NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

>>Saving PMs from over 5 years ago from a "friend" is very obsessive and CREEPY.

LOL. Yet, you claim she's telling you stories from a decade ago, which you believe?

Um- this PM?
Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois
Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:37 am
Not even 5 months ago, let alone 5 years. Cell phone number and content omitted out of courtesy, despite you both acting like assholes.

Beuteee1 was her name on for years. Lord Byron was one of her many nyms on another NIN-related board. These are things that many people know- it takes no research, dumbass.

And, I'm done with you. Just wanted to see how deep you two were going to dig yourselves.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

>>Saving PMs from over 5 years ago from a "friend" is very obsessive and CREEPY.


>>BTW, you have NO color coordination, that's for damn sure.

If she sent you a picture of me, which I highly doubt is actually me from your snide remark- that picture would be 10 years old.

You/she couldn't have grabbed it from the web because I don't have FB, myspace, photobuckets, etc. - you don't think her saving pictures from someone she used to talk to a decade ago isn't obsessive and creepy?

You are a walking contradiction.

Edit: Wait- is this the infamous "pink back pack" picture? :lol:

It's the only thing I could think of re: bad color coordination, since at the time I usually wore black. It was 90+ degrees that day and I was at the zoo with my sister & her baby.

Please, if it is- post it here! I've lost track of that picture, and it's funny as hell.

>>I don't spend time googling people (unless there is a problem);

Same here. It was when the email address to which you wanted me to send the pictures was being used for other accounts on other boards that I became concerned. After all, you yourself told me how worried I should be about these stalker pictures- and something didn't seem quite right.

Since it was a business name and not a person's name, I did a simple search. Btw, your claim that you gave me your friend's email address (after you were busted) in order to protect her identity still makes no sense.

>>I don't keep their PMs or making copies of their posts on other boards

You post PMs and lift/repost MS posts all the fucking time. Don't even start with that bullshit, you schizophrenic retard.

>> I don't want to know the details of Fatso and

Yet, you're on his nuts like sweat in summer :lol:

I don't go to I haven't posted there on a regular basis since 2003-2004 or so. Never belonged to the Spiral. Made a grand total of one post there, post-Spiral. Have been banned from there for posting here, idiot. As I have told you before.

>>nor do I request a formal recommendations before I become friends with someone, you obsessive cow

You are the obsessive cow in this thread- LMFAO!

PM'ing people on multiple boards to write to TV Execs not to pick up Year Zero; attempting to directly interfere with that guy's liver transplant (Papagolash?) And your obsessive comments about TR and what he does here, all the fucking time.

Also, you knew what was posted by others here about Baroness. You can't believe she just wanted to help you "get back at me" out of concern for you, or the goodness of her heart. She used you like she uses everyone else, until they don't suit her purpose any longer.

Your contradictions and failure are giving me a headache. I'm up dealing with a sick pet- what's your excuse? What's your motivation for continually harassing people in the middle of the night?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

So, in other words, Sludger has nothin'. More of the same bullshit.

>>I offered you an olive branch to stop your drama, become friends, and move on.

I'll just let everyone else savor your idiocy. Trying to blackmail someone with phony info does not equal an olive branch :lol: Protip: The enemies of your enemies are not always your friend.

>>Techies in Germany are researching your "software" on Wave board

Oh no! Not The Chermans!

Wtf are you even talking about, my "software? I made two posts on Wave so the admin could grab my IP and put to rest your stupid accusations. I got so disgusted with your sock puppets there, plus I didn't want to subject the people over there to your bullshit drama, that I just ignored the rest of what you posted.

Kind of like I'm going to do here.


:lol: And that about says it all. Begone, troll.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Sludger wrote:You see the difference between you and AMFOS and myself is this: I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU TWO FAT ASS OLD HAGS AND FATSO.
Hmmm, this one's easy.

Then why in the blue fuck are you harassing and threatening both Misanthropia and myself? You're on us like brown on rice! Your words and your actions display two different motivations, chief. :roll: Make up your goddamned mind.
Sludger wrote:Accusing Baroness of hacking into MS PMs is paranoid behavior targeted at an "exfriend" wanting to discredit her and simply false.

