NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by purplrex »

RichardL wrote:Did everyone see the new music video for Came Back Haunted? It was just posted on and it is awful.

Warning: It can cause Epilepsy. It should also come with a Warning: Crappy Music Video.
Yep. ... ted-video/

So edgy. *yawn*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

One of the most disgusting things about Mariqueen were those pictures floating around the internet of her making out with women like a slut and that gross picture of her on top of a man giving him a blow job where you could see that ugly flame tattoo above her ass. And the man wasn't Trent Reznor haha. It's kind of a lesson to everyone out there, be careful what pictures you put out and with who so you don't end up like a stupid slut like Mariqueef

Here's a thought- would Mariqueef even be with Trent Reznor if he weren't rich and famous? What if he were a regular joe schmo?
What about Trent? Would he have hooked up with the Queef if she weren't a wannabe singer and in Playboy? In a lot of these relationships, they get tired of each other because they are all rich and spoiled and used to getting whatever they want, so they move on to the next big thing and cheat.

I know I may not be famous and have a lot of money, but I would rather be real and have real friends than people just using each other.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Scuttlefly »

RichardL wrote:Did everyone see the new music video for Came Back Haunted? It was just posted on and it is awful. Is that Trent wearing makeup and lipstick again like at the Webbys Awards? Trent looks like a cadaver again in too much face makeup like at the Webby Awards, the undertaker just needs to bury him already. He has aged and has no many wrinkles that Trent looks really awful. David Lynch has been going downhill recently too with that awful music album he put together recently. The video says Warning: It can cause Epilepsy. It should also come with a Warning: Crappy Music Video.
I agree with you, it's one of the most boring music videos I've ever seen.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LeeLoo »

Just bumping this thread since the new NIN album will be out in early September. Wow, Q's Instagram is stupid.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Stoner »

This article on Celebitchy today is hilarious:

Trent Reznor on Kanye West: He’s ‘dangerous, it feels like he might implode’

This is a very rare opportunity for me because we hardly ever have an occasion to write about Trent Reznor. His reputation just doesn’t gear itself towards coverage on gossip blogs because he’s not exactly papworthy. Or at least, Trent hasn’t met any gossip-type controversy since he broke the hearts of a million fangirls after marrying his Playboy bunny, Mariqueen Maandig, and quickly set about impregnating her twice. Did you know that his son’s name is actually Lazarus? Of course it is.

Regardless of Trent’s clichéd penchant for naming children, I still harbored so many “feels” for the Rez. Ever since 1990 when I first heard “Head Like a Hole” on my local college/alternative radio station, he’s been my precious. That sounds really creepy, right? Well, I swiftly got over it about a month ago when I heard the first single, “Came Back Haunted,” from the upcoming NIN album. The second single, “Everything,” came out just a few day ago. Ironically, “Everything” isn’t all that and is especially bizarre from a guy who used to publish under his “Nothing” label. The damn song sounds like a Huey Lewis tune — seriously, he totally ripped off Huey at 0:10 in this audio version. Can you hear it?

In the interest of promotion (because NIN is offically back with a music label, Columbia, even though he hates corporate music), Trent covers the September issue of the illustrious Spin magazine. The cover itself has not been released yet, but Trent has covered the magazine a zillion times already if you want to travel back in time. In this interview, he talks about lots of stuff, including his feelings on Kanye West. He describes ol’ Yeezus as being on the verge of implosion, which makes me think of Kanye’s recent incident where he assaulted a paparazzo, but I don’t think Trent’s talking about a negative form of implosion here:

(Insert pic of Kanye's recent tussle with paparazzi here)
Everyone copies him: “I got hints of being influential back in the dark ages of late ’90s,” Reznor said, humbly, while speaking to SPIN for our upcoming September cover story. “But the bands I would hear it in bummed me out so much that I can’t listen for that anymore. I did notice [my influence] post-Social Network. I started hearing a few things that made me think, ‘Okay, I bet you’ve heard our score.’”

