NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

It's been a long time since I touched down here, and wow - looking back 10-15 pages it looks like there's pretty much nothing going on but infighting, triggered in part by outing of personal info (disgusting if true).

Anyway...I was just here to see if anyone had commented on TR's new "project". His obsession with becoming Perry Farrell is scary, HTDA being the equivalent of Satellite Party (and so far, just as sucky). I hope he isn't planning to make a body suit out of Perry's skin as his frustration grows.

I find the whole scenario sad and pathetic. As an artist, it always irks me when anyone with a true spark - and TR did have an astonishing gift - loses his or her way, or the muse, or the inspiration, and the world loses one more source of hope and refuge; because the arts truly are a refuge for many, especially in these ugly times.

It's clear he's an attention whore, so he'll do whatever it takes to keep whatever fan base he can to suck his balls every time he does anything that becomes public. The initial offerings of HTDA are embarrassingly weak. All I hear are recycled beats, samples, lyrics, and discarded B-sides from NIN with a mediocre (at best) female vocal inexplicably (from a musical standpoint anyway) thrown in. There comes a time when the only kind thing to do for the public is to shut the fuck up and go away, at least as a performer. If he'd stick to soundtracks I, for one, would be very pleased.

He's all about the merch now, anyway. "Free" music, not really, look at the ridiculously marked up tees and posters that inevitably go along with the free projects. I wonder how much he raked in on the eBay auctions? A friend of mine won a cymbal and his winning bid was steep. His claims of having no involvement with or share in ticket sales ring false now as well, looking back on the last tour. And where did all the premium meet-and-greets "for Eric", at $1000.00 a pop, actually end up?

He's gone Hollywood, friends. There's no turning back now.

Oh, well. I still have all the recorded greatness that never gets old. All good things come to an end.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Welcome back, Love! Great post.
Love_heals wrote:He's gone Hollywood, friends. There's no turning back now.

Oh, well. I still have all the recorded greatness that never gets old. All good things come to an end.
Very true, and very sad.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:Notice the majority of MS posters who contributed to this thread have left.
You dense bitch, it's mainly because of your unhinged ass they've left. You've become a leper.

"unclean!, unclean!"

You've made the fabled, and *seemingly* unbreakable "MS cunts" run to the hills so as not to catch your disease...

Maybe you should fuck off too - keep your antics on Twatter, 'cause it's getting really old really fast here.

Anyways, I guess Trent owes you a cookie, right? nomnom.
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

sludger wrote:Go fuck your AMFOSHIT. People have left this thread in part because of you and your lies about "proof of someone hacking your PMs".

If I've become a leper dumb cunt, then why do I still get all these PMs? You are really by far the craziest bitch on this thread.

The majority of people who were on this thread realized how they were identified and how their information was given to a mentally ill midget musician by my recent postings.
Actually,AMFOS is right. Some of us left (or are waiting) for assholes like you and trolls like sevefire to bugger off.

This thread turned into a fucking circus that has deviated off of the original topic. Pathetic

-Ok back to lurking
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lolo66 »

Please!! The infighting is ruining this thread. Knock it off fuckers.......
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:
What does it take for you to gain some self respect once he plastered your morbidly obese photo all over the internet making fun of you? People in my office took a look at what was posted about you and don't even know you - they were grossed out by your upper arms. True story.

In truth, one of the men (over the age of 30 yrs.) in my office saved your photo and attaches it to office email jokes. True story.

Yet, you can't be angry or call out the people who did this to you? Millions of people saw those photos and information, don't delude yourself. That's sick.
Way to make friends and influence people, you daft cunt!

Why don't you gain some self-respect and stop harassing Trent & Co. if they're so goddamned, motherfucking despicable?

So the people in your office are "yukking it up" to Orion's pics? I call bullshit, because if anyone in your place of work knew the kind of fuckery you'd been up to on the 'Nets, you'd find that the leprosy I was talking about earlier would spread to your real life, ruining it.

Sweetie. Darling. Sugartits, I say this from the bottom of my black little heart - you're certifiable. Get help soon.

The only person you have been friends with on this thread is AMFOS since both of you harbor fantasies of sleeping with Reznor.
And you don't? Pfft. I'll bet a brand new penny you've rubbed off a few thinking of Fatso aka @trent_reznor, Zap... your roots are showing. By the way, quit using numbers 4 letters. It's getting annoying.

P.S. - Orion and I aren't "buddays", but as far as I know Orion's never mentioned any such "fantasies"... I've never denied that I find him attractive. Why else risk foundering in this bog? :mrgreen:

Ladies, I'm *sorry* but I just had to address this nuttiness. I promise I'll ignore it from now on.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by vladtepes »

WOW!!! Am I in the twilight zone??? PPL have left because of AMFOS? Hmmmmmm! Here you go slug ... /page2.htm

sludger wrote:Go fuck your AMFOSHIT. People have left this thread in part because of you and your lies about "proof of someone hacking your PMs".

If I've become a leper dumb cunt, then why do I still get all these PMs? You are really by far the craziest bitch on this thread.

The majority of people who were on this thread realized how they were identified and how their information was given to a mentally ill midget musician by my recent postings.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Subway lets their employees use email now? COOL!
sludger wrote:In truth, one of the men (over the age of 30 yrs.) in my office saved your photo and attaches it to office email jokes.

Here's a deal, that I know you will turn down, that everyone else will want you to take. As long as you stay, I stay. You go, I go. Trust me I have patience you cannot even begin to imagine.