And guess what dumbass? Nobody is hacking into MS PMs like you stated, paranoid delusional asswipe - confirmed by MS Techies via PM!
I'm (not at all) sorry to say, but you're wrong again. I doubt it's hard to figure out a password on a forum like this and read people's emails - the operation doesn't have to be invasive, and the person being hacked might not know until the person invading their privacy rears their ugly head to play mindgames... case in point: I've also got proof that Baroness was reading what she shouldn't be reading - as well as her information (at least her info a couple months back)

This woman (Baroness/Beut1/Beuteee1/etc. was reading PMs left and right. And you trust her to keep your "secrets"? You don't care how you get rolled just as long as you can utter empty threats, do you? You checked your dignity (and your sanity) at the door ages ago.
You know what? Bring it on. Any photo you'd find on the net would be at least three or maybe more years old now... blame it on the emotional/physical upheaval of the 20's and all :wink: To be clear: I look very different from any photos that may be floating around in the nets -- most bouncers or cops don't even recognize me if they're going solely by my license photo, so GOOD FUCKING LUCK, asshole.

A delicious caveat: any photos of me would be in seriously private accounts so if you post, you can bet you'll be banned, as well as any other iteration of you that shows up like a boil on the ass of this board. I'd like to see exactly how far you'd go for the last word, you mentally imbalanced bitch.
You are a sick woman saying one thing here and an opposite some place else.
Prove it. No really... prove it. I've been nothing but transparent about my reasons for posting here, so what could you possibly have on me? Let me recap:

1) I think he's fine
2) I don't think the Q's ugly
3) I'm a sarcastic bitch

BTW, it wasn't a YouTube screenshot moron
Whatever the fuck it was supposed to be, you used a comment I wrote for a YOUTUBE video in May of 2009, and it was dated either 1999 or 2000. FAIL on your part, slugger.

Sludger wrote:You never became “concerned”, you came after me once I posted that Trent was a "Homo Satanist" (of course, the next day he "leaks" the pregnancy - see how that works ladies?).

That’s right, protect your precious Reznor as he shits on your head and sticks that dildo up your ass. Right, you liked that didn’t you? You like it degrading.
I don't know whether you know this, but a homosexual worth his salt wouldn't be caught dead shitting on the head, and *especially* not sticking a dildo up a woman's ass. For shame! Aren't you afraid his homosexual satanist ass will send the hounds of hell after you? LMAO

Anyways, there go those irritating contradictions again.

Pfft. You're most probably jealous someone didn't write that false bit of filth about him and you - but then again, you would've preferred it in the mouth, right?

P.S. - you have a sick imagination... maybe i can pick your brain next time I'm running low on smut ideas :lol:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Rowan1123 wrote:How is Ms. Kitty Kat doing? Were you able to get her to swallow that pill? Seriously, crush it with the back of a spoon and mix it with fish paste, liverwurst, whatever. She'll gobble it right up. Poor thing.
Just got her blood work done again, thanks for asking! ALT is still ^ but not rising- and now her creatinine is elevated too :|

Oh, we've tried that- she can detect hidden meds at about 1 part per billion :D Really pissed me off when she refused the expensive, compounded med treats.

What I finally did was carefully chop up the pill into tiny slivers and put each sliver into a Greenies Pill pocket. And I fed her empty ones in between, so she wouldn't get suspicious. It took about 6 or 7 of them to get the pill into her (plus the blanks!), but we did it.

And then she had a bad reaction to it and was tripping balls all night! It was something new the vet gave me on Tuesday. Back to the tramadol for her, but at least I can get the meds into her now.
Rowan1123 wrote:CSHB is right-the Sludge Lounge is the place to be. BTW the emailsfromanass thread is hysterical. Disguised Weapons is awesomely funny. Oh and look he's on Twitter!
I've lurked the Lounge before- I will definitely check it out soon. Pretty much done with this thread, and I do love that emails from an asshole guy!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Pfft. You're most probably jealous someone didn't write that false bit of filth about him and you - but then again, you would've preferred it in the mouth, right?

Moss- you hit the nail on the head (as it were!) :lol:

I can see from your post that he/she/it added stuff to its posts since I checked last night, and I'm not going to go back and check.

But Baroness/ Beuteee1 was well-known for doing that on the old nin dboards as well. That whole board was hacked all the time- sometimes people just did funny things, but sometimes it was malicious.

You don't need someone's password to do it. It's a known exploit on unsecured boards, but I surely wasn't going to explain it when I was being accused of it by "Sludger", heh.

Btw, any photos of me are going to be at least 10 years old. But I was very disappointed not to see the Pink Back Pack picture posted today! I suppose "Sludger" doesn't want to post it because it would nullify each time its called me an obese cow ;)

And now, back to real life. Need caffeine!


I just noticed this, quoted from "sludger" in Moss's post above:

That’s right, protect your precious Reznor as he shits on your head and sticks that dildo up your ass. Right, you liked that didn’t you? You like it degrading.

Ahahahaha! OMFG- that is what Baroness is telling you? You are an even bigger tool than I thought. I don't think that was in the last batch of, er, bullshit she was spreading.

