TheMetalChick needs to shut up...

Here's where you can rip on each other. We don't care. If any personal information gets posted about another user, we'll delete it and you'll be banned. No exceptions.

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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Chalk one up for another positive!

Bye bye Skullet!

(I'm sooooooo gelus of him going to a fancy spa and salon! He couldn't just say he was getting haircut, could he? He had to make me feel like a lesser person because he's going to a FANCY SPA AND SALON! Damn you, Rev. DAMN YOU!!!!)

P.S. - Those last two lines were the only thing I read in your post, as always.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

So now while all you suckers who never lived are trying to grow your hair, get a fancy car, act like an idiot trying to regain lost youth, act like an idiot trying to catch up on all the partying you missed out on, act like an idiot trying to find someone who makes you feel sexy, I've already done that and enjoyed the hell out of it. I had the cars and the chicks and the band and the hair and the partying and the never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting and all of that. Now while you suffer your mid-life crisis, I calmly settle into my fine New England home and drive my fine family vehicles. I don't need to grow my hair (and as a matter of fact, tomorrow I have an appointment at a very fancy spa/salon to get my first real haircut in 16 years). I don't have any catching up to do. I actually lived my life my way.
LMGDMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rev thinks he motherfucking Frank Sinatra and shit.


Rev, why don't you understand that you're bragging about shit everyone here has already accomplished with an even higher level of success? Why do you expect us to think that any of the shit that you brag about is so fucking extraordinary, when the comedy lies in the fact that it's so fucking COMMON?

Watching you suck your own dick on this thread is like watching Geraldo uncover Capone's tomb.

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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

We're endemic to him because his emolument is so much larger than ours.

I found a dime in the sofa cushions this morning, 2T. If match it, maybe we could split a package of Top Ramen for lunch? (snigger).

(Here ya go, "Revvy" - Seeing how you went to a university that claims to have dinosaur fossils that are only 3000 years old, I'm guessing none of their other educational endeavors are up to par, either.)
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Post by NickoLeeBenante »

RockNRev wrote:Once again, for the slow. I NEVER paid a cent to play anywhere. The closest to paying was ONE time when we sold tickets for a Whisky show. We didn't pay. Other people paid.
I think it only fair to note that this statement is, at best, disingenuous (feel free to use the link that Mitz provided, Rev).

You paid the Whiskey to play there. Simple.
Good for you that you were able to sell enough tickets to recoup the cost of what you paid. I'm sure that there's lots of bands who have paid to play there who weren't able to do that. But still, the fact is that your band gave money to the venue in exchange for being allowed to perform there.

But that's not even really funny anymore.

The whole "My friend is an alien" thing is pretty funny. Unless, of course, your friend is Ford Prefect and your real name is Arthur Dent.

Doubt that, though.
Anthrax442 wrote:Yeah, I'll take that under advisement, Mr. 88-Post-Alternym.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Dear Diary,

Another lonely night. I just don’t understand why I can’t find a man. I’m hot - the guy at the tattoo shop even said so! Granted, he’s 54, weighs 300 pounds and he smells funny, but still, he has a penis. I think.

I finally broke down and put up my profile on Hopefully, that’s the place to find the perfect guy. My qualification list was a little long, but time’s awastin’. I can feel my eggs shriveling as I type this. Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’ll find Mr. Perfect:

The man I want has:

- no sense of humor
- a misguided sense of self-importance
- the decorating style of a 60 year-old woman
- a crushing Napoleonic complex
- shoe lifts (see above)
- a deep history of career failures
- the stench of smugness
- a murderous desire to always be right
- violent tendencies
- willingness to commit to conspiracy theories, no matter how inane
- inability to stop bragging about common trivialities

Am I crazy, Diary? Surely if there was a man out there that met all these qualifications, he’d be long taken. I can see him now - taking his kids to soccer games, barbequing with his wife. I hate that bitch. Still, though, it’s worth the chance. Maybe he has a brother....