Your choice. Benefit the community, and sacrifice yourself. Or dance with me some more.
sludger wrote: People have left this thread in part because of you and your lies about "proof of someone hacking your PMs".
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

I came across this article
the title of it is LOL. Trent is such a cry baby with his temper tantrums. He threw a fit about twitter just for attention yet has come back to twitter numerous times.
Rentaqueen should just put a pillow under her shirt or buy one of those baby suits. She could always lie and say she had a miscarriage if she's not really pregnant
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

sludger wrote:
Love_heals wrote:triggered in part by outing of personal info (disgusting if true).

Yes, it's true.

Anyway...I was just here to see if anyone had commented on TR's new "project". His obsession with becoming Perry Farrell is scary, HTDA being the equivalent of Satellite Party (and so far, just as sucky). I hope he isn't planning to make a body suit out of Perry's skin as his frustration grows.

blah blah hit wonder Perry Farrell.

In your opinion - which I and many others decidedly don't share.

[snip] As an artist, it always irks me when anyone with a true spark - and TR did have an astonishing gift - loses his or her way, or the muse, or the inspiration, and the world loses one more source of hope and refuge [snip].

He never had a "true spark" unless you are referring to ripping off everyone and impersonating a whiney, depressed "artiste". He was sucking the corporate cock from the beginning.


It's clear he's an attention whore, so he'll do whatever it takes to keep whatever fan base he can to suck his balls every time he does anything that becomes public. The initial offerings of HTDA are embarrassingly weak. All I hear are recycled beats, samples, lyrics, and discarded B-sides from NIN with a mediocre (at best) female vocal inexplicably (from a musical standpoint anyway) thrown in. There comes a time when the only kind thing to do for the public is to shut the fuck up and go away, at least as a performer. If he'd stick to soundtracks I, for one, would be very pleased.

He will go away soon because it will be difficult, if not impossible for him to book small venues for a tour. They look at numbers and financially he can't bring then in. On the last tour, most major cities were not sold out and most of the venues had capacity for 2000. There's a french rock band on tour in the US for the first time that is selling out venues of 2000 to 4000 capacity and the US has never seen them.

Phoenix had major exposure via a Cadillac TV spot that ran over and over and over, for months, garnering huge interest in them far ahead of their current tour. If one of your arguments is anti-corporatism, well...

As for being able to put out an amazing album, it's not going to happen at his age. His "creativity" has always been very questionable and he's aligned himself with talentless people with no skill and nothing to offer (ex: Atticus, Rob, Mariqueen, Moulder, etc.). Those who once worked with him, don't want to work with him again. Shit, I even know someone who was going to do a radio interview with him and after some discussions, decided to interview someone else.

First of all, the "at his age" comment is ridiculous referring to creative output. Sure, he can't go on as angsty gothboy, but art doesn't begin and end at any particular age. I'm older than Trent and just hit my stride about five years ago, and what I'm doing now is much different than what I did when I was younger. I'm glad I waited to market my work, it's much deeper now.

The people who've worked with him (I know a bunch of them too - I was in and around the music industry for years) and don't want to do so any longer feel that way because he's an arrogant, mentally unstable little bitch - not because of his potential to once again produce great material. As for his creativity being questionable...disagree. With few exceptions, on every one of his albums there are at least a couple of gems. On some of them, ALL the tracks are gems. But I'll give you subjectivity on that one.

He's all about the merch now, anyway. "Free" music, not really, look at the ridiculously marked up tees and posters that inevitably go along with the free projects. I wonder how much he raked in on the eBay auctions? A friend of mine won a cymbal and his winning bid was steep. His claims of having no involvement with or share in ticket sales ring false now as well, looking back on the last tour. And where did all the premium meet-and-greets "for Eric", at $1000.00 a pop, actually end up?

blah blah blah........The selling of merchandise is a deadend. He's sold very little HTDA merchandise. [snip]

Not referring to HTDA merch, but merch in general. The stuff you can "see" walking down the street, i.e., apparel, is only a small percentage of what he's hawking.

The "For Eric" fundraiser turned out to be non-tax deductible for the people who did the meet-and-greets.[snip]

Unconfirmed reports that a hefty chunk of Eric-related funds went into TR's pocket, specifically the premiums offered through Again, unconfirmed, but it *is* TR we're talking about here.

He's gone Hollywood, friends. There's no turning back now.

Yes but Hollywood doesn't want him

That remains to be seen. YZ looks very promising, and if corporate Hollywood wants to pick it up I predict Trent's "fuck corporations" gets left in the dust.

Oh, well. I still have all the recorded greatness that never gets old. All good things come to an end.

His records were never great and most songs/lyrics/beats were heavily copied from others.

Disagree. And every artist is influenced by other artists. I'm a painter, and I'm heavily influenced by John Singer Sargent and Diego Velasquez. Sometimes it's very recognizable in my work. So that's just kind of silly.

I'm going to add here that the ARG stands to be a real goldmine and is becoming creepily pervasive, according to the poking around I did on the interwebz today. Merch comes to mind right away on that one and outside promotion or funding would probably be unnecessary, so Trent can remain the anti-machine rebel that he is in his followers' eyes.

He has, and always will have, a smallish but significant nutso fan base who will not only declare everything he does genius, but as has been amply demonstrated, do whatever is commanded by their leader. The whole "NIN Army" thing is off the charts insane - as in mass hysteria insane - I fully expect physical violence to come out of it at some point.

I'm not sure what happened to TR between newly-sober, new beginning guy and...this. I'm positive he's back using cocaine (and who knows what else) constantly and heavily, it's written all over him and his bizarre behavior, and equally sure that he has never been treated for the two (that I know of) psychiatric disorders he's affected with.