I must have missed that in the sea of red font nonsense. Thanks for my second laugh of the day- the first being that I'm not only uneducated, but both ugly and vain :lol:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by apple_of_soddom »

you know what - if you want to continue to clash and bash each other why don't you open another thread ?
why can't we all get back on topic and leave those stupid resentments where the sun doesn't shine ?
just asking .... :roll:

by the way, had to laugh out loud about this comment:
Listen folks, Mariqueen is a friend of mine. She is a nice girl with the mouth and sense of humor of a sailor and she is drop dead gorgeous (those bangs were a huge mistake that even she admits). She is indeed pregnant with Trent and yes she announced it on facebook. But so the fuck what?! Is she really gonna get on the phone and call every single person she knows to tell them the news?
And to all you people calling her a gold digger... She's taken perfectly good care of herself before meeting Trent. I've known her for years and she's always had a nice place to live, drove a mercedes and always had a killer wardrobe. The girl maintains with or without Trent.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

I do apologize, and I totally agree. I'm really sick of having to deal with it as well.

So, for your amusement- On Dlisted:
Courtney Love wrote:Don't call your band Nine Inch Nails if you've got a three inch one. My band is called Hole. It's not called Little Hole. It's not called Big Hole. It's not called Flapping Noni. It's not called Teeny Rose Bud. It's not called Barbie Pussy. It's called Hole.
apple_of_soddom wrote:you know what - if you want to continue to clash and bash each other why don't you open another thread ?
why can't we all get back on topic and leave those stupid resentments where the sun doesn't shine ?
just asking .... :roll:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

apple_of_soddom wrote:you know what - if you want to continue to clash and bash each other why don't you open another thread ?
why can't we all get back on topic and leave those stupid resentments where the sun doesn't shine ?
just asking .... :roll:

by the way, had to laugh out loud about this comment:
Listen folks, Mariqueen is a friend of mine. She is a nice girl with the mouth and sense of humor of a sailor and she is drop dead gorgeous (those bangs were a huge mistake that even she admits). She is indeed pregnant with Trent and yes she announced it on facebook. But so the fuck what?! Is she really gonna get on the phone and call every single person she knows to tell them the news?
And to all you people calling her a gold digger... She's taken perfectly good care of herself before meeting Trent. I've known her for years and she's always had a nice place to live, drove a mercedes and always had a killer wardrobe. The girl maintains with or without Trent.
Sorry, Apple.

Do you have a link to where you found this comment?

All of those things her "friend" is mentioning are relative (except her pregnancy) The drop dead gorgeousness, the sense of humor, the nice place to live and nice car she drove, as well as her "killer" wardrobe... honestly, whoever it is sounds silly. If the Q herself isn't sweating people doubting the pregnancy, why should her "friend"? Time will tell, after all.

Here's the comment immediately underneath:
Just Saying says:
I agree that Mariqueen is pretty and congrats to her and Trent on the little one. I have no doubt that Mariqueen can take care of herself, just as I have no doubt that she is a gold digger who has relied on men for the nice place to live, nice cars and a killer wardrobe. As a friend of hers you know that Mariqueen is always about number one and that she used to like to party hard, while with Trent but pre-baby, and liked having nice things bought for her. I do have a queston. Has Trent stopped smoking bowls and doing whatever with Mariqueen and all his new friends now that baby is on the way? I imagine it would be harder for him given that he was a hardcore addict. A number of his old associates are not amused by the hard partying crowd that have become regulars in his life. You can only hide what's up for so long, ask around.
Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 17 2010 @ 9:34AM
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by apple_of_soddom » ... y-line-up/

you got to scroll down to the bottom there you'll find it under "Just saying says"
Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 17 2010 @ 9:34AM
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

misanthropia wrote: So, for your amusement- On Dlisted:
Courtney Love wrote:Don't call your band Nine Inch Nails if you've got a three inch one. My band is called Hole. It's not called Little Hole. It's not called Big Hole. It's not called Flapping Noni. It's not called Teeny Rose Bud. It's not called Barbie Pussy. It's called Hole.
She's too much, but here's a question:

She said in the interview snippet that he's still mad... and I've not found one shred of auditory or written evidence of him mentioning Courtney, positively or negatively, after 1999.

If she's such a frank talking bitch she should just admit she loved him, "little nail" and all. Now that would be hardcore, and I'd respect her medicated ass far more (not that my respect should matter, but you get the point)

Skinny or bloated, young or older, short and pouty or cruel or passive-aggressive, he's left a visible trail of broken hearts. Besides stating the obvious, it's hypocritical for some of these women to go on about his "three inch nail" or how horrible he was when they're still pining for him.