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Post by ralphwiggumsdealer »

FUCK.THE.FACTORY wrote: At least that makes more sense than the last bit of BS I quoted.
Rev's been making all kinds of sense in the last 152 pages that he can't stop posting on while he's been distracting "y'all"...
RockNRev wrote:You get what I give you, shithead. I give you surface stuff and even that simple surface stuff is enough for me to accomplish my mission of showing what jealous losers a lot of you are. I make you act jealous and I make you show me all the stuff you think I've shown you, like college eduation stats, movies of pullups, hotrod cars. I have y'all stating that you live in the Beverly Hills of Boston, etc. I never had to state any such things. You just jealously do it yourselves. The only braggarts here so far have been y'all. :lol: I'm just a master of words that knows how to make you do it, all day, any day, for days, weeks or months if I feel like it, as has been proven in this thread, which I own. 8)
RockNRev wrote: So now while all you suckers who never lived are trying to grow your hair, get a fancy car, act like an idiot trying to regain lost youth, act like an idiot trying to catch up on all the partying you missed out on, act like an idiot trying to find someone who makes you feel sexy, I've already done that and enjoyed the hell out of it. I had the cars and the chicks and the band and the hair and the partying and the never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting and all of that. Now while you suffer your mid-life crisis, I calmly settle into my fine New England home and drive my fine family vehicles. I don't need to grow my hair (and as a matter of fact, tomorrow I have an appointment at a very fancy spa/salon to get my first real haircut in 16 years). I don't have any catching up to do. I actually lived my life my way.
(PS Rev....I notice you've started talking in the 3rd person again. Cheer up!)
Moggio wrote:
jpf wrote:Do you realize how stupid you are?
Do you?
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

I don't need to grow my hair (AT AGE 40, stupid) because I've already been there and done.

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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

For maximum effect, I highly recommend smoking a bowl or two while reading this thread.
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Post by JDV »

And I doubt that bum there could cross the country and rock out with a band while still maintaining a home in New England the whole time.

I'm positive that he could. He could hop a train and enjoy the scenery. Once out west he could hook up with a sidewalk performer, make a few bucks. And all the while his cardboard box would be waiting for him at home.

Rev, you need an embarrassment check button to compliment the spell check button.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I've seen the pictures, 2T. It's definitely a Hair Don't.
I doubt and I can't seem to be able to read my own words. Neither can anyone else. Maybe you need to post my word.
Okey Dokey!

Here's what you said today:
So now while all you suckers who never lived are trying to grow your hair, get a fancy car, act like an idiot trying to regain lost youth, act like an idiot trying to catch up on all the partying you missed out on, act like an idiot trying to find someone who makes you feel sexy, I've already done that and enjoyed the hell out of it. I had the cars and the chicks and the band and the hair and the partying and the never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting and all of that.

But here's what you said previously:
One day I'm going to find myself a good woman and settle down and start a life

You haven't had a life. You admitted it. Now take your past-tense "cars, chicks, band, hair, partying and never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting (which I can only infer were men, since you mentioned them separately from chicks) and try to play catch-up ball with the cool kids.

(I have an odd feeling that's been a recurrent theme in your life.)
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Oh, and P.S. -

How funny is THIS?
My friends all tell me I'm wasting WAY too much of my time on this username on said message board, but what do they know?
Posted by Rev: post count 7074

About Mitzi Dupree: post count 32

Poor little loonboy wants me to go away. Touch a few nerves, don't I? I know, I know. It's a gift.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Just for fun, Revvy, which part was sarcasm? They both seem like emphatic, sincere statements.

Was it the statement about having the band, the cars and the lovers in waiting?

Or was it the statement about finding a good woman?

(I'm voting on the "good woman," because I can see where that's going to be tough for a guy like you.)
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Two, you pulled that little account out again just for me and all but 5 of your posts with it are dedicated to me.

Bwahahaha!!! You went and looked up all of my posts!!!



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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

my account is years older than yours.
P.S. Loonboy:

Your account is 17 months older than mine.




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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

RockNRev wrote:
Mitzi Dupree wrote:I've seen the pictures, 2T. It's definitely a Hair Don't.
I doubt and I can't seem to be able to read my own words. Neither can anyone else. Maybe you need to post my word.
Okey Dokey!

Here's what you said today:
So now while all you suckers who never lived are trying to grow your hair, get a fancy car, act like an idiot trying to regain lost youth, act like an idiot trying to catch up on all the partying you missed out on, act like an idiot trying to find someone who makes you feel sexy, I've already done that and enjoyed the hell out of it. I had the cars and the chicks and the band and the hair and the partying and the never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting and all of that.

But here's what you said previously:
One day I'm going to find myself a good woman and settle down and start a life

You haven't had a life. You admitted it. Now take your past-tense "cars, chicks, band, hair, partying and never-ending supply of hot lovers in waiting (which I can only infer were men, since you mentioned them separately from chicks) and try to play catch-up ball with the cool kids.

(I have an odd feeling that's been a recurrent theme in your life.)
I also said sarcasm is wasted on children under seven and people with the brain of a seven year old or less. It was obviously wasted on you.

Answer the question, Revvy. Which statement was sarcasm?
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Answer the question, Revvy.

