Obama knocks out Romney

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Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Machado »

A hungry, confident Barack Obama finally found Mitt Romney's glass jaw, and he scored a knockout in the decisive third round of the 2012 presidential debates.

The strategic mistake was the challenger's. Frequently agreeing with Obama, attempting to hug the most popular portions of the president's foreign policy, Romney wanted to shine for America as the sunny optimist. In short: He tried to be Mitt Reagan. But he ended up as Mitt Romney — on his back, on the mat, a bloody mess.

A snap poll by CBS scored the fight OBAMA: 53; ROMNEY: 23, TIE: 24. Indeed, the 30-point margin of victory was larger than the 24-point win the same poll gave to Romney in the aftermath of the notorious first debate.

Here the four key blows in the debate beat-down we'd all been waiting for.

1) You Sank My Battleship

Mitt Romney's foreign policy has never been more than a laundry list of tough-talk. He reliably repeats the same jingoistic claptrap every time he hits the national stage, and Obama had evidently been studying Mitt's material.

When Romney tried to justify his plan to increase Pentagon spending by $2 trillion, he launched into his familiar complaint that, ship for ship, "our Navy is smaller now than any time since 1917." Obama then delivered the breakthrough zinger of the debates — one that sent #horsesandbayonets trending on Twitter worldwide.

Just watch:

2) A Gaffe of Palinesqe Proportions

Needling Romney as though he's a child who sees the U.S. Navy like a game of Battleship was devastating. And the president's one-liner underscored the damning ignorance Romney had displayed earlier in the debate.

Discussing Syria, Romney sought to paint the Assad regime as a proxy for Iran. Fair enough. But then he completely bollixed his Middle East geography. "Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world," he said, "It's their route to the sea."

For fuck's sake. It's called the Persian Gulf because it runs along the coastline of Persia — aka, Iran. And while we're at it, Syria and Iran don't even share a border — there's a little country called Iraq in the middle. So even if Iran were landlocked, Syria still wouldn't provide any "route to the sea."

This was Romney's most jaw-dropping gaffe of all three debates, and it is all but disqualifying.

3) "Wrong and Reckless Leadership"

The president was both ruthless and efficient in calling out Romney's flip-floppery on foreign policy. This exchange, from the opening moments of the debate, bears quoting at length:

OBAMA: I know you haven't been in a position to actually execute foreign policy, but every time you've offered an opinion, you've been wrong. You said we should have gone into Iraq despite the fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction. You said that we should still have troops in Iraq to this day. You indicated that we shouldn't be passing nuclear treaties with Russia, despite the fact that 71 senators, Democrats and Republicans, voted for it.

You've said that first we should not have a timeline in Afghanistan, then you said we should. Now you say maybe or it depends, which means not only were you wrong but you were also confusing and sending mixed messages both to our troops and our allies.

What we need . . . with respect to the Middle East is strong, steady leadership, not wrong and reckless leadership that is all over the map.

4) Built Beijing Tough

This was supposed to be the foreign policy debate, but the conversation pivoted, predictably, back to issues closer to the heart of the Rust Belt.

Romney's got an unfortunate record on the auto bailout — "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" — that you might have read about. And the president called him out on it in the context of shipping jobs overseas. After hitting the former Bain executive on his history outsourcing, Obama played the Detroit card to full effect: "I've made a different bet on American workers," the president said. "If we had taken your advice, Governor Romney, about our auto industry, we'd be buying cars from China."

Romney tried to defend the indefensible, smiling like a serial killer and insisting, "I would do nothing to hurt the U.S. auto industry" — before slashing wildly at the most innovative car company on the planet, Tesla motors, painting it as the automotive equivalent of Solyndra.

Mitt Romney, you may be a "son of Detroit," but if the Model S doesn't move you, governor, you're no car guy.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/bl ... z2A9hwADGq
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney


Romney got decimated. It's not a game of battleship and Iran needs Syria to get to the sea were comedy gold.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by RATTdrools »

DEATH ROW JOE wrote:Romney got decimated. It's not a game of battleship and Iran needs Syria to get to the sea were comedy gold.
True. Obama scored a knockout and took Romney to skool! :lol:
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by FullMetalWhackit »

You guys might be jumping the gun. A knockout punch insinuates the race is over and Obama has already won. It was a bit too early to call the race in September after the 47% comment. "Game over" was a bit premature. Minus any game changers in the next two weeks this election will go down to the wire.