He loves Yeezus: “I know [Kanye] a bit. He’s come out to shows and we’ve had some humorous — I’ve listened to him talk backstage a few times. I can’t say that we had a conversation. I find him an interesting character. Yeezus, I really love it. I think the sound of it is cool. I can’t endorse what he’s saying lyrically, but I will say that in terms of the role of the dangerous entertainer in 2013, nobody is beating him at that game. It feels like he might implode. Even if it is calculated to some degree, it feels rough on the edges in a way that I can appreciate. I’m glad he’s out there. Consistently he’s put out ahead-of-the-curve sh-t. He’s definitely a talented guy.”
[From Spin]

I can’t really tell why Trent is talking about Kanye here other than simply answering the questions that were posed to him. He probably admires Kanye in a sense for his anti-commercial Yeezus, but there’s no way in hell that he envies Kanye’s descent into Kardashian hell. There’s a sadness in Trent’s words too because it’s obvious that he no longer possesses the fury to write cutting edge music himself. Along with Atticus Ross, he can score movies like no one’s business, but NIN’s new singles are homogenized, pre-packaged, pop music. A kinder, gentler Reznor. Nothing special at all. Of course, I don’t begrudge him for going corporate and deciding to no longer give his music away for free (which is what he did after giving Interscope records the finger in 2007). Reznor is a family man now, and he has mouths to feed.

As mentioned above, Nine Inch Nails’ eighth album, Hesitation Marks, will arrive on September 3. Did you know that NIN is now 25 years old? That makes me feel positively ancient. ... t_implode/
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jodi »

This says it all:

TherapyCranes says:

August 22, 2013 at 1:00 pm
I never got the obsession all my friends had with NIN. I listened to the music but it never sang to me. Same thing with Kanye. To me this article is about two guys that used to be relevant and one is jerking the other one off.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

FYI you can go find the album online. ENJOY
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="Orionslavegirl1"]FYI you can go find the album online. ENJOY[/quote]

Um....oh dear.

To be fair: this has it's moments. Unfortunately the moments are few & far between. That "Everything" song is just complete crap. As a matter of fact, it's so bad, I can't believe he put it out. Some of this sounds like "Pretty Hate Machine" outtakes. Some of it sounds like "Social Network" outtakes. (outtakes: material not good enough to make the cut) A lot of this is just tedious.

Things I liked: "Copy Of A", "Came Back Haunted" & "I Would For You" although I take issue with the appropriation of the title from the far superior Jane's Addiction song. The rest of this, both bad & so so isn't likely to enhance his self promoted reputation as a musical genius.

I don't hear anything especially commercial here. In no way is he performing at the top of his game here. More to the point, there is nothing to thrill the 14 year old boys, ie: "I wanna fuck you like an animal". That leaves his core audience. He can always depend on them.

Prediction: Top ten, first week out. Sink like a stone after that.

Or if you will, sink as fast as The Fragile after the die hards purchase it.

Oh well.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PrinceTrent »

Maybe I've grown up but I noticed each NIN album is a bit weaker than the last.
NIN aka Trent Reznor has been struggling with lyrics & beats because he was always self conscious about his work. Without the aid of cocaine, booze, and the likes of Charlie Clouser or Danny Lohner whose been making soundtracks way before Trent and his flunky music buddy in HTDA/NIN. NIN got shittier and shitter over the years. In the words of TR it is just a lot of plump low esteem heefers that are not loved and stuck in 1990 who will shell out the money to keep TR and his wife wealthy. Which is pathetic and sad. I would never support a person that disrespected my character. TR and MQ stay winning plump fans stay losing and getting abused.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LeeLoo »


Hesitation Marks

"Copy Of A"

I am just a copy of a copy of a copy
Everything I say has come before
Assembled into something into something into something
I am never certain anymore
I am just a shadow of a shadow of a shadow
Always trying to catch up with my self
I am just an echo of an echo of an echo
Listening to someone's cry for help

Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
So I'm not the only one
A copy of a copy of

I am little pieces
Pieces that were picked up on the way
Invented with a purpose
A purpose that's become quite clear today

Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
So I'm not the only one
A copy of a copy of a

I am just a finger on a trigger on a finger
Doing everything I'm told to do
Always my intention my intention my intention
Just doing everything you tell me to

Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Now look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
So I'm not the only one
A copy of a copy of a

"Find My Way"

Now my path has gone astray
I'm just tryin' to find my way
Wandered here from far away
I'm just tryin' to find my way...