Which statement was sarcasm?
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Post by Son_of_Sam_I_Am »

Hey! Where did all the pics on Rev's website go? Did his mom make him remove them because they're actually pictures of her house? Rather, her condo?

Or is Rev just embarassed of his Martha Stewart-esque decor?

Either way, for someone who doesn't give a shit, he sure does give a shit.

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Post by ralphwiggumsdealer »

Son_of_Sam_I_Am wrote: for someone who doesn't give a shit, he sure does give a shit.
Nah....he doesn't care....after all, we're the ones fascinated by him...
rocknrev wrote:Since I own you and your time that way, here's more...
Mitzi Dupree wrote:
Two, you pulled that little account out again just for me and all but 5 of your posts with it are dedicated to me.

Bwahahaha!!! You went and looked up all of my posts!!!
Moggio wrote:
jpf wrote:Do you realize how stupid you are?
Do you?
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Post by ralphwiggumsdealer »

RockNRev wrote: I not only have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but Uncle Sam trained me to kill and fight more than one guy
Careful're forgetting that you're busy owning us "one peek at a time."
Moggio wrote:
jpf wrote:Do you realize how stupid you are?
Do you?
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

And I not only have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do


Seriously - anyone ever notice that the only time you hear someone say this kind of shit is when they're about to get their ass handed to them, and it's always said by someone who could benefit from social services and a mental health professional?

I swear on the lives of my children, the last time I heard that was 3 days ago, and it was from a crackhead right before he got tazed by the cops.
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Post by Son_of_Sam_I_Am »

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:
And I not only have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do

I swear on the lives of my children, the last time I heard that was 3 days ago, and it was from a crackhead right before he got tazed by the cops.
Hand to God - Some dude told me this in a bar one time as he was picking a fight with me.

I'll never forget the sound his head made as I bashed it into the floor.

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Post by Son_of_Sam_I_Am »

RockNRev wrote: That's right...Seek me out.
Shut up, dork. We're not talking to you. We're talking ABOUT you.

Big difference.

We'll let you know when you can play again.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Stoner seriously cracks me up. "You've just had your ass handed to TASER VISION!"


It's almost as hilarious as this little gem:
you seem so dumbfounded that a good-lookin'.....guy like myself
It might fly if we hadn't seen pictures, right?

Can't you just see him adjusting the bandana and swaggering up to some unsuspecting girl sitting at the bar saying "how'd you like to have a little piece of a good-lookin' guy like myself? You know, a few years ago, I was rockin' out in Hollywood...."

And then she stands up and it's all over.

(Am I the only one having Jaye flashbacks?)
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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

Question: Is it part of Tru Metal Kulture to always tilt you head to one side when taking a photo? Or is that just to try and cut the forehead /chin ratio? Or to perhaps stop the loose marbles from rolling around and making too much noise?
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I dunno - maybe the self-righteousness gets out of balance with the superiority complex and manifests itself in awkward postures?

(Then again, I don't have a science degree...)
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Post by SanityClause »

RockNRev wrote: I not only have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but Uncle Sam trained me to kill and fight more than one guy
I thought it would be you doing the teaching???
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Post by Hungwell »

Time to switch gears and give thanks......back to where it all started.

A trip down memory lane......enjoy.

tmc wrote:LOL...
Anyway, yeah Succubyss, Ette WAS always pretty open with people- more than I have ever been. //

For example. I dont give a fuck that people know things about me... when I first got here all those years ago I wasnt even a teacher yet, I was a phone operator and a radio DJ. I used to get shit from people because of silly things like starting my show with Grim Reaper and Saxon songs. As years and years went by, slowly people learned more and more about me. Now it is to the point where there are people here who know my profession, know what I look like, know where I live, know I think Kip Winger is hot, know which rock stars Ive met, know I love Black Sabbath, even know some of my sexual preferences LOL... and its all from accumulated knowledge. Its not that I suddenly started talking about all these things out of nowhere, it is that over enough TIME people do get to know things about one another. Its called accumulated knowledge.

Joking about these things is fine... but there have been times when that kind of shit has crossed the line. I for example got in trouble at my job last oct-nov because there were threads all over the place about me, not even just on Sludge. My picture was posted all over the internet by nyms pretending to be me and everytime I searched for my name spelled slightly wrong I found things posted that I never posted yet this person claimed to be me. See, it was found by a guy at my job who didnt like me (I think the problem is that he DID like me, the fuck) and went to my principal with the information, saying that I shouldnt be around children. This was a serious accusation to make and I even had to miss work to fight this thing. While I was fighting the charges I asked people on the boards to please stop making all these comments about me molesting my students etc because it had GONE BEYOND JOKES and had literally threatened to fuck up my life. I couldnt even deny that it was me on the board because there were people posting my full name, my address, my phone number, you name it. Why? Because they dont like Ozzy? Because they because they think Grim Reaper sucks? The fact is there WAS no reason... these are just pathetic fucking people that do not understand what it means to joke around. In the end the charges were unfounded but it left a stain on my character that I couldnt erase. It is probably the reason that I was excessed this year from my district and am not in a classroom right now. Yes, I can honestly say that supposed "joking" really did fuck up my life.

