NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

I predicted it a long time ago that Trent would keep releasing and rehashing older albums and material, any way to make more money. Maybe he'll even do a greatest hits. That'll make some more money. I also predict someday on his continuing fall from grace he'll do television shows and then commericals, depending on how badly his bipolar progresses and how much his need is in his mind is to stay relevant.
As for the baby, they are just waiting for the right time to show pictures. Are we sure there isn't anything up on Facebook or twitter already? There's no way Rentaqueen can keep her legs or mouth shut. Also, since Trent's main motivation is money, maybe they are trying to shop around baby pictures to tabloids or magazines for as much $$$$ as possible.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

I can't believe this thread is still going.

Sorry, but I disagree that Rob S. is any kind of awesome. He takes some very nice photos, but nothing anyone with a good eye and expensive equipment couldn't do as well or better. As far as his technical skills (manipulation, etc.), same thing - gifted amateurs can produce genius stuff these days if they have the equipment, software, and enough time on their hands.

Plus, that interview was one of the wordiest, boringest fucking exercises in egotism I've ever attempted to read. I zoned out before I got through half of the first answer.

I loved the original cover art on PHM. The whole overblown thesis on *why* TR is getting rid of the pink is idiotic. He doesn't know why. There probably isn't any particular reason, he just makes shit up when people ask him questions and tries to sound all creative-geniusey and temperamental about it. Who the fuck cares about why he doesn't want pink on a cover? And colors are colors - they don't define any particular era, and eras are not defined by them. It looked good then, it looks good now. Good gawd, he's an "artiste" and he's worried about what other people will think about him because of a color choice? REALLY???

Anyway - a while back in this lengthy tome, there was a brief discussion about whether TR finished out his contract with Interscope. He most certainly did. The only legal dispute he ever had involving contractual obligations was with TVT. He tried everything to piss Jimmy off enough that Jimmy would end the contract early - streaming stuff online, his rants about stealing music, blah blah blah. The contract ended when he completed the last album he was required to make under the terms of the contract. You people need to stop using Wikipedia as a definitive source of anything.

And I don't believe that there was a pregnancy, or that there is a baby - at least not one that came out of MQ's vagina. There may be an adoption that was supposed to be completed by 10/10 or thereabouts and it fell through, or something, I'm just musing here. But if there is an actual naturally conceived child of those two, we can all go ice skating in Hell.

There's no way those completely OCD attention whores would be staying completely silent unless something went wrong with their little game plan. At the very least, she'd be posting more faux cryptic teasers on Twitter and/or Facebook.

I still say he's playing out his YZ ARG in real life and every move he's made in the past couple of years is by design.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

Yeah about the Year Zero-he's trying to do the Year Zero TV series on HBO.
What ever happened to Brett, Trent's assistant? You don't hear about him anymore.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

RichardL wrote:Yeah about the Year Zero-he's trying to do the Year Zero TV series on HBO.
What ever happened to Brett, Trent's assistant? You don't hear about him anymore.
Yes, and what convenient timing for the announcement of YZ being picked up as a series idea, coming on the heels of so many other *coincidences*. He can insist until he turns blue that he didn't aggressively pitch YZ all over town - or someone on his behalf - but HBO didn't come around asking him if they could have the privilege of turning an obscure (to anyone but fans) ARG into a miniseries.

Good question about Brett. More than a few close associates of TR's have left under extremely acrimonious circumstances, and that info is usually revealed in one of TR's regularly scheduled tantrums. Most of those people don't ever speak his name again after they cut ties.

I don't know what to make of him any more, not that he was ever clear-cut to begin with. Too many contradictions, hence my stance that there is thought and planning behind every "random" action.

Of course, thought and planning under the influence doesn't have any rhyme or reason anywhere but in the fucked up head of the addict.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Aaaaawwwwww, Twenty's widdle feewings are hurt because Armond White of NYPress wrote a negative (and accurate, IMO) review of "The Social Network" on RottenTomatoes - and it ruined the 100% positive rating on that site! Read the review and you can just see TR avoiding the mirror, yes Trent, the description of Hollywood NuWave hipster-mogul-nerd

He's calling for *them* to get White off of there. Cuz White is a TROLL. Oh, Trent...u r so cute, thinking you can demand thought censorship all over the internets, just the way you like to practice it on your own site. Luckily, no one else cares about your ego and need to control everything said, written, or thought about you and anything remotely connected to you. Just like Mark Zuckerberg, you extoll the internet when it serves your interests, but demand privacy and respect as it pertains to your life.