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

Honestly, I wish there were 3 more debates even if Obama "knocks him out" like the cheerleader and the cartoon rat fella claim. He trends better after every debate.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by dtmfs »

Knockout?? Shocking Rolling stone who are obviously unbiased would call that a knockout. Obama won but it sure as fuck wasent a knockout. It's fucking amazing how adults who are supposedly proffesional journalists all of the sudden turn into drooling teens after a boring ass debate between 2 lying politicians.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney


tylamonroe wrote:He trends better after every debate.
LMFAO, he did not trend better after the last debate.

Electoral vote forecast:
Mitt Romney
-1.3 since Oct. 16

Barack Obama
+1.3 since Oct. 16
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

tylamonroe wrote:He trends better after every debate.
LMFAO, he did not trend better after the last debate.

Electoral vote forecast:
Mitt Romney
-1.3 since Oct. 16

Barack Obama
+1.3 since Oct. 16
Rah rah shish bang boom! Cherry pick stats you still loose!

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney


tylamonroe wrote: Rah rah shish bang boom! Cherry pick stats you still loose!
You don't know what the word cherry pick means obviously. That comes directly from the 538 forecast. If you have a problem with their methodology, please explain it. Otherwise, get out the Vaseline because you are getting your ass fucked by a black man in 2 weeks! Bet you are looking forward to it.

538 Forecast

Also, +1.3 since Oct 16 means trending towards Obama and away from Romney since the last debate. Get a clue bitch.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

tylamonroe wrote: Rah rah shish bang boom! Cherry pick stats you still loose!
You don't know what the word cherry pick means obviously. That comes directly from the 538 forecast. If you have a problem with their methodology, please explain it. Otherwise, get out the Vaseline because you are getting your ass fucked by a black man in 2 weeks! Bet you are looking forward to it.

538 Forecast

Also, +1.3 since Oct 16 means trending towards Obama and away from Romney since the last debate. Get a clue bitch.
You seem to know alot about anal sex with black men. Me not so much, I may need a chart.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

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Curious, is gonna be all nate all the time with you now? Ya know, since RCP isn't telling the story you want to hear everyday?
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by HerveVillechaizeLounge »

tylamonroe wrote: Rah rah shish bang boom! Cherry pick stats you still loose!
You don't know what the word cherry pick means obviously. That comes directly from the 538 forecast. If you have a problem with their methodology, please explain it. Otherwise, get out the Vaseline because you are getting your ass fucked by a black man in 2 weeks! Bet you are looking forward to it.

538 Forecast

Also, +1.3 since Oct 16 means trending towards Obama and away from Romney since the last debate. Get a clue bitch.
Boy, you are really getting desperate just like your boy.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Machado »

Tagg Romney, Mitt Romney's oldest son, apologized to President Barack Obama Monday for saying he wanted to "take a swing" at him during contentious presidential debates.

Obama and Tagg Romney were seen speaking on the stage after Monday's final presidential debate, held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Two Obama aides said the conversation included an apology for the remark, made last week during a radio interview.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by dtmfs »

Machado wrote:Tagg Romney, Mitt Romney's oldest son, apologized to President Barack Obama Monday for saying he wanted to "take a swing" at him during contentious presidential debates.

Obama and Tagg Romney were seen speaking on the stage after Monday's final presidential debate, held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Two Obama aides said the conversation included an apology for the remark, made last week during a radio interview.
That whole situation was almost as dumb as the name Tagg itself. He said in a joking manner, he was laughing btw, what it was like to see his father called a liar again and again. He said nothing that I'm sure even his father or Obama have thought from time to time during all this bullshit, that he'd like to take a swing at the guy, He then of course immediatley said. "We chose the business and have to deal with the punches". Which some on the left hilariously took as a real threat to Obama and wanted the FBI to investigate.

Lawrence O donnell made a bigger fool of himself than anyone when He called out all the Romney sons for never having served in the militiary, Mitt as well. Yes a guy Who didn't serve in the military called out others for not serving. His old ass then went on to tell Tagg to come fight him using a fake ass tough guy Boston accent to boot, made me yearn from the days of Olbermann and his oh so clever Hannity the manatee jabs.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by FullMetalWhackit »

I noticed Romney's son initiate a conversation with Obama on the stage after the debate. I assumed that's what they were talking about. Good to see smiles on all sides.