I'm not dismissing him from blame though - there's nothing more horribly cruel than a man gaining your trust and involving you in a deeply emotional/physical relationship, then dropping you like hot stone when your need for him -- the need he fostered -- becomes "inconvenient".

Blah blah blah sorry for ranting...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by apple_of_soddom »

no you'Re not ranting. i think there's some truth to it. i mean, why still mentioning him ? why are they still expressing so much hatred after all this time ? shouldn't they be over him. i guess he must have truly triggered some kind of emotional dysfunction that lingers on and has turned into an everlasting bitterness . guess courtney met her master when she fell for trent
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

TBH, I didn't watch the snippet. I just read MichaelK's transcriptions of her cracktastic quotes :D

I don't really follow it all that much, but I think the last 'jab' I can recall was in the Starfuckers, Inc. video.

Totally get what you're saying about the rest of it, though.

My question: how can she even remember what his 'nail' looked like, with that Roofies quote? :lol:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:She's too much, but here's a question:

She said in the interview snippet that he's still mad... and I've not found one shred of auditory or written evidence of him mentioning Courtney, positively or negatively, after 1999.

If she's such a frank talking bitch she should just admit she loved him, "little nail" and all. Now that would be hardcore, and I'd respect her medicated ass far more (not that my respect should matter, but you get the point)

Skinny or bloated, young or older, short and pouty or cruel or passive-aggressive, he's left a visible trail of broken hearts. Besides stating the obvious, it's hypocritical for some of these women to go on about his "three inch nail" or how horrible he was when they're still pining for him.

I'm not dismissing him from blame though - there's nothing more horribly cruel than a man gaining your trust and involving you in a deeply emotional/physical relationship, then dropping you like hot stone when your need for him -- the need he fostered -- becomes "inconvenient".

Blah blah blah sorry for ranting...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Lydia »

I don't think anyone is reading your guys' drivel about your unwarranted self importance and pointless internet drama.

Move the fuck on or at least take it to The Hatas Board.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Last edited by sevenfire2 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Dawwww, she gets so cute when she's angry. All butthurt and wounded like a 16yr old emo care bear.
sludger wrote:You are a moran.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

^^^^^ :lol:

Reminds me of:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:amouthfulofsin220:
I've also got proof that Baroness was reading what she shouldn't be reading - as well as her information (at least her info a couple months back). This woman (Baroness/Beut1/Beuteee1/etc. was reading PMs left and right.

I want to see the evidence - post it - include dates/time.

Poor Misanthropia, has to use a dildo since she is old and fat and can't get the real thing. You might want to stop stalking TR, his fans and his ex fans. Bye, bye.
Hell no!

Pfft. I'm not going to get banned because of you OR her. And don't bother PMing me, I know your MO.

I still rest easy in the truth... and this is over - let's get back on track.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Well, bypass is not hyphenated. Great grammar on the last half of that.

Any chance you mean this shark?
sludger wrote:By-pass me and FORWARD TO THE INFO TO THE METAL SLUDGE MOD.

You have no idea what shark you are dealing with. I EAT THEM FOR LUNCH DAILY.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

I don't think they let me leave minors hanging out by the adult pool. Make sure you have your floaters on there honey.

Edit: By the way, thanks for editing your post so you spelled "bypass" and "moron" correctly. That was catching my eye a bit too much.
sludger wrote:Run along, go back to the baby pool.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »


Seriously. It's getting boring.

Whatever. I'm gonna go find someone to shit on my head and fuck me up the ass with a dildo. :lol:

(I can't get over that - Sludger, you're such a card!)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Now only if you had read the blog post that was attached to your random image search... Then again since you spell moron "moran" and bypass "by-pass". Reading more than a few words strung together, for you, feels like a 400 level college course. Have mommy help you through the tough spots of this.

"A lot of the students I T.A. for are quite funny and it is a very enjoyable time to watch them work and make jokes. The one joke that has gone too far beyond the limit is the Epic Fail accusation. One of the girls says this about everything. You can’t use and abuse something like that. Everything mediocre is Fail. When something is just that big and there’s no other words for it, its Epic Fail. Don’t confuse it."

This is the same principle that should be considered when using the word Fuck. People who overuse this word, which is extremely annoying, diminish its worth to pretty much nothing and when they really do need to use it, it doesn’t show the same effect.

Make sure that Epic Fail is used when something really is an Epic Fail. Don’t just throw it around like lunch food in a high school cafeteria. When you use this phrase, MAKE IT COUNT."

sludger wrote:you seven, catch the meaning?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »


You're boring. I'd rather look at this.