I remember through the years how Ette had a LOT of friends here who would ask how her mom was doing or ask how she was doing in school, and she would answer her friends. I REMEMBER people starting threads just to talk to Ette about such things. So here we are, years later, and people who would read these innocent remarks where Ette would thank her friends for their concern and tell a little thing here and there about how she was doing or how school was going NOW have that accumulated knowledge that had built up over the years. Now there are people who take that info and use solely to try and cause her pain. WHY- because she's popular? Because so many guys always thought she was beautiful? Because she worked for Sludge for so many years? Because she quit working for Sludge? Who knows. All I can say is that these clowns think the "jokes" are funny, but they really are the only ones laughing.

You know, if really ARE an old school Sludger then I just dont understand how you could be so fucking thrilled about people like these leaving. They arent leaving in fear or because you retards "schooled" them, they are leaving in disgust. I could actually understand indifference a lot more than I can understand the JOY that some people are getting out of it. IT is a sign of serious mental disorder if the need that some people have is to feel like they are king of a message board, able to hurt someone in real life. Its sad.

I remember old Sludge. I first came here when this was a little shit geocities site and Shawn was plugging links on the AOL message boards to try and get viewers. It worked with me- I got my first link to Sludge on the AOL Dokken board when I was doing news for my radio show and Ive been coming here ever since. Sludge cracked me up ragging on Metal Edge and I bought it every month back then. I was here from VERY early becaise I got my radio show in 1998! I bought my first Sludge shirt in 1999 and I was lurking and even posting a little bit on the boards right back in the beginning. Ive seen it all. (And not only did I get the link from a Dokken board but my first two names here were even Dokken-related, so there goes the no Dokken fans theory) Ive even had a few assclowns try and tell me that I wasnt here back then, but Shawn remembers me, JimBob remembers me. Ette remembers me, even Stevie remembers me, and so do many of the regular posters. I think that the trouble making assholes dont remember me bacuse back then I didnt get involved in their stupid shit. Im telling you right now, SHIT DIDNT USED TO BE LIKE THIS. Those that swear it was have a fucked up, warped and self-serving memory of the past.

Take a look for yourself. Here's some random examples. ... pboard2000 ... 1132.topic ... 1304.topic ... 1450.topic

Yes I know that these examples are from when the board was already a couple of years old, but that's what's out there. Go look and find more examples yourself. See, I dont remember seeing it in the first place and looking back I just dont see now all the scathing hatred that some of you clowns swear was there all the time. I see people that were simply here because we all liked the same music. Sure there were moments and a few wild threads, but a dozen threads over all these years fit what some of you clowns swear was every moment back in the day. sludge used to be FUNNY.

If there are a million examples of all the hateful insanity that supposedly exist then point them the fuck out. Id like to see them.*sa_/

From what I remember, fake alternyms used to be made more than anything else to make people laugh, not to be hateful and try to ruin the real-life lives of other people, especially regular posters. The few nyms that were used for attacks were NEWS back then because it WASNT the norm!!! Too many people here forgot what it meant to be funny. I hate that there are a few losers that make other people miserable by seriously trying to be scathing and hate-filled. See, actual REAL LIFE hatred isnt Sludge... joking, even cruel rude harsh joking, IS Sludge!!! Its too bad we now get way too much of the first and hardly any of the second. Jokes are one thing, but true real-life hatred is another. Sludgers are SUPPOSED to think the first one is funny, but only fucking retards think the second one is.

Take what you will from what I said. It really doesnt matter to me because I already know that I am right on this one.
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Post by gr8twhte »

Ah, good old accumulated knowledge. Those were the days. Has anyone run into an Omega wolf lately? Or was it Alpha wolf? Whatever, go wolves!
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

That wasn't memory lane. That was a bad acid trip flashback.

The Yellow River.

Sometimes, TMC just needs to "SHUT UP."

And she's needed to for YEARS.

Mitzi Fucking Dupree
(Bring it, bitch.)
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Post by The_Yellow®™ »

I can see you guys are going to start stalking me again. Real mature, fags. :roll:

*shakes head*
It really doesnt matter to me because I already know that I am right on this one.

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