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Machado »

Here's a wonderful quote from Romney that should
surprise nobody.
“My view is that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet.” – Mitt Romney
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by FullMetalWhackit »

Thats not surprising. I think most people will say that the earth is warming, not everyone will say that it is man caused.

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by TheMightyMaiden »

HerveVillechaizeLounge wrote:
tylamonroe wrote: Rah rah shish bang boom! Cherry pick stats you still loose!
You don't know what the word cherry pick means obviously. That comes directly from the 538 forecast. If you have a problem with their methodology, please explain it. Otherwise, get out the Vaseline because you are getting your ass fucked by a black man in 2 weeks! Bet you are looking forward to it.

538 Forecast

Also, +1.3 since Oct 16 means trending towards Obama and away from Romney since the last debate. Get a clue bitch.
Boy, you are really getting desperate just like your boy.
This must be fake. Why has deathrowjoe disappeared?

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Stoner »

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

FullMetalWhackit wrote:Thats not surprising. I think most people will say that the earth is warming, not everyone will say that it is man caused.

When I was a kid I really liked Dinosaurs. My understanding is that they died out because of climate change.

Its a shame really. If they have just developed electric cars instead of the gas hogs they were seen driving around in they might still be with us today. If only Algoreasoreass had been there to save them.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

Stoner wrote:MY POLL CAN BEAT UP YOUR POLL !!!!1
Gerstinkski is my boy and will kick whatever Slav bitch you come up with. Strong from turnips he is!

To your point, this is why guys like Joey bother me. Lots of numbers and noise with no real thought behind them. We can always find numbers to back up anything we choose. I believe it was Mark Twain who said there are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies and statistics.

It has to have some thought behind it to make an impression. Dude might as well take some nate silver printouts, shove them up his ass and just pull up his skirt and fart out pro left confetti everytime he sees a post from someone opposed to dear leader.
Last edited by tylamonroe on Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by TheMightyMaiden »

Stoner wrote:MY POLL CAN BEAT UP YOUR POLL !!!!1
Thank God for confirming it was a fake poll. Bless deathrowjoe

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by TheMightyMaiden »

tylamonroe wrote:
FullMetalWhackit wrote:Thats not surprising. I think most people will say that the earth is warming, not everyone will say that it is man caused.

When I was a kid I really liked Dinosaurs. My understanding is that they died out because of climate change.

Its a shame really. If they have just developed electric cars instead of the gas hogs they were seen driving around in they might still be with us today. If only Algoreasoreass had been there to save them.
I think we have a pretty good idea that man is at the very least contributing in a big way to this change. But then again, we could just ignore it and see what happens. I think Romney's quote is equivalent to when the NHL commish says "we can't say for sure that the sport contributes to the traumatic brain disease seen in dead athletes." He's right, but he also sounds like a fucking idiot.

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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

TheMightyMaiden wrote:
tylamonroe wrote:
FullMetalWhackit wrote:Thats not surprising. I think most people will say that the earth is warming, not everyone will say that it is man caused.

When I was a kid I really liked Dinosaurs. My understanding is that they died out because of climate change.

Its a shame really. If they have just developed electric cars instead of the gas hogs they were seen driving around in they might still be with us today. If only Algoreasoreass had been there to save them.
I think we have a pretty good idea that man is at the very least contributing in a big way to this change. But then again, we could just ignore it and see what happens. I think Romney's quote is equivalent to when the NHL commish says "we can't say for sure that the sport contributes to the traumatic brain disease seen in dead athletes." He's right, but he also sounds like a fucking idiot.
I see your point, but the latest data shows the earth stopped its warming trend 16 years ago. Its not because we are burning less. China and India have pumped up the volume pretty good in that amount of time.

The Al Gore line that the debate is over really pisses me off. Its just starting.

I'm all for reducing toxins and all that, but lets not grab the pitch forks and torches and shut down the gas just yet. We can make things cleaner and better without putting folks out of work and getting gas up to $6 a gallon like O's energy bitch wants to do.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Stoner »

Science - it's like religion, but with facts!
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

tylamonroe wrote:
FullMetalWhackit wrote:Thats not surprising. I think most people will say that the earth is warming, not everyone will say that it is man caused.

When I was a kid I really liked Dinosaurs. My understanding is that they died out because of climate change.

