Royal Doucheness - a petition

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by witchbitch »

Hmmmm.... I'm willing to bet NONE of Itjogs' pals - even the whores - have said to themself (secretly or otherwise) "The Zionists are GLAD the Holocaust happened, because they got Israel".
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by MotleyMaiden »

Awww, sounds like the Nazi Princess got his itty bitty little feelings hurt?

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by Royal Dudeness »

Itjogsamongus wrote:Listen dipshit, the schools told me to believe in the big bang, and I don't buy that, so don't tell me that I just believe everything I've been taught.

Its not just that you doubt the issues of The Holocaust. I would listen to that. And I have. its just that its connected to your self-avowed anti-semitism. Which, ironically, is always at the heart of the debate. So don't give me this "I believe just what the media and schools say". I'll just retort that you just believe whatever people who can make an ethanol bomb say.

I have heard the same arguments you have. I don't stick my fingers in my ears and wag my fucking tongue when I hear things I don't agree with.

Do me a favor, watch this shit.

And the reason you are in a lose, lose position? Its where losers inevitably find themselves.
The reason I'm in a lose-lose situation is because Jews are pretty much off limits as far as ridicule in terms of political correctness. They were a persecuted people before, but the Holocaust pretty much assured them sympathy forever except from the Arab world. If one dares say anything about the Jews now they receive endless amounts of flack. What if I said I don't like Romanians? Would anyone give a flying fuck? Nope, but I say I don't like Jews and pandora's box is opened.

My dislike stems from Zionism. I have no problem with Jews that just go about their business, but the ones who believe in entitlement, especially based on something as fucked as religion, is something I disagree with completely. I should have probably clarified that. I backed myself into a corner when I just outright said, "I don't like Jews", but there's a certain kind of Jew I don't like.

To not believe that the Holocaust helped modern day Zionist Jews is completely asinine.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by witchbitch »

Royal Doucheness wrote:To not believe that the Holocaust helped modern day Zionist Jews is completely asinine.
There's a difference between that and saying they were thankful it happened.
Royal Doucheness wrote:Seriously, some of you people have your noses so far up the Jewish asshole it boggles the mind. Are they really so innocent that no one should dare even QUESTION any thing they say? Must we all just bow down to the almighty Jews and sympathize with them over every fucking issue that they're involved in?
Should we just close the book on the Holocaust and accept it as the way Jews and their supporters want to look at it? I believe the Holocaust happened, but I'm of the opinion that it was overblown to give the Jews even more credibility when wanting their own homeland. Without the holocaust, there would be no Israel. Face it, Zionist Jews are THANKFUL the Holocaust happened because it gave them their ultimate prize. And considering that, no way do I not question certain circumstances surrounding the Holocaust.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by Royal Dudeness »

witchbitch wrote:
Royal Doucheness wrote:To not believe that the Holocaust helped modern day Zionist Jews is completely asinine.
There's a difference between that and saying they were thankful it happened.
Royal Doucheness wrote:Seriously, some of you people have your noses so far up the Jewish asshole it boggles the mind. Are they really so innocent that no one should dare even QUESTION any thing they say? Must we all just bow down to the almighty Jews and sympathize with them over every fucking issue that they're involved in?
Should we just close the book on the Holocaust and accept it as the way Jews and their supporters want to look at it? I believe the Holocaust happened, but I'm of the opinion that it was overblown to give the Jews even more credibility when wanting their own homeland. Without the holocaust, there would be no Israel. Face it, Zionist Jews are THANKFUL the Holocaust happened because it gave them their ultimate prize. And considering that, no way do I not question certain circumstances surrounding the Holocaust.
Sure, thankful might be a harsh word, but it makes sense when you also apply the word sacrifice. They can be thankful to the victims, and they can also be thankful the event happened because it benefits them currently. It's a fucked up way of thinking I agree, but what is the likelihood that there are Jews out there fucked up enough to actually think like that? Pretty good I'd say.

Bad things happen in history and they result in future generations having it better off. Take slavery for example. The whites brought over the slaves to work the lands without paying them. Up until Industrialism, this actually helped the economy. Slavery was a disgusting practice, but without it, the U.S. would have taken longer to develop.