He's right back on a runaway train to self-destruction and oblivion, and there he will stay with the choices he's made and the loving aid of his dedicated spouse and friends. Call it whatever you want, to me it's just pure waste and tragedy, and symptomatic of how far humanity has descended. But that's a whole nother philosophical ball of wax.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Wow i was gone a few days and come back and sludger took a shit all over this thread confusing everyone to no end.
I could care less who hacked who and whatever rambling bullshit you are spewing. Based off your last comment you are a fucking nasty cunt and like someone said wallmart doesn't have inter office email. Take your crazy somewhere and play there. I'd rather have warm leatherette times 500 then read your shit any longer
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

Maynard James Keenan of Tool and his asshole behavior towards fans reminds me of when Trent used to make good music circa The Downward Spiral and the mid 1990s.
Trent has no real friends- just paid employees, even his wife, if you think about it. No one can step up and tell him how mentally ill he is or else he'll just fire them. I'm sure most music industry people don't even take Trent seriously anymore and laugh at him based on all the stupid comments and career moves he's made over the past year. He's become an example of what you don't weant your life to become.
Last edited by RichardL on Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

My conscience and better sense convinced me to make one more comment here.

I do have plenty of evidence and info that Trent is again deep into cocaine, but to say I'm positive he is would be as asinine and crazy as some of the shit he's been saying. I have not seen him doing any such thing. However...his behavior and even appearance are pretty convincing on that count.

Conversely, anyone who's ever known a dry drunk or non-using addict who's trying to go it alone, and surrounding himself with all the persons, places, situations and things that are triggers, will act as fucked up and tweaky as any coked-out or "functionally alcoholic" user - actually, a lot of times it's even worse. Add emotional/mental issues to the mix and you have a volatile basket case with nothing but raw nerves and really bad judgment.

I still say it looks like the drugs to me, especially given this group of evildoers he's surrounding himself with. But I could be wrong.

Either way, it sucks.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

How much of his musical career has he lost based upon his crazy actions the past year? Surely he's ruined any credible reputation he's had in the music industry. Even without doing this awful How to Destroy Angels project, his online behavior toward his fans in the past year has been crazy and appalling.Trent should just seal the deal and have a child with this talentless whore so she can have guaranteed income for the rest of her life.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 » lol a blog written by a special ed teacher
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

OMG, Riti Sped! I haven't seen that in ages. Many lulz were had reading that blog!
BaGawker2.0 wrote: lol a blog written by a special ed teacher
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

BaGawker - even though I find the title of that blog somewhat distasteful (I did read the FAQ to find out WTF was up with that), the few stories I read made me laugh.

My autistic daughter lives at home with me. She's unbelievably smart and has everyone in hysterics just by being herself. Not laughing AT her, but laughing because she's just wickedly funny! I'm pretty damn proud of that, too - a real sense of humor in a person affected by the full syndrome (we're not talking the "spectrum" BS that's cropped up the last ten years or so) is unusual. She's also quite social, as a result of lots and lots of encouragement (actually, pushing) by me when I realized she was interested in making friends.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Well shit I do actually feel a little bad about posting that now a bit lol damn. But if its any consulation I was given that by my older step sister who well for lack of a better word was a full blown living in a asylum paranoid schizophrenic for ten years. Oddly enough after living there she apparently hasnt had an episode in 18 years, woman is absolutely hysterical too. She got a huge kick out of that blog for some reason .
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Love_heals wrote: I'm a painter, and I'm heavily influenced by John Singer Sargent and Diego Velasquez
Interesting couple of influences - they're so different... I'd like to see your work.
Love_heals wrote:The whole "NIN Army" thing is off the charts insane - as in mass hysteria insane - I fully expect physical violence to come out of it at some point.
I'm sure it's already gotten to that point, we just don't know about it.
Love_heals wrote:I'm positive he's back using cocaine (and who knows what else) constantly and heavily, it's written all over him and his bizarre behavior, and equally sure that he has never been treated for the two (that I know of) psychiatric disorders he's affected with.

He's right back on a runaway train to self-destruction and oblivion, and there he will stay with the choices he's made and the loving aid of his dedicated spouse and friends. Call it whatever you want, to me it's just pure waste and tragedy, and symptomatic of how far humanity has descended.
He's a grown-assed, bullheaded man who doesn't listen to anyone around him, so those people around him can only be blamed for so much, Love. I doubt the Q or any of her cohorts have any real influence over his actions, so it's pointless to blame her.

To put it succinctly, he was a lead balloon long before the Q, or Manson, or anyone else who's been singled out as a "bad influence" made an appearance. It's also pointless to romanticize it. He's fucked up, plain and simple. That's it.

Romanticizing it is probably what's kept him from getting help, or expending the effort to help himself.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

BaGawker2.0 wrote:Well shit I do actually feel a little bad about posting that now a bit lol damn. But if its any consulation I was given that by my older step sister who well for lack of a better word was a full blown living in a asylum paranoid schizophrenic for ten years. Oddly enough after living there she apparently hasnt had an episode in 18 years, woman is absolutely hysterical too. She got a huge kick out of that blog for some reason .
No, don't you dare feel bad about it! Other than the title...well, and the fact the chick says she gets drunk four nights a week (hungover SpEd teacher? gah!)...I love the stories and I bookmarked it.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

AMFOS, Sargent was actually influenced by Velasquez, too - mainly the economy of brushstrokes and broad areas of color.