It isn't scary. It's funny, in a not-funny way.

Why not take some of that energy you're channeling 24/7 into image control and spend some time with the new, oh wait...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Welcome back, Love_heals!
Love_heals wrote:Aaaaawwwwww, Twenty's widdle feewings are hurt because Armond White of NYPress wrote a negative (and accurate, IMO) review of "The Social Network" on RottenTomatoes - and it ruined the 100% positive rating on that site! Read the review and you can just see TR avoiding the mirror, yes Trent, the description of Hollywood NuWave hipster-mogul-nerd

He's calling for *them* to get White off of there. Cuz White is a TROLL.
Really? I'm going to have to look that up :lol:

EDIT: where did Trent rail against White? Could you link it? Pretty please?
Love_heals wrote:I still say he's playing out his YZ ARG in real life and every move he's made in the past couple of years is by design.
That's a big assumption, but it's damn interesting. I mentioned it a long time ago as well, but mostly in jest. I guess it would be easiest for disenfranchised fans to believe it's all just a mindfuck as opposed to accepting he's a bit nutty, but whatever.

It'll all come out in the wash.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by apple_of_soddom » ... ve-kimmel/

Trent just had a baby
the doctor tells me
I just can’t believe it
Ever the optimistic one
I’m sure of his ability
to become a wonderful daddy
Last edited by apple_of_soddom on Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

hey Sin,

I just checked Rotten tomatoes and i don't see said review. However, i do see that this White guy is not the only one who doesn't like the movie. I also noticed that some of those people were getting reamed out,anonymously of course, in their comment sections.

I know Trent is flipping mad but since i am not going to go to i want to know where.

I also would like a copy of said review.

Some of us Wikipedia users want to see source material.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Lydia »

Creeps As Heroes
Fincher and Sorkin inflate the Facebook founder’s myth to epic proportions, excusing his behavior, in 'The Social Network'

Discourteous Discourse
The social networking approach to film criticism is not about democracy

My name is Trent Reznor and I'm a bloated whiny loser who just retwatted Rob Sheridan's anti-intellectualism.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Oh, good, Lydia posted links.

The first verse of an APC song is hardly "proof" - James is also notorious for making out of the blue statements about his personal life that no one can ever verify, likes to be *mysterious*...aaaannnnnd is close buddies with TR.

You do the math.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by JoJo30 »

apple_of_soddom wrote: ... ve-kimmel/

Trent just had a baby
the doctor tells me
I just can’t believe it
Ever the optimistic one
I’m sure of his ability
to become a wonderful daddy
MJK and TR have a very on and off friendship. I'm waiting to see how TR reacts to this "announcement". TR once stormed off when APC preformed "Passive" because he didn't like the way MJK preformed it. MJK then wrote a bunch of songs on the Thirteenth Step album about TR. From what I understand these two didn't speak for several years to each other. This may get interesting.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
Love_heals wrote:I still say he's playing out his YZ ARG in real life and every move he's made in the past couple of years is by design.
That's a big assumption, but it's damn interesting. I mentioned it a long time ago as well, but mostly in jest. I guess it would be easiest for disenfranchised fans to believe it's all just a mindfuck as opposed to accepting he's a bit nutty, but whatever.

It'll all come out in the wash.

Well, I think that's actually the other way around. His fans believe everything he says, don't believe he would ever play games, and spend all their time ooohing and aaahhing and kissing his ass, and the asses of everyone around him. And if he decides he hates someone he used to like, the fans turn against that person with a vengeance, in lockstep. They don't think he's nutty at all, they think he's awesome and the greatest genius since da Vinci.

The fan base he went out of his way to alienate, OTOH, who are now former fans, are looking at him now from a completely different POV and are livid. And people like me, who still listen to him and are disappointed to know that we'll never get that kind of great material from him again, have never been fans, per se, so when things started really not adding up in a big way, we just called it as we see it.

