wife looked like they came about 2 IQ points from having Downs syndrome.

LMFAO @ the crazy bitch breaking out into tears because Mittens helped her fold her clothes.
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Re: The RNC


Now we get to hear how Romney fixed the Massachussets economy. Unemployment fell because people left the state. The national labor force grew 1.2%/year. Mass. only grew .1%/year. So he sucked so bad he chased people out of the state.

Labor Force Jan 2003: 3424521
Labor Force Jan 2007: 3439052 = labor force grew .1%/year

Labor Force Jan 2003:145937
Labor Force Jan 2007:153144 = labor force grew 1.2%/year

The state's debt exploded under Romney. He was not "fiscally responsible" as he claims. States use different accounting rules than the federal govt. They have to balance "operating budget" but money spent to build highways, schools etc is part of the "capital budget" and is not balanced. The federal govt combines the operating and capital budget.

MA Government Debt ... 111mcn_H0s
2002 45.22 billion
2003 48.48 billion
2004 57.16 billion
2005 60.01 billion
2006 63.80 billion
2007 68.45 billion
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Re: The RNC

Post by Crazy Levi »

I love Clint Eastwood but I hate seeing him out there looking like a doddering old fool. I think he actually thinks he's talking to Obama.

Shame on the Romneys for bringing him out here to humiliate himself.

And now he's blaming Obama on Afghanistan and not planning it out?! What the fuck? All the rest of this war shit is bizarre...the crowd must be wondering who this liberal douche is. None of this makes any sense.

This sucks.

Tonight's message is clearly:

The GOP - The Party of Old Senile White Men

Not sure that's gonna work.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Crazy Levi »

This is probably the worst nominee speech I have ever seen. Dukakis owns Romney.

He's making no sense at all.

He's absolutely awful.

This RNC has been a disaster and I'm sure they'll run an awful campaign over the next 6 weeks.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Stoner »

I'm finding it hard to even pay attention to him.

Anyone ever see the Bill Maher skit "The Least Interesting Man in the World"?

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Re: The RNC

Post by brotherplanet »

Romney is making sense. Very easy to follow. Nothing not making sense at all.

The problem is the guy has no charisma. When Reagan, Clinton, or Obama spoke their words moved people mainly because of the inflection in their voice. All three were very good at communication.

Romney almost speaks in a monotone.
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Re: The RNC

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

Crazy Levi wrote:I love Clint Eastwood but I hate seeing him out there looking like a doddering old fool. I think he actually thinks he's talking to Obama.

Tonight's message is clearly:

The GOP - The Party of Old Senile White Men

Not sure that's gonna work.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Crazy Levi »

brotherplanet wrote:Romney is making sense. Very easy to follow. Nothing not making sense at all.

The problem is the guy has no charisma. When Reagan, Clinton, or Obama spoke their words moved people mainly because of the inflection in their voice. All three were very good at communication.

Romney almost speaks in a monotone.
No, the problem is that what he says makes no sense. He's pretending our economy was flourishing before Obama took over. He's pretending the housing crisis was somehow Obama's fault. He's telling a few stupid jokes.

And, he isn't saying what he would DO. He isn't offering any new ideas, and he's not even trotting out the tired old Republican ideas.

It's got nothing to do with charisma. He is absolutely terrible, and the crowd sounds and looks like it's taken ludes. Nobody is enjoying this, and nobody believes this guy can win. Everyone just wants this over.

And now he's throwing in abortion and gay marriage red meat to this crowd, when a decade earlier he said the exact opposite?

Now he's threatening Putin, as if it's 1963 and we need to get tough with the Russian Bear.

It's more coherent than Clint, but it doesn't make any more sense. It's so horrible. It's extreme and dull at the same time.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Crazy Levi »

This might be the most depressing balloon drop I've ever seen.
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Re: The RNC

Post by NickasInSaltLick »

So the R's like Clint Eastwood again? I thought they were still pissed at him after his Super Bowl ad.

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Re: The RNC

Post by TenBenny »

Hmmm, watching Clint pretend to talk to the president and even trotting out Dirty Harry-isms... I'm no political basher, nor am I a conspiracy theorist, but he's said in the past that he's probably closer in ideology to a Libertarian. He was the setup to Romney, so if there was even the remote possibility that his intention was to hurt the party from right on its own stage, I think he did his part. People seemed to be loving it, too. Obviously, I think he was being sincere in his intentions, I'm just saying it would be really wild if he was, in actuality, slyly trying to pull one over and fuck up the proceedings.
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Re: The RNC

Post by Atomic Steampunk »

Wheresthestagemanager? wrote:
johnk5150 wrote:Mrs. Romney gave a solid, impassioned speech. Then she and Mitt did it missionary style for 3 1/2 minutes at the end of the night.
...with the lights off.
While fully clothed and under the bed sheet and blanket.
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