True about TR and the fingerpointing, but then that is typical blaming behavior from a fucked up personality. I don't think the people around him are so much enablers or influences as they are vultures. Encouraging someone to continue in a self-destructive cycle for your own purposes is about as heinous as it gets, but again, very typical of THAT particular kind of fucked up personality.

I see the end of the human race, via natural and manmade disasters, as not a bad thing...except that the good ones will have to go right along with the bad.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

RichardL wrote:How much of his musical career has he lost based upon his crazy actions the past year? Surely he's ruined any credible reputation he's had in the music industry. Even without doing this awful How to Destroy Angels project, his online behavior toward his fans in the past year has been crazy and appalling.Trent should just seal the deal and have a child with this talentless whore so she can have guaranteed income for the rest of her life.
Sadly - agreed, except that a little baby would be in the middle of all that. I think whoever asked if we can preemptively call CPS has a good idea. :)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote: You've been doing your research, haven't you? Seeing that you've already suggested having graduated with a degree in computer something, you sure know a whole lot about the record biz LOL it's all interesting, nonetheless.
I went to school for a short bit for comp sci. At the ripe age of 26 dealing with kids just getting out of high school... That didn't last long. Nor did being relegated to asking for permission to take a piss. I had just been out of school for a bit longer than I think should have.

When it comes to business there are a variety of things that all businesses have in common. I can look at the industry at a complete distance, and go "ok here's some monday morning quarterbacking, but I think it fits."

The one fundamental thing keeps coming back, is if the software industry ran their businesses like the record industry runs theirs. They would have folded and gone to shit a long time ago. I'm talking about the majors here.

Their entire existence rides on a bit of monopoly in contacts and resources, and how they wield them. That and they sue the fuck out of whoever they want to. They don't make money off of the litigation. It does allow them to wield prior litigation like a big fucking axe.
You want out of your contract, and we don't? Fuck you, you either do what we say, or we sue you out of fucking existence.

You want out of your contract and we don't? Yup you can go, but you can't record shit under the band name you signed with us on. You delivered three albums, you owe us six.

Or they just pay you shit. I think I read somewhere that TLC was literally fucking broke, after having massive success on an album due to the way the label structured their deal. They were going on a world tour, but couldn't afford to get groceries.

In some respects, with the US Supreme Court has liberalized how RICO charges are able to be brought I think you could safely bring at least a few record label execs up on criminal charges.

Another reason when I read about Malm, the little fucker deserved to be punted out the window. There are hundreds if not thousands just like him.

I think the best education you can ever get in business is figuring out how Enron's balance sheets worked. They would take a sale that would pay out over time, perform "mark to market accounting that would take that sale's projected revenue over time and put it down upfront in a single quarterly result. It drives your stock sky high because it looks like you've made an amazing haul for the quarter. The problem becomes to continue that stock growth you have to do the same shit repeatedly.

Mark to market still happens, every day. You can usually see it in companies filings just by looking at historical numbers of the company itself and across industry competitors.

After that Enron decided to create tons of shell corporations. The part where they were so fucking arrogant was when they named them "Death Star" and so on. You then take the debt that's on your books, and dump it onto the shell corp and wow your balance sheet looks fucking clean as a whistle. The only problem there is that debt is a ticking fucking timebomb and the only way to hide accumulated debt in that manner is to keep doing it repeatedly, in ever increasing numbers. Enron had regulators, fuck even W while he was still governor in their pockets. Their breached their fiduciary duty to their shareholders, and boy did it fuck *everyone* when the house of cards came tumbling down.

So in that sense all the numbers that bore the fuck out of other people, are insanely interesting to me. Am I some kind of like uber investor, record industry insider, or business guru? Nope. You just look for the cracks and problems, and you find them pretty quickly when you know where to look.

amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Confession: I looked up the bands you mentioned. I will respecfully say I despise that kind of music, my heart's in trip-hop/electronica/New Wave, which brings me to HTDA...
Long ago I gave up trying to convince people the merits of metal. You either hate it and think it's pure shit. Or you love it. There is just no middle ground there. It's also a ridiculously conservative genre. Try finding an album that doesn't use copious amounts of double bass... good luck :)
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: You've been doing your research, haven't you? Seeing that you've already suggested having graduated with a degree in computer something, you sure know a whole lot about the record biz LOL it's all interesting, nonetheless.
I went to school for a short bit for comp sci. At the ripe age of 26 dealing with kids just getting out of high school... That didn't last long. Nor did being relegated to asking for permission to take a piss. I had just been out of school for a bit longer than I think should have.

When it comes to business there are a variety of things that all businesses have in common. I can look at the industry at a complete distance, and go "ok here's some monday morning quarterbacking, but I think it fits."

The one fundamental thing keeps coming back, is if the software industry ran their businesses like the record industry runs theirs. They would have folded and gone to shit a long time ago. I'm talking about the majors here.

Their entire existence rides on a bit of monopoly in contacts and resources, and how they wield them. That and they sue the fuck out of whoever they want to. They don't make money off of the litigation. It does allow them to wield prior litigation like a big fucking axe.
You want out of your contract, and we don't? Fuck you, you either do what we say, or we sue you out of fucking existence.

You want out of your contract and we don't? Yup you can go, but you can't record shit under the band name you signed with us on. You delivered three albums, you owe us six.

Or they just pay you shit. I think I read somewhere that TLC was literally fucking broke, after having massive success on an album due to the way the label structured their deal. They were going on a world tour, but couldn't afford to get groceries.

