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Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary North

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:26 pm
Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary North To Indoctrinate Home-School Kids
Rob Boston
Mon Apr 22, 2013 at 11:52:28 AM EST ... chool_Kids

Since 1988 I've been keeping an eye on a faction of the Religious Right known as Christian Reconstructionists.

Reconstructionists are so extreme they make TV preacher Pat Robertson look like a moderate. They call themselves Reconstructionists because they plan to "reconstruct" American society along "biblical" lines - well, it's really more their interpretation of what the Bible mandates. In their case, that means a country that is a fundamentalist Christian theocracy operating under Old Testament law.

You read that right - Old Testament law. That means you'd get the death penalty for adultery, fornication, homosexuality, "witchcraft," blasphemy, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, worshiping "false gods" and other offenses. (There aren't going to be a lot of people left in the "reconstructed" society, are there?)

Some Reconstructionists go so far as to say the Bible mandates executions by stoning. Under their rule, America would be kind of like Iran but with fewer beards.

It's easy to dismiss the Reconstructionists as a bunch of loons, but their influence has been disturbingly widespread among the Religious Right. The dean of the movement, the late Rousas John Rushdoony, founded a group called the Chalcedon Foundation and wrote a number of books that influenced leading Religious Right leaders. His multi-volume Institutes of Biblical Law is probably the best known.

Rushdoony's son-in-law is a man named Gary North, who has also written numerous books. The pair had a falling out some years ago over some obscure Bible passage, but North still rolls along.

North holds very radical views. He has compared public schools to "whorehouses," assailed democracy and once wrote an entire treatise on why stoning is the preferred method of execution (in part, because there are lots of stones lying around so everyone can join in). None of this has kept him from winning connections in some unexpected places.

Consider Ron Paul. Paul, a former Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate, has fans in some progressive quarters because of his anti-war stand. Unfortunately, his positions on many other issues spring from the Stone Age. Although Paul has always denied being a Reconstructionist, he certainly shares many of their views: He is a creationist who is hostile to public education, reproductive justice, LGBT rights, etc.

Recently, Paul announced plans for a curriculum for home-schoolers that will teach "biblical" concepts. The director of curriculum development for that program is none other than North.

Paul and North go back a long way. In 1976, when Paul served an eight-month interim term in Congress, he put North on his staff.

North's influence over the planned curriculum will obviously be significant. In a video, he says it will "teach the biblical principle of self-government and personal responsibility."

That's sounds pretty innocuous, but my guess is that Paul and North aren't highlighting the more extreme elements of Reconstructionst theology because it might dampen sales. But it will be in there in one form or another.

You can read more on the "God Discussion" blog here. (Full disclosure: This piece links to an article debunking "Christian nation" views that I wrote for Alternet.) Writer and researcher Sarah Posner also has some good info.

The Reconstructionists aren't likely to take over tomorrow and refashion American society to look like Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. But that doesn't mean we can dismiss their influence. Some Religious Right leaders admit that the Reconstructionists established the theological basis for political and legal action by right-wing Christians.

Prior to the Reconstructionists, many conservative Christians argued that political action was "of the world" and not part of their mandate. When Jerry Falwell and others jumped into the fray in 1980, they found biblical grounding in literature from the Rushdoony camp. And Reconstructionism-based thinking still percolates through the Religious Right movement today.

The Reconstructionists are now trying to raise up a new generation of leaders through the Paul/North home-school curriculum. No one disputes their right to do that, but those of us who defend church-state separation and freedom of conscience have a right - some might say a duty - to let Americans know what they're up to. We must keep a close eye on those who yearn to replace our secular democracy with a fundamentalist theocracy.


Re: Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary Nor

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:56 pm
by Moggio

You didn't answer my questions, DRBJ.

I'm certainly not religious, nor do I EVER care to be. But again, how does this make Ron Paul automatically wrong? Ron Paul has accurately predicted the Housing Bubble Crisis, the Iraq War, the drastic increase and value of Gold over the past 10-12 years, arguably 9-11, etc., etc., etc.

