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Al Jazeera America is suffering.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:16 pm
by BlackCrypt
Good for Mr. Gore for dumping it on them when he did!

Al Jazeera America was born of much promise for journalism, but is suffering under mismanagement, sexism, and layoffs.

On the morning of May 6, two manholes near Penn Station in Manhattan exploded in succession, spooking pedestrians and temporarily snarling traffic on 8th Avenue as investigators scratched their heads. Less than a block away, Al Jazeera America employees felt their building shake. “Just what we need,” one told another wryly.

In the last few weeks, Al Jazeera America has been facing its own series of ground-shaking disruptions: the channel has been slapped with an embarrassing lawsuit, lost a handful of top executives, and replaced its CEO. In the few months, they’ve hemorrhaged valuable newsroom and administrative talent, laying off at least one entire team. In the last year, unrest, fear, and uncertainty have plagued AJAM employees across departments, as seemingly nonsensical rounds of layoffs and promotions have given the whole place the air of a sinking ship. But it certainly didn’t start that way.