In some respects, with the US Supreme Court has liberalized how RICO charges are able to be brought I think you could safely bring at least a few record label execs up on criminal charges.

Another reason when I read about Malm, the little fucker deserved to be punted out the window. There are hundreds if not thousands just like him.

I think the best education you can ever get in business is figuring out how Enron's balance sheets worked. They would take a sale that would pay out over time, perform "mark to market accounting that would take that sale's projected revenue over time and put it down upfront in a single quarterly result. It drives your stock sky high because it looks like you've made an amazing haul for the quarter. The problem becomes to continue that stock growth you have to do the same shit repeatedly.

Mark to market still happens, every day. You can usually see it in companies filings just by looking at historical numbers of the company itself and across industry competitors.

After that Enron decided to create tons of shell corporations. The part where they were so fucking arrogant was when they named them "Death Star" and so on. You then take the debt that's on your books, and dump it onto the shell corp and wow your balance sheet looks fucking clean as a whistle. The only problem there is that debt is a ticking fucking timebomb and the only way to hide accumulated debt in that manner is to keep doing it repeatedly, in ever increasing numbers. Enron had regulators, fuck even W while he was still governor in their pockets. Their breached their fiduciary duty to their shareholders, and boy did it fuck *everyone* when the house of cards came tumbling down.

So in that sense all the numbers that bore the fuck out of other people, are insanely interesting to me. Am I some kind of like uber investor, record industry insider, or business guru? Nope. You just look for the cracks and problems, and you find them pretty quickly when you know where to look.

amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Kudos to Trent & Co. for branching out and experimenting, but I simply don't like it thus far - and I definitely wouldn't be so shallow as to attribute my initial reaction to the music to the fact that the Q is part of the project, or that it was too NINish, or not NIN enough :roll:
That earns you a couple of points ;)
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: The wonderful thing about the type of music they've chosen to experiment with is that vocalists don't have to be super skilled to succeed just as long as they have a style all their own.There are simply too many versatile and talented female musicians who are more than just dabbling to "become famous", and can't/will not rely on nepotism, and are actually willing to work to get their sound out there.
And.... there go all the points. Judging from interviews, Trent being what appears to be a perfectionist. I'm positive this had nothing to do with nepotism. I'm certain there was a lot of conversation over it, and some of that conversation was this album. They dug it, it felt right to them, so they let the world in on it.

A tangential example here, I don't make music, I don't think I could find a way to do it if I had someone screaming "PUT THAT CHORD RIGHT THERE". When it comes to development, a couple of my friends are damned good developers. We worked together on a project or two, but all of us being assholes in our own ways, agreed that it didn't work right. However, that was our decision and it was based on our view of the quality of our output. It's a very easy thing to take a high gloss view of an app and go "wow that's shitty it doesn't have feature 'x'" And that's fine, but if we're on oh I don't know on a beta rev, I could give a fuck if feature x is implemented. I want to make sure features that are there already feel good, are solid before I go off the deep end and go for adding random 'x' features.

That's a horribly imperfect analogy, but it's the closest I can get. It just feels like the same kind of bit. "OK let's together and see what happens". That was the expectation they set for themselves. They delivered on it. Explained what the expectation was, and detailed that they were working on a full length album for early(?) 2011.

Also, as far as I can tell every single person in California who is in a music scene tend to feel like this:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: "There are simply too many versatile and talented female musicians who are more than just dabbling to "become famous"
The one thing that I've noticed about the west coast music scene is that because you marry x, or quit band y to go do band z. Somehow you're a: "sellout", "a piece of shit", "not in it for the music" and so on. If you want to see the people that actually fit in that category, turn on American Idol. Bullshit streamed live to your TV courtesy of guess who? Big ass labels, and big ass TV networks that LOVE ad revenue.

This is where I like the death/metal/thrash community. Band members swap between bands like fucking hot potatoes. It's rare to see an interview with some metal band that has lost members attributable to anything more than "meh, we didn't like 'em in the band", or "he wanted to go do some solo stuff", or "we're changing the direction of the music and he didn't like it". And that's what fans attribute it to as well, largely.

Attribute it to the metal ethos or whatever it is, but still. When I go to like a, oh I don't know, Shadows Fall show... I can randomly walk up to a group of people standing inside or outside the venue. Fire off a couple pleasantries and immediately start having, usually, a pretty kick ass chat just about anything. Usually it starts out with the rattling off of bands, trading bands you should check out and after that much fucking laughing about whatever. The only fucking dicks are the idiots who got fucking shitfaced, and come to the show with a hard on to fuck with people. Those people typically get chucked early.

You throw in some popularity and shit seems to change in the perception of what you do from there on out. Simple explanations suddenly seem completely fucking sinister.

MQ:"to be honest, being a professional singer was never a dream of mine, wait, that’s a lie, in the 8th grade i wanted to do broadway but in high school i realized i didn’t enjoy musical theatre that much. professionally, i wanted to be a buyer/stylist/personal shopper but after a couple of years at a fashion institute, i became very uninspired & lost. i stumbled into singing a year later & used the opportunity to overcome my severe stage fright. ta-da."

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. In 8th grade I wanted to be, a pilot. By the end of my freshmen year in high school I wanted to be a lawyer. In my sophomore year, after a teacher told me "you are never going to make money on the internet", well shit I wanted to become a programmer. That last bit stuck. So I got there a bit earlier than someone else. But, at the very least I can understand it.