There are so many fucked up things that happen in history that pave the way for other things. Ask the average black guy in the states if he'd rather be in Africa or the States knowing what they know about the world now. If he choses the states, he can thank slavery for that. It's all fucked up but it's the way it is.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by witchbitch »

There are so many fucked up things that happen in history that pave the way for other things. Ask the average black guy in the states if he'd rather be in Africa or the States knowing what they know about the world now. If he choses the states, he can thank slavery for that. It's all fucked up but it's the way it is.

Oh, because the only way he possibly came to live in the States is due to slavery?

That's fucking ridiculous logic and was crafted by you in a weak and ill-advised attempt to justify your ignorant viewpoint.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by MotleyMaiden »

Do you actually know any black people? Because if you walk up to the average black person in the US and ask them if they are thankful their ancestors were brought here in chains, beaten, sold and made to work like animals, well I doubt you would survive the ass beating you would get.

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

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Itjogsamongus wrote:You want to know the truth? I don't support the creation of Israel. To me, its not a biblical mandate. And within the Jewish community, many Jews can't stand the Israeli's. I know from business how much they are a pain in my assholes. My cousin moved to Israel and now he's a complete pompous wind bag full of shit and himself. And did the Holocaust give it momentum? Yes, of course.

But to say that they inflated the fucking numbers so they could get a couple of miles of sun and sand is the most unapologetically racist shit you can come up with. And by the way, war reparations are nothing new. You own a Sony, motherfucker?

So let me help you here clarify the hateful terminology you need to spout. You don't hate Jews. You hate Zionists, who are essentially Israeli's. However, not all Israeli's are religious.

Neither you nor I could agree as to what Jewish is. The Jews don't even fucking know because they've made their own rules about it. I can guarantee you though, it is not based on theology so you're justification that its religous just shows your fucking ignorance on the topic.

But I'm so glad that you are OK with the Jews that just go about their business in a manner which is in accordance to the way you think they should.
In all honesty, I don't have much to disagree on with this post. I see your shots at me but so be it. I'll admit that I jumped the gun with some of the stuff I said. There's other shit that goes on in this message board that interests me that the whole Jew hating thing needs to be given a rest. For one, I don't hate Jews. I don't wish for their demise; however, I also don't wish for their success. They don't make me lose sleep at night. The media coverage on Israel has been rammed down people's throats to such an excessive level it's hard to not get tired of it. And the media in North America is BEYOND biased when it comes to to Jews.

So while you're partly correct on that fact I don't care for the Zionist Israeli's, it also exists here. Zionism isn't focused in Israel, it's part of politics here.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

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MotleyMaiden wrote:Do you actually know any black people? Because if you walk up to the average black person in the US and ask them if they are thankful their ancestors were brought here in chains, beaten, sold and made to work like animals, well I doubt you would survive the ass beating you would get.
Why is it hard to believe that maybe a black person would say, "Fuck yeah. Sucks for them, but I would way rather be here than Africa"

An argument I'm making is the longer things are left in the past, the less people care about what happened if it somehow benefits their own selfish desires.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by MotleyMaiden »

Jesus Christ! While that may seem logical to you, let me explain it to you as someone who lives in the south. Slavery affected things for years and I mean YEARS! It was a stepping stone to segregation and racism and murder. Segregation was real down here, you only read about that shit, but here, there were different water fountains for blacks and whites. And the KKK, again, REAL!! Black men got lynched all over the South.

Slavery was a mindset as well as an institution and as a result racism is still very real. Look at the last election where we had and the racist, redneck motherfuckers that came out against Obama, just because his skin is black. I have alot of black friends and not one of them would ever say "Gee, I'm so glad slavery happened so I can live in this great country."

You manage to say more absolutely retarded shit that you know nothing about!

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

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But then again, maybe you'll just say that blacks inflated those stories and that there weren't that many slaves. Or that the lynchings didn't really happen. Or segregation wasn't real. Or maybe separate IS equal. Or that the racism wasn't really that bad.

They only did it to get sympathy so the country would elect an african-american president.