It's like self hypnosis, Sludger... *thfffffffttttttt*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Who's Dawn who got divorced? I'm not feigning ignorance here by the way "oh man SHE CAUGHT ME, SHE CAUGHT THE TATER... must... obfuscate response.."

I simply don't know who you're referring to. What does T.A. mean?

I do love the "ZOMG I SCARY I KNOW GOOGLEZ LOLOLOL FEAR ME NAOZ" thing... It's cute. It's almost like you masturbate to the Lord of the Rings nightly. "I R DARK LORDZ"

Sorry, it's not going to make me cower in fear or really stop fucking with you.

Also you fucked your grammar up...again: "[...]there a date/time stamp?"
It should be "there's". As far as timestamps, every single record generated, known to mankind on any dynamic site will have a timestamp on it. So yes, I am aware websites do like knowing what time things are created, viewed and deleted.

And I have no idea what "aggregate data to see a roadmap of your day" means, it's random words strung together through googling.

Go to bed now. If you do, at least you'll have a couple hours to burn before you head into work. BTW, nice deli place.
sludger wrote:Thanks for the tip. Here's one for you: Tell Dawn I said "Hello" and sorry to hear about the divorce. Got that? I won't even acknowledge the T.A. part. Did you know that when you tweet/post online there a date/time stamp? You might want to think about that or look at the aggregate data to see a roadmap of your day.

Edit: Wow, you're so l33t.
sludger wrote:Just pass the hacking info on to the MS Mod.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

I think you're in the "I reject your reality and substitute my own" territory.

Already listed my nicks. sevenfire2 (here) jarrettwold(everywhere else) and DeathMachina(twitter). Like I don't know 20 pages ago?

Targets? This isn't some paintball battlefield scenario where I'm like "hokay guys, here's what we're going to do, you take down this bunker, I'll take out the guard towers". I just randomly go, "hey you're an asshole" or more true to form "you suck at spelling".

Your amazing paranoia is absolutely hilarious. Are you sure you aren't a repeat caller on Coast to Coast AM? I swear to god if you're one of those people who believe in lizard people that come from venus, I will photoshop a meme just for you.

And... "specifically outlines [my] online activity"? Yea that would be google. You type in my name, and presto, there's my online activity.

I also have no candy to steal at the moment.

Tomorrow, I will secretly target under multiple assumed identities the mike&ike boxed candy at the gas station. After much googling I will determine the appropriate point of entry, and stealthily identify a cash register to pay for my candy. At which I will leave along a egress route that maximizes 100% cover, and will take out anyone who sees me. I like my motherfucking mike&ikes.

sludger wrote:Thanks for the confirmation. Remember to check and recheck the facts. How do you pick your aliases? Random or targeted? Keep talking though.

It specifically outlines your online activity.

Give the down low on how you pick your targets?
Like stealing candy from a baby.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Ok I'm not reading 2 pages that sound like an episode of snapped.

cliff notes please. Who outed who? Who did what what ? Sludger this, misanthropia
this, WTF are you all on about?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

This about sums it up:
sludger wrote: Image
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

There are multiple Jarrett Wolds in the US. Your google skills are terrible. It's like saying "omg this isn't the real Jane Smith... if it was the real Jane Smith she would have known that [insert random stuff here]"

On a random note, if you guys get a chance, there's a kick ass deli in Manhattan/NYC you should check out if you're in the area...
sludger wrote:Seven isn't the real Jarrett Wold. The real Jarrett would have known what a TA is since the real Wold graduated from a 4 year college.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Bianca »

sludger wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:You're boring. I'd rather look at this.

It's like self hypnosis, Sludger... *thfffffffttttttt*
Just pass the hacking info on to the MS Mod. I'm sure you won't since you make false accusatory statements.
So whats the verdict on this "hacking of info on MS"?
I have no dog in this fight ,but claiming that pm's aren't safe and MS was hacked is a pretty bold statement to make without any proof being given.
If you have said proof, have you contacted the Mod?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Bianca wrote:
sludger wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:You're boring. I'd rather look at this.

It's like self hypnosis, Sludger... *thfffffffttttttt*
Just pass the hacking info on to the MS Mod. I'm sure you won't since you make false accusatory statements.
So whats the verdict on this "hacking of info on MS"?
I have no dog in this fight ,but claiming that pm's aren't safe and MS was hacked is a pretty bold statement to make without any proof being given.
If you have said proof, have you contacted the Mod?
You'll be fine - you're not a NINtard.

Now, flee, flee before the stink of this place sticks to you!
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