I spent a lot of time high school, doing just about every geek type of speaking that you could think of. Four years of it actually, and then a year of coaching it after I graduated. I was very much "well just go up there and talk". People would lock up and drop out of the program. It sucked, they were smart people did amazing with just me or a couple other people in the room. Throw in 30 listeners, other speakers and an opponent, bam, they were done. So I've seen the pain in the ass part if you don't come to public speaking/performing easily. I also have no strategies or tips to get over it. So I'm worthless in the advice department there.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Seven, it just seems like she doesn't care about the craft - you know, the music - it's just a means to an end to her, and artistically speaking, it's quite upsetting. More importantly, that's why some people have gone on to question Trent's motivation, and whether he was ever in it for the tunes, or whether it was always just "a means to an end" for him as well - copy random beats and doctor them enough to make them his own and moan and scream over them to pay the bills.
The problem I think with the reasoning there is you're ignoring the pasts. Trent worked as a fucking janitor in a recording studio. If anything the jobs he did work were the means to the end of making music. So he went in DIY, at night, after he got off work and put in time on demos. Apparently, whoever ran the studio was cool by that. Something, I highly doubt, would fly now. Hence my obsession with the musicians co-op thing. Continuing on, so he went out did shows busted his ass doing the stuff he wanted to do. If he was in it for the money, he wouldn't have been putting out PHM. At that point, on Billboard in 1989 your big hits were:
02 Chicago - Look Away
03 Bobby Brown - My Prerogative
04 Poision - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
05 Paula Abdul - Straight Up
06 Janet Jackson - Miss You Much
07 Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted
08 Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
09 Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know It's True

I do not see anything there that PHM could even slot into. If he was out there to just make money he would not have recorded PHM.

Apparently to sing now, bands accept fucking resumes and applications. Which in some respects has to be more of a bitch than starting out when Trent did. If Mariqueen wanted cash and money she wouldn't have found and gone in with an indie band off of Astralwerks and done the club circuit. She wanted to make music. And since she had the nefarious impetuousness to meet a guy and fall in love with the dude. Man everything she did before that is leading up to her ascendancy to blah blah. I mean I can't even write it. It sounds that retarded to me.

Every musician that I've met has started out busting their asses, doing thankless gigs that pay shit and have been in it for the music. Then again you're not going to see me at a meet and greet hanging out at a Backstreet Boys show.

And the wild thing is, apparently getting out making music and performing was more important than dealing with shitty gigs, gear and cruising around in a van. I classify those kinds of gigs as that, because I've been to gigs where there's like 10 people there and you feel for the band.

Musicians I think sit and go "holy shit there was this horrible gig...". But, largely a gig is a gig starting out. Later on if you get some degree of success, you get to say "OK, playing 45 minutes without soundcheck sucks for us and for anyone who would show up, so let's try to do as few of those as possible"

I mean you want to talk to me about Mariah Carey marrying Tommy Mottola go for it. But this? pfft.

As far as caring for the craft. I'm deadly honest here, I have no idea what that means. It sounds a wee bit ambiguous and highly subjective. Then again, caring about the craft of programming is just writing solid code.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: I've tried to explain my opinion as explicitly as you've explained yours, so you see I'm not just a blindly envious naysayer like I've come to see you're not just a shameless asskisser.
Yup, and a decent chunk of it comes across as you being an asshole. But, from the reverse perpsective I'm sure a good chunk of mine comes across as being a self-indulgent arrogant asshole. So I think in a certain sense, while it doesn't excuse either of us being assholes, it certainly balances it for people from either side. Or hopefully it does.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Very true, but maybe Trent & Co. might find her to be a blessing in disguise, since she might shame this "epic" thread and the Twitter trolls into extinction.
The one thing about doing stuff, making waves is that there will always but that fuckwad that goes out of their way to try and make your life as annoying as fucking possible.

The scary thing is, sludger isn't the worst. There are far, far worse. But, still sludger is literally the worst fucking prick I've seen on here and if she's chilling with whoever is on the twitter troll accounts then they're fucking pricks too.

People can say whatever they want to. But some of this shit, "miscarriages" wtf are you kidding me? If someone walked up to me and said that shit to me in person it would piss me off no matter who it was. About 8 years ago a friend and I had a party one night. One of the dudes girlfriend's had a miscarriage and he was busted up bad about it. We barely knew him, recognized the name. But, still it was intense and we were at least trying to calm down about it.

Then some fucker comes in and starts cracking retarded fucking jokes about abortions and shit. Honest to god there have only been a few times in my life when I've been that fucking angry. He got cocky, we threw him down a stairwell and called the cops to come pick him up and take his ass to the hospital.

I have since mellowed out significantly. But, fuck some of this shit in here is just so beyond the pale, you just wonder what human being goes "blah blah blah miscarriage". Apparently someone who has never had kids, never been pregnant, never been married and probably hasn't been laid in a loooonnnngggggg fucking time. I sure as shit don't believe in God, but if there was ever a point where I could go "you know God, throw this motherfucker a curve ball" this would be one of them.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Honestly if Iran and Israel don't knock off their shit, nukes being exchanged? Definitely possible. So on a very small chance you might get a ring side seat to that.
Love_heals wrote: I see the end of the human race, via natural and manmade disasters, as not a bad thing...except that the good ones will have to go right along with the bad.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Do what you want, but this would likely end up with at the very least a misdemeanor and at worst a felony with jail time. The one thing I do know if you guys pull some asinine move like this, would be the fucking anger from the admin and the owner of the site, in having to deal with a fucking subpoena due to your *brilliant* plan. When shit starts costing money, people start getting pissed real fast.