You know, I was away from here and mostly offline until just a few days ago for a long time, and curiosity got the better of me. I did a few searches and clicked on a few links, and that's where I got my current info. I've followed his career since PHM, but was never a member at except for about a month over a year ago so I could get presale tickets on the WT tour (got a couple of very good ones), then cancelled my membership and specified that they remove ALL my info from their system. Several e-mails to them later, I'm still getting crap in my inbox (free downloads - delete). But I don't go there, it's full of vanilla droids and dumb threads like "what do you think these lyrics mean?" UGH.
Last edited by Love_heals on Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

JoJo30 wrote:
apple_of_soddom wrote: ... ve-kimmel/

Trent just had a baby
the doctor tells me
I just can’t believe it
Ever the optimistic one
I’m sure of his ability
to become a wonderful daddy
MJK and TR have a very on and off friendship. I'm waiting to see how TR reacts to this "announcement". TR once stormed off when APC preformed "Passive" because he didn't like the way MJK preformed it. MJK then wrote a bunch of songs on the Thirteenth Step album about TR. From what I understand these two didn't speak for several years to each other. This may get interesting.

Yes. And James/Puscifer dedicated the song to TR's "wedding". Read the lyrics, they're SO ROMANTIC! Maybe they aren't speaking right now because of it. I seem to recall that James actually said he wrote it FOR the event, but that doesn't make sense as it was already written and being worked on when the Puscifer project was still alive. One of his little jokes, I guess. Interviewers should beware (I'm sure some of them do).

Those two are cut from the same cloth, but James is a better businessman by far.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Wow Love_heals, you do realize there is an "edit" button. Honestly, with your encyclopedia posts and lame disses. You almost sound like AMFOS.

So whats your deal? Are you here to defend him or to repute him. I honestly can't tell.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

I'm actually digging Love_Heals posts. I also think it's pretty clear that she's dissing the shit out of him.

Fuck, it's better than reading about cupcakes.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Aww, I'm deeply hurt. heh

Maybe my posts are long because I post so rarely, and catch up on several previous discussions when I do. You know, my 66 total posts vs. 826.

And if you don't see dissing, you may want to brush up on the reading comprehension. The only defense he gets from me is for his vast back catalogue of really great material. I think it's pathetic that he's descended into whatever it is he's descended into. It's disappointing. How that's a defense, I'm not sure. Perhaps you could enlighten me with your thought process, if there is one.

(See me use the edit button): You post the entire text of a rambling, repetitive, coma-inducing interview with Sheridan when a few excerpts and a link would have done, and then spend another however many paragraphs dissecting it. I'm sure I could find more if I gave a shit.

Have a great day! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote: So whats your deal? Are you here to defend him or to repute him. I honestly can't tell.
Why must everything be so black and white to you people?

Critical thinking: it's the tits.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

Love_heals, after much thought, I have to agree with you that Maynard James Keenan and Trent are both assholes to their fans, but Maynard is the better businessman. It's because Maynard is much more discrete with his being an asshole toward his fans. Maynard has never made a public display of hating his fans like Trent did. Trent posted on telling people to slit their wrists ,singled people out like andrea fox and others, and blocked many many random people on twitter.
Now onto Maynard James Keenan For example, me and a few fans bought meet n greet from his last tour. He refused to even say hi to me and just handed me a signed CD for the hundreds of bucks I paid. He refused to shake one of my friend's hands. Another friend handed Maynard a tshirt he had made for him as a gift and Maynard threw it back in his face. If Maynard hated people so much,why have the meet n greet to begin with? Oh yeah money $$$$$.

Who is Maynard James Keenan of a perfect circle married to? In that video posted from Jimmy Kimmel Live, he's wearing a ring on that finger. Who did he marry, one of Rentaqueen's whore and golddigging friends? or did he marry Rentaqueen? joke
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Critical thinking?

My different accounts have been hacked, someone got my fathers address and signed him up for Justin Beiber crap, my email has been used to sign up to different dating sites, my pictures have been used by trolls and all because I have a different opinion. Whats worse is that I get called a Troll by a fan base who are clearly filled with lunatics and who are trolling themselves.

It is black and white.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

Honestly, the whole "you're for us or against us" is exactly what makes some of the people in this thread come off as so unhinged, as if it's not possible to have mixed feelings about the man and his music.

