Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

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Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by Woosh »

Do people do it? I noticed Knuckman mention it in passing, but I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I've never heard anyone else say anything about it.
I made Knuckman my friend, just in case. But I really wanted to get a feel for what the rest of the crowd was doing in this case, before I started wilding out and making a massive foe list.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by MurrayFiend »

I have no clue how to use any of that shit. I'm sure it's exceedingly simple; it's just that I've never felt strongly enough about someone to "foe" him/her (though a certain Gossip Boarder is making a run for it right now) and as far as a Sludge friend list goes... do people actually have those? If they do I guess I'm not on any but from where I'm standing, the people I really like are going to know I like them and the people I kinda like can just keep not making me hate them.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by Woosh »

I definitely feel you on the "friend" tip. The "foe" thing, that's a different beast. Doesn't it make it where you can't read what they write? Hopefully someone that knows a bit about it, exercises friend/foe options will chime in with some insight.

MurrayFiend, you are my friend though; just so you know. If you ever wanted me to officially add you, it would be a done deal. I wouldn't put you on the list without your consent, because, hey, why riisk offending a friend? It would almost be like doing the opposite of what you were trying to accomplish then.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by Calexxia »

I'm not ashamed to admit that I use the "foe" feature, although not on "the average person who annoys me". However, there are about three posters whose posts were genuinely beginning to make Sludge "un-fun" for me, so I blocked their posts. Yes, I still see when they get quoted, but I don't have to deal with much of the stuff that was raising my ire. If those particular three were "predictable" as to where they posted, I would've simply avoided threads where they tended to congregate, but no such luck.

Yes, I realize it's a pussy way to handle stuff, but I'm still not ashamed by it, since it's not as if I am avoiding them entirely--I just only have to see when they've said something that lead to a beatdown or was particularly LOL-worthy.

The "friend" feature, though, is fairly worthless--all it was ever good for was seeing a convenient list of who was online at a given moment, presuming that everyone on your friend list allows their status to be shown.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by exitflagger »

The foe feature makes zinging the dipshits impossible. That shit is fun and I'm not in the habit of foiling my own fun.

What would be good is if the friend feature made it to where you could click on a friend name while PMing and it would automatically add that name to the recipient list. Or at least make it easier to copy and paste. I've written out PMs before, went to C&P somebody's name, hit the wrong button and lost the whole message. :x That shit makes me want to throw the computer in the fucking trash.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by Calexxia »

Nah, flagger, true idiocy gets quoted, so ya don't miss out! (And u can always display individual posts)
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by exitflagger »

Calexxia wrote:true idiocy gets quoted
Yeah, by the person zinging them. I'm not taking any sloppy zinger seconds.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

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I foe at whim. Mostly for racism and gore. But I've foed people just for being cliche and making me roll my eyes at them. I clear out the foe list every so often and start again. I rarely miss someone I've foed. I don't really consider myself a great zinger of man, though.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by saracapri »

I won't foe anyone. I might miss out on something juicy. I started to friend people, but stopped at two friends out of laziness.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

exitflagger wrote:What would be good is if the friend feature made it to where you could click on a friend name while PMing and it would automatically add that name to the recipient list. Or at least make it easier to copy and paste. I've written out PMs before, went to C&P somebody's name, hit the wrong button and lost the whole message. :x That shit makes me want to throw the computer in the fucking trash.

It already does that. When you're pming someone, look at your Friend list and it will have an "ADD" button next to each of your Friends' names. You can click on as many Friends as you want to and it will send the same message to all of them.

Also, I foe trolls. No shame.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by exitflagger »

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:It already does that. When you're pming someone, look at your Friend list and it will have an "ADD" button next to each of your Friends' names. You can click on as many Friends as you want to and it will send the same message to all of them.
:oops: Now I feel so dumb. I feel really dumb. For real.

You know, I wouldn't have shit to worry about with all this if your damn screen name didn't take like a half hour to type out. :!:
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

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I think someone is trying to say that they've foed me.
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Re: Should I be doing the Friends/Foes thing?

Post by MurrayFiend » wrote:I think someone is trying to say that they've foed me.
I was worried it was me 'cause I dig the dude, but he quoted one of my posts after that, so...
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