You were never meant to see
All those things inside of me
Now that you've gone away
I'm just tryin' to find my way...

Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh... (Ooooooooh)
Uh uh uh ohhh...

I have made a great mistake
Pray The Lord my soul to take
Ghosts of who we used to be
I can feel them come for me
It looks as thought they're here to stay
I'm just tryin' to find my way...

Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh... (Ooooooooh)
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh...

I have been to everyplace
I have been to everywhere
I'm just tryin' to find my way...

(All I got so far)


If I were you I wouldn't trust
A single word I say
Think by now you should know
That nothing's gonna change

Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear

Look at you, Superman
With all the world to change
Think by now you'd figure out
That nothing's gonna change
And I am part of the reason

Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear


I survived everything
I have tried everything
Everything everything
And anything

All the walls begin to dissolve away
Do your hands begin to shake, shake, shake, shake, shake?
And just do what you think you used to be
All begins to bend then break, break, break, break

Wave goodbye
Wish me well
I've become
Something else
Something else, something else
It's just the world

But this thing that lives inside of me
The sound that rocks awake, awake, awake, awake, break
And if he depletes what's owed to me
And he comes to grab and take and take and take

I am whole
I believe
I am whole
I am free
I am whole
I can see
Always here
I am whole
I believe
I am whole
I am free

Fuck Trent Reznor. I'm disappointed in too many ways to mention.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jodi »

All Time Low

is Disco.

Seriously, listen to it. Total disco. Plus a little digital Lawrence Welk thrown in at the end.

Lulz a plenty.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jodi »

BTW what the fuck is up with the five minutes of silence between every track?
In the past things ran together, there might be low audio messages, tunes you had to turn up the volume to hear, etc. But now it's just a big, fat, time filling device on this album.

That "Everything" song is even more annoying with headphones on IMO.

00:00 The Eater of Dreams
01:37 Copy of a
11:46 Came Back Haunted
22:10 Find My Way
31:00 All Time Low
43:35 Disappointed
55:00 Everything
1:01:31 Satellite
1:11:29 Various Methods Of Escape
1:21:29 Running
1:29:30 I Would For You
1:37:30 In Two
1:48:06 while I'm Still Here
1:55:40 Black Noise

BTW the album packaging of "Hesitation Marks" is a little too close to "The Downward Spiral". Based on the album art and stuff.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="jodi"]All Time Low

is Disco.

Seriously, listen to it. Total disco. Plus a little digital Lawrence Welk thrown in at the end.

Lulz a plenty.[/quote]

To be fair, he did warn you in advance. The title says it all.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Turner Coates »

EvilNTent wrote:
jodi wrote:All Time Low

is Disco.

Seriously, listen to it. Total disco. Plus a little digital Lawrence Welk thrown in at the end.

Lulz a plenty.

To be fair, he did warn you in advance. The title says it all.
The Todd Rundgren remix version makes it less Disco and more Psych:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LeeLoo » ... y-20130829

Nine Inch Nails Chronicle Comeback Tour in Documentary
Jon Blistein

August 29, 2013 3:20 PM

Earlier this summer, Nine Inch Nails kicked off their humongous comeback tour in advance of releasing the band's first record since 2008, Hesitation Marks, out September 3rd (and streaming now). They've already hit a handful of festivals — including headlining sets at Lollapalooza and Outside Lands — and this fall they'll embark on an extensive North American tour. Any such trek is a major undertaking, and NIN and their crew had to prep for both the festival and arena stages they'd take this year. Now you can get an inside look at how it all came together with the premiere of Nine Inch Nails' installment in Vevo's Tour Exposed documentary series.