That said, I'm sorry that all of that crazy shit happened to you and your family, but IMO, those are actions of someone who subscribes to the whole "black or white" theory. A rational person realizes that it is entirely possible to like a person's music but think that the person behind it is a piece of shit, or even a just a regular human being who possesses both good qualities AND bad qualities.

You know, like the rest of the human race.
tym wrote:She makes My air head 11 year old Girl look like Nikita Tesla.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by MitziDupree »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:Anyways, I finally watched "The Social Network" last night...
OMG! There's that pesky typo again! Because really, it's just a typo.
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Someone clone her now, so we have an army of Mitzis when she dies.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Ham Stroker's Ejacula »

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by MitziDupree »

Kristi Vicious wrote:
Someone clone her now, so we have an army of Mitzis when she dies.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

MitziDupree wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:Anyways, I finally watched "The Social Network" last night...
OMG! There's that pesky typo again! Because really, it's just a typo.
The first time I played around a little with it, trying to use the power of suggestion...

...but since apparently you need things to be s-p-e-l-l-e-d out for you, I'll just out and say it:

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. If you want to pick through my posts to find shit to annoy me with, have at at, princess. Whatever rox your box.

Anyways, moving on...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Ham Stroker's Ejacula »

Please, ladies...


...let me mediate this...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by MitziDupree »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
MitziDupree wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:Anyways, I finally watched "The Social Network" last night...
OMG! There's that pesky typo again! Because really, it's just a typo.
The first time I played around a little with it, trying to use the power of suggestion...

...but since apparently you need things to be s-p-e-l-l-e-d out for you, I'll just out and say it:

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. If you want to pick through my posts to find shit to annoy me with, have at at, princess. Whatever rox your box.

Anyways, moving on...

I annoyed you? WIN
Kristi Vicious wrote:
Someone clone her now, so we have an army of Mitzis when she dies.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

MitziDupree wrote: I annoyed you? WIN

Don't ruin your panties over it.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

RichardL wrote:Love_heals, after much thought, I have to agree with you that Maynard James Keenan and Trent are both assholes to their fans, but Maynard is the better businessman. It's because Maynard is much more discrete with his being an asshole toward his fans. Maynard has never made a public display of hating his fans like Trent did. Trent posted on telling people to slit their wrists ,singled people out like andrea fox and others, and blocked many many random people on twitter.
Now onto Maynard James Keenan For example, me and a few fans bought meet n greet from his last tour. He refused to even say hi to me and just handed me a signed CD for the hundreds of bucks I paid. He refused to shake one of my friend's hands. Another friend handed Maynard a tshirt he had made for him as a gift and Maynard threw it back in his face. If Maynard hated people so much,why have the meet n greet to begin with? Oh yeah money $$$$$.

Who is Maynard James Keenan of a perfect circle married to? In that video posted from Jimmy Kimmel Live, he's wearing a ring on that finger. Who did he marry, one of Rentaqueen's whore and golddigging friends? or did he marry Rentaqueen? joke
dude last time you said it was his winery shindig you went to and he dissed you and yours. IF THAT WAS THE CASE his winery aint fucking TOOL and while LAME AS FUCK he has a right to be like no im not signing TOOL/APC/PUSCIFER shit this is about my wine only. If it was a band meet and greet then he is a douchebag.

that being said he can be a douchebag cause TOOL/APC/PUSCIFER are cool, and maynard doesnt freak the fuck out over everything
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

He's a total blowhard. I died laughing reading that whiny "STOP BULLYING THE PROFESSIONALS!" article. Of course the comments were way better than the article itself.
You mad, bro?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Yeah, he does over-elevate film criticism, one would think it equates to Shakespeare, the way he tells it.

But both of the articles in question were on point.

Film critics give a perspective. Siskel & Ebert would thumb-up and thumb-down the same film. In the process of offering their opinions, they gave insight into things viewers might not notice, might not care about, might want to look for, whatever. I don't believe reading a review influences anyone either way to see or not see the thing.

Turning the hounds loose on someone who dares to give negative feedback to a film that everyone has declared "AWSOME DOODS" just shows what sheep the fanboyz/girlz are. Nothing legit there.

If you don't like the reviewer, you can skip reading any of his reviews; if you don't like the review, you can still go to the movie. It's an opinion. Nothing to get all worked up about.
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