Similar thing happened here recently with Facebook accounts. One got a knocked down plea agreement, the other two got misdemeanors with 30 days served and 2 years suspended for each. And this is backwater North Dakota.

A group of people planning to do it fuckkkkkkk.
Love_heals wrote: Sadly - agreed, except that a little baby would be in the middle of all that. I think whoever asked if we can preemptively call CPS has a good idea. :)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LocoOno »

Nah, SevenFire and MFOS are not assholes, just bullshiters
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Of course it would be crazy. Actually, impossible - you can't call CPS on people with no kids. Wherever it was posted, it was a joke.

Then again, I find it strange that you need to take courses and get a license to drive a car, but any jackass/drunk/addict/abuser can have children...and if and when CPS is called, it's usually too late.

sevenfire2 wrote:Do what you want, but this would likely end up with at the very least a misdemeanor and at worst a felony with jail time. The one thing I do know if you guys pull some asinine move like this, would be the fucking anger from the admin and the owner of the site, in having to deal with a fucking subpoena due to your *brilliant* plan. When shit starts costing money, people start getting pissed real fast.

Similar thing happened here recently with Facebook accounts. One got a knocked down plea agreement, the other two got misdemeanors with 30 days served and 2 years suspended for each. And this is backwater North Dakota.

A group of people planning to do it fuckkkkkkk.
Love_heals wrote: Sadly - agreed, except that a little baby would be in the middle of all that. I think whoever asked if we can preemptively call CPS has a good idea. :)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Holy shit Seven, I thought I was wordy :lol:
sevenfire2 wrote: Judging from interviews, Trent being what appears to be a perfectionist.
That's precisely what's got me perplexed by his recent output.
sevenfire2 wrote:The one thing that I've noticed about the west coast music scene is that because you marry x, or quit band y to go do band z. Somehow you're a: "sellout", "a piece of shit", "not in it for the music" and so on.
You do make a point about that kind of mentality being bullshit - I spent a lot of time around up and coming local metal bands :wink: and they would switch around, quit, and change sub-genres all the time until some of them finally found something that worked for them. I noticed that musical relationships are like romantic relationships. Passionate, based on simililarities in artistic motivation (which changes as the artist develops and grows), and can sometimes be volatile.
sevenfire2 wrote:By the end of my freshmen year in high school I wanted to be a lawyer.
Goddamn it, I can tell. Your tongue is most probably connected in the middle and wags at both ends, doesn't it? LOL
sevenfire2 wrote:The problem I think with the reasoning there is you're ignoring the pasts. Trent worked as a fucking janitor in a recording studio. If anything the jobs he did work were the means to the end of making music.
Au contraire, mon frere. Again, the reason that I'm so puzzled is because I've read about his humble beginnings, and how he had to bust his ass, blah blah, PHM, Lolla, blowing up, five years between albums, etc. - this also ties to his alleged perfectionism. Maybe the music will improve with time even if she remains static, and I can just download the multi trax and make all the songs instrumentals... he gets to work with his wife, and I get to listen to his and Atticus' music without doing a facepalm.

I know it's subjective, but although (I think) the Q's a beautiful woman, she can't sing. She just can't. The fact that her voice is woven through ultimately unfinished beats doesn't help either. Maybe their output next year will be stellar because they're processing all of the positive and negative criticism from the EP maturely and will apply it... maybe the Q will get some voice lessons, and work on her stage fright and gaining some charisma. Time will tell, and since I like his music, I'll listen and decide whether I like it or not. If I don't, I'm just one person - I seriously doubt it will be a big loss for them, since they'll always be held up by the backbone of the "NIN Army"!!1!
sevenfire2 wrote:And since she had the nefarious impetuousness to meet a guy and fall in love with the dude.
You talkin' about Francis10?

Meh, I don't want to talk about "personal" shit, this is about music. She can't sing - and by what I've heard, she could never sing. Her sup-par vocals don't even have some kind of backbone or character to make them passable. I wonder why any band would want her to do any of their vocals. (It looks so very harsh in writing)

Paula Abdul can't sing for shit, but she could dance like it was going out of style. Same with Milli Vanilli. Shakira has incredible presence and writes her own lyrics (which read like fantastic poetry until she started diluting them for superstardom and English speaking audiences - the "sex kitten" Shakira you see today isn't half of the artist she once was)... I can't think of any more examples off the top of my head, but the point I'm trying to make is that there needs to be a *balance*. If your vocals are weak, make it up with sheer charisma, a la Mick Jagger. If you're shy and would rather not strut, make up for it with a voice that gives the audience goosbumps... In my humble opinion, she has neither. No voice, no charisma. She's Lady GaGa without the crazy outfits or the piano playing, Alicia Keys without the pseudo R&B/soul schtick, empty.

Now that I think about it, as fucked up as the music biz is nowadays, it's pretty much a fuckin' guarantee she's going
to be huge so don't go feelin' sorry for her just yet. :?

Anyways, there's just nothing there love, and you can call me a retarded asshole, a jealous psycho hose beast, or a short-sighted ignorant cunt but my opinion won't change, nor would I be stung by the insults. I don't think you're self-indulgent (because you're talking about Trent, not yourself) or arrogant or an asshole. Your opinion is just *different* from my own, and unlike the majority of the people in this psycho circus, I actually respect it and feel no need to attack you.
sevenfire2 wrote:But some of this shit, "miscarriages" wtf are you kidding me? If someone walked up to me and said that shit to me in person it would piss me off no matter who it was.
It's not a laughing matter. Period.