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by Royal Dudeness »

MotleyMaiden wrote: I have alot of black friends and not one of them would ever say "Gee, I'm so glad slavery happened so I can live in this great country."
Yes, I am well aware of the black situation in the United States. I took history of the slave trade in University. I'm well aware of what it meant, and still means, however, what I'm getting at is this. While slavery was terrible, while it lead to Jim Crow so on and so forth, there's a part of me that thinks most black people TODAY would rather be here than in Africa. I think you over estimate humankind as being more caring than we actually are. Again, I'm not condoning slavery just like I don't condone the holocaust.

But to some, good eventually comes out of bad. That's my point. You don't see a mass exodus of black people back to Africa because they're disgusted with their history in the states. I believe Marcus Garvey attempted that and failed horribly. People think less about what happened in the past, and think more about what their current situation is. Some of my attitude towards Jews comes in the fact that they seem to harp on the past more than anyone.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by Royal Dudeness »

"Look at the last election where we had and the racist, redneck motherfuckers that came out against Obama, just because his skin is black."

Don't forget, people also voted for Obama BECAUSE he was black.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by MotleyMaiden »

Oh well, pardon me. You studied slavery up there in Canada. So this of course makes you an expert on it. Just like you must have taken a course in the University to make you an expert on all things Jewish.

Well, ass, guess, what that history you were studying. It's all around me. Everywhere I fucking look. Guess what, black people are too. Can you say that? Have you actually discussed this completely moronic theory of yours with them? Because let me tell you something, I'm gonna ask them. And here's what I'll bet they say.

Yes, they are glad to be in America. No question the opportunities are better here. Are they THANKFUL (your word, not mine) that their ancestors were dragged here in chains, beaten, sold and treated like animals. NO. They are not. This country has not been good to them at all.

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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by Royal Dudeness »

MotleyMaiden wrote:Oh well, pardon me. You studied slavery up there in Canada. So this of course makes you an expert on it. Just like you must have taken a course in the University to make you an expert on all things Jewish.

Well, ass, guess, what that history you were studying. It's all around me. Everywhere I fucking look. Guess what, black people are too. Can you say that? Have you actually discussed this completely moronic theory of yours with them? Because let me tell you something, I'm gonna ask them. And here's what I'll bet they say.

Yes, they are glad to be in America. No question the opportunities are better here. Are they THANKFUL (your word, not mine) that their ancestors were dragged here in chains, beaten, sold and treated like animals. NO. They are not. This country has not been good to them at all.
Something amusing here. I was raised in a Jewish neighborhood, and went to a Jewish preschool. Where guess what, I observed indoctrination first hand.
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Re: Royal Doucheness - a petition

Post by CliffByford »

And you're still acting like an asshurt little crybaby about your fucking pre-school trauma. My goodness, you're such a little bitch, and your reasoning is so fucked up. I hope euthanasia laws come into being and that they extend to putting you out of your misery.

Thus far, we have learnt;

1) That you dislike Jews
2) That you doubt the figures accorded to the Holocaust (and you're scared to post links here, because you KNOW that anybody with half a brain could connect them to known anti-Semite/White Supremacist sources. Admit it. No credible historian backs Holocaust Denial)
3) That Jews should "go about their business", which appears to be some kind of preconceived notional "good Jew" set of behaviours as devised by yourself.
4) That slavery was somehow a good thing for the black population of the United States.
5) That you're a horrible twat with a patronising attitude towards Africa. Don't forget, much of Africa's politics is a direct result of European colonialism.

Read Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts (it's not about Jews, you'll be alright).

Read Chinhua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

I can't believe you're calling out those that believe in the Holocaust as "brainwashed." Many of us have questioned things such as the scale and extent of the devastation caused by the Third Reich under Hitler - and many of us have done the reading, the research and visited sites where it happened. Surprise, surprise, we still think the Holocaust happened. Could it be true that you really don't have that Bullshit Filter that says "hmm, this evidence goes against the grain - let me investigate its veracity before I believe it." Face facts, you're a racist, pure and simple, and you couldn't WAIT to find some shonky history the legitimise your abhorrent views.

For the record, I myself was raised in a predominantly Muslim/Hindu population. I went to pre-school with these people, yet I haven't emerged hating brown people. It's less a case that your stupid childhood prejudices have shaped you, moreso that you simply fucking suck at life.
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