Well, this is awkward for that fan-made Wave Goodbye documentary that was released in March 2013. :lol:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PrinceTrent »

So from what read in previous posts this album is weak and embarrassing piece of dried up old turd.

Soundgarden did it right with a comeback. NIN was never gone for a substantial amount of time. Truth be told it's a down time for metal genre, Mayhem Fest wasn't as strong as previous years plus this year had less stops this year.

Some of the bands were not into performing Mayhem Fest this year they looked like they were forced by their record label to do so to create buzz and gain new fans for their next release, if you haven't guess which band. I'll give ya a clue supposedly was going to make a track for Disney/Pixar movie. They even charged fans for a meet and greet 150.00-200.00 but I heard some venues let diehard fans backstage for free to make it seem like people paid but actually they did not. To keep morale high. Which is good because if there's only 10 people backstage that would bum out 97% of rockers. Also I did not get about the meet and greet when Mayhem Fest also had them sign at the Jager Tent as well?!?!?!? But in hindsight if the band owes the label they want all the paid people they can get to pay off their debts. I see a lot of bands doing the "VIP Experience" to bring in money because not matter what it is still a business.

For "Mr. Happy"
If ticket sales look poor NIN will do the same thing and partner up with the same meet and greet company that Marilyn Manson and Mastodon used. He'll probably sale the Comeback Doc on iTunes. Fuckin' putz.

Oh geez really?: ... more-72814

This man need to be committed someone said he's interesting its all a gimmick and act to promote his simple monkey ass bullshit of an album. "leaked" go on with them 1990 AOL internet tactics TR and Rob Sheridan.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Violet Black »


If I were you I wouldn't trust
A single word I say
Think by now you should know
That nothing's gonna change

Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear

Look at you, Superman
With all the world to change
Think by now you'd figure out
That nothing's gonna change
And I am part of the reason

Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by mahogany »

Hello. I'm new to this post. I read some where that Trent Reznor likes to mess around with black women but would not get too serious with them. I also heard he is a fan of Sade, which I find very surprising but also impressive. Have anyone heard something similar to this? :D
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

mahogany wrote:Hello. I'm new to this post. I read some where that Trent Reznor likes to mess around with black women but would not get too serious with them. I also heard he is a fan of Sade, which I find very surprising but also impressive. Have anyone heard something similar to this? :D
Mahogany waves. How you doing?

Welcome to our little circle jerk. There are no color/race preferences here - there's fuckery for all.

You didn't say 'de Sade'. I'm impressed.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

Last edited by enchantment on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

Last edited by enchantment on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jodi »

enchantment wrote:one parody video goes down, another fan video goes up
A bunch of 80's music video clips and other things actually makes this song entertaining. I so wish I had seen the Reznor riding a unicorn in the video, before it was taken down by Youtube.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

Last edited by enchantment on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jodi »

enchantment wrote:
Me too! How come the record label didnt demand all the other fan made videos of "Everything" disappear? This one had 51k views and lots of press. If anyone finds it, PLEASE post it. I heard Pikachu is even in it hahaha.

GOT IT! And yes there are fuzzy puppies and Pikachu. ... ...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

Last edited by enchantment on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

Love it!

Exactly the video that piece of shit song deserves. A parody.

Too bad He Who Believes His Shit Smells Like Chanel #5 doesn't see it that way.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by enchantment »

Last edited by enchantment on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PastyGothChick »

mahogany wrote: surprising but also impressive. Have anyone heard something similar to this? :D
Impressive...I love it
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PastyGothChick »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
mahogany wrote:Hello. I'm new to this post. I read some where that Trent Reznor likes to mess around with black women but would not get too serious with them. I also heard he is a fan of Sade, which I find very surprising but also impressive. Have anyone heard something similar to this? :D
Mahogany waves. I'm impressed.
-Lucifer and Jesus Christ were brothers
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