Anyone who makes light of such a tragedy should have Karma bitchslap them with a handful of rings. Right in the fucking mouth.
Your voice is the delicate string, the sound of my name on your lips the gentle tug that keeps me grounded...

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

Yea, I tend to communicate far poorer online than I do in person. The best way to describe my conversation style is "sorkinese" without all the power walking.


If you ever get a chance, Issac & Ishmael along with Two Cathedrals are two of the finest episodes made for TV. Issac & Ishmael was the episode that came out right after Sept 11th. I think they did the script in 24 hours or something like that.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:Holy shit Seven, I thought I was wordy :lol:

I can certainly see that.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: I noticed that musical relationships are like romantic relationships. Passionate, based on simililarities in artistic motivation (which changes as the artist develops and grows), and can sometimes be volatile.

The one thing I've seen from all of them through tumblr questions along with the facebook posts is the desire to push onward to whatever is next. I enjoy the music a lot. However, it appears they've become either comfortable or close to it on working with this stuff. Nobody can never be 100% that the second album is going to be far better than the first. But, considering the progression Trent has had, I have a feeling if anything slid it wouldn't make it on the album.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Maybe the music will improve with time.

In the vox dept, we're stuck in disagreement there. As far as listening and figuring out if you dig it, it's cool by me. I think the mistake for a lot of people on here, and I'm not including you in this I don't think, is that I showed up here because people were ranting about whether or not they liked the album. I could honestly care less if anyone likes or dislikes an album. I'm just not that guy. I showed up because there were some crazy fucking people that just wanted to spend quality time slagging off on Trent and Mariqueen. You dig through here, and the prime mover in a lot of the nastier shit has been sludger. Until of course she went completely bat fucking insane.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: I know it's subjective, but although (I think) the Q's a beautiful woman, she can't sing.[...] Time will tell, and since I like his music, I'll listen and decide whether I like it or not. If I don't, I'm just one person - I seriously doubt it will be a big loss for them, since they'll always be held up by the backbone of the "NIN Army"!!1!"

HAH! No.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: You talkin' about Francis10?
HAHA Did we grow up in the same decade? Then again, dancing has always been just a very noticeable ellipses for me in music. The SNL Ashley Simpson lip syncing bit, is emblematic of the last 40 years of music industry bullshit.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Paula Abdul can't sing for shit, but she could dance like it was going out of style. Same with Milli Vanilli.
And that's appreciated, at times trolling trolls gets, hrm, boring. So having a somewhat normal conversation is a good thing.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Your opinion is just *different* from my own, and unlike the majority of the people in this psycho circus, I actually respect it and feel no need to attack you.

amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Anyone who makes light of such a tragedy should have Karma bitchslap them with a handful of rings. Right in the fucking mouth.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sevenfire2 wrote:The best way to describe my conversation style is "sorkinese" without all the power walking.
A consummate type A personality. What a surprise. :)
sevenfire2 wrote:However, it appears they've become either comfortable or close to it on working with this stuff. Nobody can never be 100% that the second album is going to be far better than the first. But, considering the progression Trent has had, I have a feeling if anything slid it wouldn't make it on the album.
So, simply put, you don't really it'll get any better, but you're pretty sure it won't get any worse? It's not the best prognosis, but I guess it'll have to do, right?
sevenfire2 wrote:I showed up because there were some crazy fucking people that just wanted to spend quality time slagging off on Trent and Mariqueen.
I showed up here 'cause I'd heard there were some juicy tidbits about Trent so I lurked and read for a while, but the seemingly inexplicable hatred being spewed is what got me to actually post... what's interesting about this thread is that you might come a die-hard NINtard mainlining the Krazy-Aid, but if you spend enough time here, you start seeing him less "musical genius who changed my life/stopped me from committing suicide/helped me rub one off on a lonely night" and more average man who done fucked up in the last couple years.

Is that a bad thing? Nope, because seeing him as a real live human being with feelings and character flaws helps wean the NINtards off the proverbial NINtit...

Anyways, I know you're going to shake your head at this, but they really started it.

I've been in love. I mean, stupidly, wonderfully, tragically in love, and not ONCE did it occur to me to rub it in stranger's faces because they didn't think I could/would find such a love, or blog/tweet about what happens between us behind closed doors... Fie!

I know people are different, but TBH, not even the boldest and randiest of my attention whore friends have done such a thing either, so what they did was just, weird. It was beyond bizarre, especially for a man who's guaranteed to have been "stoopid over a female" a couple times before and was discreet enough to keep it to himself and his near and dear ones - I think that's why people were so surprised/disgusted by it. Granted, the fangirls needed to see that he does actually have actual sex. With actual ladies! but there had to be a way to show these fangirls he's a normal man while not making him the butt of a million jokes and the laughingstock of Hollyweird, get me?

I think he'll always get work and have a means to continue supporting himself, but if (the operative word here being "if") this was all just a caprice he has many years of "epic facepalms" ahead of him whenever someone reminds him of his public behavior. See, that's why it's better to keep this kind of shit to yourself - there's nothing worse for a proud soul than to hear the dreaded words "I told you so" when things don't work out.
sevenfire2 wrote:HAHA Did we grow up in the same decade?
I'm 28, and I don't really know... oh, and come on - Milli Vanilli totally owns Ashley in the lipsynching disaster department!

EDIT: taken from the Lounge for those of you that don't lurk... behold:
What Britney Spears really sounds like!
Your voice is the delicate string, the sound of my name on your lips the gentle tug that keeps me grounded...

Pressing Flowers - The Civil Wars
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