Also, your extremely leftist and bias propaganda machine can interpret things however which way they want to. However, the home schooling curriculum is called the Ron Paul Curriculum, not the Gary North Curriculum (despite the fact Gary is involved in the project). Nor does it apparently comprise the quantity of Biblical material that you make it out to include.

The only reason why you keep posting these stupid threads is because you're obviously too BUTTHURT over my constant OWNAGE of you.

But keep posting away, it's always quite the entertaining show...


Keep tryin' and you'll keep failin'... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary Nor

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:44 am
Moggio wrote: But again, how does this make Ron Paul automatically wrong? Ron Paul has accurately predicted the Housing Bubble Crisis, the Iraq War, the drastic increase and value of Gold over the past 10-12 years, arguably 9-11, etc., etc., etc.
I never said it made Ron Paul "automatically wrong."

The point is that he is religious kook who thinks the federal govt is going to collapse and the nation will be governed by a network of churches. The point is that you are a fool who does not understand what you are supporting.

Also, Ron Paul did not "predict" anything. He makes general statements of doom all the time. When something bad happens, he takes credit for making a accurate prediction. A broke clock is correct twice a day.

He did not accurately predict the housing bubble. He blamed it all on the Fed and govt policy. Everyone who subscribes to the Austrian School made the same statements. On the economy, Ron Paul merely parrots the standard Austrian School crap.

He always says gold prices will rise. He said to buy gold in 2011 when it was 1800. Now it's 1400. He said to buy gold in 1993 and it went nowhere for a decade. Read his racist newsletters.

He said the dollar would collapse in 2008 and hyperinflation was imminent. Annual rate of inflation in March 2013 was 1.47%. So time to redefine inflation as "growth in the money supply" rather than admit you do not understand the US economy.

He never remotely predicted 9-11 attacks. Predicting the 9-11 attacks means saying terrorists will fly planes into the WTC and Pentagon on 9-11-01. He probably said something like "it will happen again" after the 93 attack and you gave him credit for a prediction. Fool.

Ron Paul has no ideas of his own. He merely publicizes others ideas. Sells them to schmucks like you.

Recent article on libertarian intellectuals by libertarian Robert Higgs"

"Ron Paul is not a fundamental thinker in his own right." ... s-64-oped/
However, the home schooling curriculum is called the Ron Paul Curriculum, not the Gary North Curriculum (despite the fact Gary is involved in the project).
LMFAO, Ron Paul is merely lending his name to a curriculum fully designed by Gary North. No doubt Ron Paul's latest book on home schooling was written by North.

Gary DeMar's Reconstructionist ministry, was soliciting readers in 2010 to contact Ron Paul and encourage him to support North's curriculum plan. ... urriculum/

"Gary North knows Ron Paul. He worked for him in the 70s and has kept in touch. He is now urging Paul to create this curriculum. Paul could get it done, easily. He has the resources. His name would sell it, widely. It may even make many new home-schooler converts. It would have by far the greatest impact for liberty and reclaiming America of anything Paul has done so far or could do, and for generations to come."

Re: Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary Nor

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:01 am
by vlad
The American Taliban. You are right that they are not large in numbers, but they have influenced the religious right and the GOP.

They are not "Christian" (Jesus's words are mere recommendations.... :roll: ).

What I find hilarious (in a very scary way) is the marriage of libertarianism with the religious right. Ayn Rand had a bastard child with John Calvin.

Thank god, for all our being a "Christian" nation, we are too fatly sleek, lazy and mutli cultural (or something) to fall prey to North's ideas fully. But there is a danger of this thinking, as seen by the "war on women" (yeah I went there) that is currently continuing.

Re: Extreme Education: Ron Paul Teams With `Stoner' Gary Nor

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:00 pm
by Moggio
Moggio wrote: But again, how does this make Ron Paul automatically wrong? Ron Paul has accurately predicted the Housing Bubble Crisis, the Iraq War, the drastic increase and value of Gold over the past 10-12 years, arguably 9-11, etc., etc., etc.
I never said it made Ron Paul "automatically wrong."