Its a shame really. If they have just developed electric cars instead of the gas hogs they were seen driving around in they might still be with us today. If only Algoreasoreass had been there to save them.
Due to one, possibly 2 asteroid strikes. This is different.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Skate4RnR »

Obama's vision of energy for the future is about as ignorant as Reagan's vision of SDI...right?
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

Stoner wrote:Science - it's like religion, but with facts!

On global warming there are way more theories than facts. Copernicus, back me up on this?

Oh right, sorry dude.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

tylamonroe wrote:
Stoner wrote:Science - it's like religion, but with facts!

On global warming there are way more theories than facts. Copernicus, back me up on this?

Oh right, sorry dude.
Even theories are backed up with facts. You would have to be completely ignorant to believe otherwise.
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Re: Obama knocks out Romney

Post by tylamonroe »

Danzig in the Dark wrote:
tylamonroe wrote:
Stoner wrote:Science - it's like religion, but with facts!

On global warming there are way more theories than facts. Copernicus, back me up on this?

Oh right, sorry dude.
Even theories are backed up with facts. You would have to be completely ignorant to believe otherwise.
Sure, and there are facts backing up the theories on each side. Again, I'm sick of hearing THE DEBATE IS OVER! from some of the facists on the far end of this thing and trying to crucify anyone who dares speak against them.
Interesting article from FORBES I came across.

Climate Change: 'Hoax' Or Crime Of The Century?

Well, we had a warm summer here in the United States, and that brought some of the climate change alarmists out again. Looks like it’s time for another rebuttal!

John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, and various other critics have called the theory that human use of carbon-based fossil fuels will lead to catastrophic global warming or climate change a “hoax.” It is, but it’s more than that, it’s criminal.

To Build A Healthy Society, We Must Recognize The Limits Of Laws Mark HendricksonContributor

Finally, A Billionaire Defends The Billions That She Earned Mark HendricksonContributor

In the Age of Austerity, Public School Financial Reform Is Very Necessary Mark HendricksonContributor

Young Voters Pay A High Price For Being Attracted To President Obama's "Coolness" Mark HendricksonContributor

Here are some of the scientific questions at the core of this issue:

Is the climate changing? Of course. The climate always has changed and always will.

Is the earth getting warmer? We should hope so for at least two reasons: First, the world emerged from the Little Ice Age in the 19th century, so it would be worrisome if it weren’t getting warmer. Second, all the history indicates that humans thrive more during warmer periods than colder ones. It is likely, though, that earth has warmed less than many official temperature records indicate for a variety of reasons, including: few long-term records from either the southern hemisphere or the 71 percent of the planet that is covered by water; distortions from the urban heat-island effect and other faulty siting (e.g., temperature sensors next to asphalt parking lots, etc.; the decline in weather station reports from Siberia after the fall of the Soviet government; the arbitrarily ceasing to include measurements from northern latitudes and high elevations, etc.) The most accurate measures of temperature come from satellites. Since the start of these measurements in 1979, they show minor fluctuations and an insignificant net change in global temperature.

Is the earth getting dangerously warm? Probably not, since the earth was warmer than it is now in 7000 of the last 10,000 years. By the way, does anybody know what the “right” amount of global heat is?

Are we humans causing the warming by our carbon emissions? Actually, most of the “greenhouse effect” is due to water vapor, which makes one wonder why the EPA hasn’t designated H2O a harmful pollutant that they must regulate. Meteorologist Brian Sussman’s calculations in his book “Climategate” show humanity’s share of the greenhouse effect as .9 of 1 percent.

It’s even possible that CO2 may not affect global warming at all. During many stretches of planetary history, there has been no correlation between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and global temperature. In other long stretches, the variations of the two factors followed a significant sequence: increases in CO2 followed increases in warmth by several centuries. You don’t need to have a degree in climate science to know that, in a temporal universe, cause does not follow its effect.

Even global warming alarmists have tacitly conceded that CO2 is not the primary driver of climate change when they responded to the relative cooling in recent years by changing their story and telling us that the earth is likely to cool for a few decades in spite of still-increasing atmospheric CO2. Translation: other factors outweigh CO2 in their impact on global temperatures. Those other factors include variations in solar activity (accounting for 3/4 of the variability in earth’s temperature according to the Marshall Institute); changes in earth’s orbit and axis; albedo (reflectivity, meaning changes in cloud cover which are influenced by fluctuations in gamma ray activity); and volcanic and tectonic activity in the earth’s crust. For humans to presume that they are more than a gnat on an elephant’s rump in terms of impact on climate change is vain and delusive.
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