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Hillary’s Now Lying About Her Grandparents Being Immigrants.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:09 pm
by BlackCrypt
Was she Indi..... um, Native American as well?
Here The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy goes again. Next thing you know they’ll try to have us believing that Hillary hasn’t always been a Yankee’s fan, that she wasn’t named for Sir Edmund Hillary, that she never took sniper fire in Bosnia, that Benghazi wasn’t really about a Youtube video, that she destroyed her private server because it contained public information on wrong doing, that she would do favors for despotic regimes if they donated to her “foundation” and that -at this point- it really does make a difference.
According to this, Hillary is running around the country on her big Scooby tour basically lying out her lying liar hole and telling folks that all four of her grandparents were immigrants.

Just yesterday in Iowa she said, to the "regular everyday Americans" who were specifically picked out and driven by bus to her event, that "All my grandparents, you know, came over here and you know my grandfather went to work in lace mill in Scranton, PA and worked there until he retired at 65."

And in another recent speech, she said, "My grandmother on my father's side, Hanna Jones Rodham...traced her Methodism back to the Wesley brothers themselves, who converted her great grandparents in the small coal mining villages of Southern Wales. She immigrated with her family as a young girl to Scranton and went to work - very young - in a silk mill, and then she met and married my grandfather, who had also come to this country as a young man from the coalmining area in Newcastle, in England."

Lovely story, isn't it? It'd be even lovlier if it were true.

But the sourcelink dug into some pesky census records which seem to indicate that ONLY Hillary's paternal grandfather immigrated to the US from another country. Which is a lot different than ALL FOUR of her grandparents immigrating.

We shouldn't be surprised by this. Hillary Clinton will bend and twist the truth to suit her narrative, because she is a Democratic politician and doesn't know how NOT to do that.

But if you're one of the inexplicably masochistic people who's prepared to vote for her, you might want to fact check every single solitary word that comes out of her mouth, because it seems only about 25% of what she says is the truth.

Just FYI.