The point is that he is religious kook who thinks the federal govt is going to collapse and the nation will be governed by a network of churches. The point is that you are a fool who does not understand what you are supporting.

Also, Ron Paul did not "predict" anything. He makes general statements of doom all the time. When something bad happens, he takes credit for making a accurate prediction. A broke clock is correct twice a day.

He did not accurately predict the housing bubble. He blamed it all on the Fed and govt policy. Everyone who subscribes to the Austrian School made the same statements. On the economy, Ron Paul merely parrots the standard Austrian School crap.

He always says gold prices will rise. He said to buy gold in 2011 when it was 1800. Now it's 1400. He said to buy gold in 1993 and it went nowhere for a decade. Read his racist newsletters.

He said the dollar would collapse in 2008 and hyperinflation was imminent. Annual rate of inflation in March 2013 was 1.47%. So time to redefine inflation as "growth in the money supply" rather than admit you do not understand the US economy.

He never remotely predicted 9-11 attacks. Predicting the 9-11 attacks means saying terrorists will fly planes into the WTC and Pentagon on 9-11-01. He probably said something like "it will happen again" after the 93 attack and you gave him credit for a prediction. Fool.

Ron Paul has no ideas of his own. He merely publicizes others ideas. Sells them to schmucks like you.

Recent article on libertarian intellectuals by libertarian Robert Higgs"

"Ron Paul is not a fundamental thinker in his own right." ... s-64-oped/
However, the home schooling curriculum is called the Ron Paul Curriculum, not the Gary North Curriculum (despite the fact Gary is involved in the project).
LMFAO, Ron Paul is merely lending his name to a curriculum fully designed by Gary North. No doubt Ron Paul's latest book on home schooling was written by North.

Gary DeMar's Reconstructionist ministry, was soliciting readers in 2010 to contact Ron Paul and encourage him to support North's curriculum plan. ... urriculum/

"Gary North knows Ron Paul. He worked for him in the 70s and has kept in touch. He is now urging Paul to create this curriculum. Paul could get it done, easily. He has the resources. His name would sell it, widely. It may even make many new home-schooler converts. It would have by far the greatest impact for liberty and reclaiming America of anything Paul has done so far or could do, and for generations to come."

As usual, almost NOTHING you've stated above is correct (too many to go over)...


I'm certainly not religious, nor do I EVER care to be. But despite your opinions about him, you STILL have NOT even remotely come close to proving this makes Ron Paul wrong (automatically or otherwise). Ron Paul has accurately predicted the Housing Bubble Crisis, the Iraq War, the drastic increase and value of Gold over the past 10-12 years, arguably 9-11, etc., etc., etc.

Also, your extremely leftist and bias propaganda machine can interpret things however which way they want to. However, the home schooling curriculum is called the Ron Paul Curriculum, not the Gary North Curriculum (despite the fact Gary is involved in the project). Nor does it apparently comprise the quantity of Biblical material that you make it out to include.

And ANYONE who thinks that there's anything but an ARTIFICIAL recovery going on right now, considering the Fed is now printing $85 BILLION per month (up from $40 BILLION per month), and that the US is borrowing $3 BILLION+ per day from creditors like China, Japan (who are already in recession themselves), etc., and that interest/inflation rates aren't ARTIFICIAL manipulated by the Fed at 0% or nearly 0% in order to prevent the Currency/Treasuries Bubble from bursting quicker than it otherwise would, have their heads so far up their asses, that the only light they'll be seeing any time soon is through their nostrils. Oh...and did I already mention that more Americans are on food stamps than EVER before (48 million, as opposed to 32 million 4 years ago) and that the Employment Rate is the lowest it's been since May of 1979 at 63.3%?!

The only reason why you keep posting these stupid threads is because you're obviously too BUTTHURT over my constant OWNAGE of you.

But keep posting away, it's always quite the entertaining show...


A review of Ron Paul's accurate world event predictions:



Keep tryin' and you'll keep failin'... :lol: :lol: :lol: