NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Nymeses »

Okay, seriously. Do I need to make a seperate thread for AMFOS and warmleatherette just to shut the two of you crazy bitches up?

I TRIED side tracking the conversation by posting something of relevance to NIN-bashing, which is exactly what these threads USED to be for was hating on Trent and his lame-ass kindergartener tactics (along with whoever his whore flavor of the week was), but it seems like every time I decide to take a break from real life to see what's going on in this discussion thread, all I end up seeing is a catfight between two random ass members. And now it happens to be you two.

So kindly STFU and get back to actual fucking NIN gossip. Unless you are members of the NIN camp, NO ONE is interested in YOUR drama!

Or shove creamsicles up your cunts and take videos of it. Either way, no one gives a fuck what ethnicity you are, how much you cream your pants over Trent doing a score for a shitty z-list documentary, or how full your toilet got from your morning shit. Just STFU!


Dangerdiabolique: I read over your posts and what you're saying makes a lot of sense. Honestly I just think it's yet another publicity stunt for T-Rez and crew (and any other bands boycotting this "wannabe law"). However, they're definitely asking for the wrong kind of attention. In Trent's case specifically it's just another opportunity to further alienate what's left of his fanbase.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

WB nymeses

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »


I had to find an excuse to post that .gif - it's mezmerizing.

Anyways, I don't really give a shit about the Arizona boycott thing. I believe it's a way for artists (whom those very illegal immigrants most probably don't know or give a shit about, btw) to seem politically relevant.

Attention whoring much? That's it.

Good for them :roll: , but all they really accomplished is pissing the wrong people off.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by StefsRockShow »

uhhh hi im here for the gang bang
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Nymeses »

Thanks for the warm Star Trek welcome BaGawker. LOL! Those screen shots are priceless.

AMFOS: Do you think it's just as retarded as I think it is that musicians in general have been trying to become political activists offstage?

This next part is for everybody: I mean, you don't exactly see very many politicians trying to become rock stars (or maybe there are....if there is, enlighten me). No, they keep to their desks and podiums and pass bullshit laws and make bullshit decisions that end up costing the country money and end up pissing off a lot of people.

So it makes me say that isn't the best place for any kind of political activism be the ampitheaters that these musicians perform in? I mean, we are all going to have our political ideologies and opinions, but I totally draw the line when it ends up hurting the fans who are willing to go pay to see you SING.

And wouldn't you also think that with TR's financial troubles throughout the years that he wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to make more money? Seems just another reason that it's stupidity on his part.

And it sounds like warmleatherette is just butthurt over the fact that there are people in this discussion thread (besides me....people have been trying to sidetrack the conversation back to TR for the last 5 pages to no avail amidst all the bullshit catfighting). Yes, I realize Trent is an attention hound, but so are 80% of people in Hollywood. They are still worth talking about and belittling on principle for their moronic ways. That's why online communities such as metalsludge exist anyway. For GOSSIP.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

Trent is a trending topic on yahoo now because of the soundtrack he's doing for the movie about facebook that david fincher directed, he must be happy from all the media attention.
He posted a clip of Tony hawk interviewing him: ... awk-with-3
I just can't take Trent or his music seriously anymore. I would never go see David Fincher's new movie. I would wait for it to come to cable.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

BaGawker2.0 wrote:WB nymeses

Oh hello

im awake, wtf is going on
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

I'm going to blow everyone's mind now:

I think that it's bad that these people that merely entertain wield such power. What happened to us as a species being aware of our surroundings - politically, sociologically, emotionally - and not needing either movie stars or singers telling us what the fuck is up, and whether we should act about it or not?

Does anyone see how fucked up that is?! Anyone?

Music should be something that we enjoy to get away from those everyday concerns - art, expression - an aural snapshot of the artist's mind that we either appreciate or not. Although it's amazing that you could move someone to change their mind about racism or sexism with a film, a song, a well-written poem, or even a photograph, I feel that immense power is subtly being abused, and will continue to be abused as the proverbial shit gets closer and closer to the cosmic fan. El diablo himself was an angel of music - and knows its true worth - who's to say that he wouldn't have given some select "artists" the power to move the masses to action? (for his benefit, of course). Think me crazy, I don't give a flying fig. Truth is truth.

Anyways, that example's an extreme. I don't want to be subliminally convinced that living a shallow, materialistic life is okay, or that promiscuity is tops, or that violence is the answer. These things will break down our humanity and a lot of us fucking know it, but because the most popular celebrities live this life, we're gonna follow suit? <insert slow head shaking and tongue clicking .gif here> Most of these people have been reduced to barely domesticated animals in a menagerie that we throw dollar bills into -- forced to fuck, consume drugs and act a fool to fulfill our sick fantasies of the celebrity lifestyle... it's a vicious fuckin' cycle people. Don't feed into it!

Enjoy the music, but don't let it take over your life. Take it at face value... as something that was made for *entertainment purposes*; something that should compliment our life experience, not become the script for it. Our loved one's laughter should be the soundtrack of our lives, not a stranger's music -- especially if that stranger has ulterior motives with it. It's not worth your happiness, your peace of mind, or your soul.

If these artists want to be attention-whoring puppets with no other concern than fickle public opinion and the goddamned bottom line, let them stress themselves out and grind down their sanity to a nub. It's their lives.
RichardL wrote:I just can't take Trent or his music seriously anymore. I would never go see David Fincher's new movie. I would wait for it to come to cable.
You shouldn't have taken it seriously to begin with, get me?

If Trent made a goddamned fool of himself, made his private life public, and sold his self-respect and peace of mind for media exposure, good for him. I sincerely hope it was worth it. Pfft! What's a soul when you can live like the other half live, and have all new people seriously licking your taint because you're that hot right now? Sing a dirge to his artistic integrity and his soul, hand him a white lily, and be done with it.

Sorry for the rant.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

sludger wrote:**YAWN** amouthfulofsin220 **SNORE**

Hell yeah man FATSO was never THAT person he sold himself as. Get It, Got It. It's called sucking the corporate TIT.

Then that bitch Reznor with his stupid little black dyed hair-do needs to get the fuck out of the Rush documentary. What business did he have in there? Why didn't they get true giants of rock that matters like real legends Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith and others? The makers of the film used Rush to become famous or had their own agenda, how dare they. ..lying to Neil's face when he asked the directors what their angle was and why they kept on emailing them.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

What power? I decided that law was a 4th amendment violation when it was passed. A bunch of musicians go "wow that's kind of nutty, we're not going to tour there." And everyone flips shit over it.

This is not musicians dicks in the wind protesting. This is people making a decision and going "you know this whole law fundamentally violates the spirit, word and intent of the constitution". Which, well it does.

A special shot out song for our dear friend Sludger:

amouthfulofsin220 - "I think that it's bad that these people that merely entertain wield such power."
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sevenfire2 wrote:amouthfulofsin220 - "I think that it's bad that these people that merely entertain wield such power."
And you asked:
sevenfire2 wrote:What power?
and then proved my point here:
sevenfire2 wrote:A bunch of musicians go "wow that's kind of nutty, we're not going to tour there." And everyone flips shit over it.
Who cares what a bunch of profligate, unwashed musicians think about this law, or the political situation in general, right?

Well, people care. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a shitload of people (too much if you ask me) beneath the age of 35 wouldn't have even known about what's going on in AZ until "The Wicked Enchantments" or whoever the fuck decided they were jumpin' on the boycott bandwagon and they're not going to play there.

What's upsetting to me is how people aren't fully aware of their goddamned surroundings until these yahoos let them know what's up -- and furthermore, they're so fuckin' foolish that they don't seek out knowledge and form their own opinion about the situation and just go in whatever direction their favorite musician/actor/director/writer is going.

So they wrote a terrific tune, wrote a pretty poem, or painted a pretty picture? Fuckin' great, but does that make them an authority on socio-political issues?... maybe not so much, although I imagine this particular issue hits some of these celebrities close to home, since their cook Esperanza or their maid Consuelo or their gardener Jose's an illegal whom they might be exploiting because of how cheap their labor is.

Hollywood needs to choke on its own bullshit and die.

I choose to keep my opinion about what's going on in AZ to myself, and rant aside, I don't reproach these artists for doing what they are *hopefully* doing to raise consciousness (and not to benefit themselves.) I guess I was bringing attention to a broader issue - the average joe/jane needs to become more self-aware and stop being such a sheep. I'm sick of Americans being thought of as the ritSPED bullies of the world.
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

See, Rush is so respected and loved by the Latino community, none of this only liked by nerds crap floating around. Trent probably realized this after what Rush said in the ending of the documentary, and saw there was so much money to be made in the Latino market. Trent and his wife go from insulting Mexicans on twitter to all of a sudden turning Chicano over night. Nope, not buying it Trent. You are so fake.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

BigBang wrote:See, Rush is so respected and loved by the Latino community, none of this only liked by nerds crap floating around. Trent probably realized this after what Rush said in the ending of the documentary, and saw there was so much money to be made in the Latino market. Trent and his wife go from insulting Mexicans on twitter to all of a sudden turning Chicano over night. Nope, not buying it Trent. You are so fake.
Isn't Leo a Law-tee-noe?

I don't think Trent's racist - it was the Q making free with the controversial remarks.

By the way, i'm sure there's some Central/South Americans who love Rush... and didn't NIN go to South America and maybe Mexico n' shit? They may not know what they're saying, but the music's ¡la cagada, huevón! :P

(I get your use of hyperbole. it made me laugh, but I figured I'd still comment.)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
BigBang wrote:See, Rush is so respected and loved by the Latino community, none of this only liked by nerds crap floating around. Trent probably realized this after what Rush said in the ending of the documentary, and saw there was so much money to be made in the Latino market. Trent and his wife go from insulting Mexicans on twitter to all of a sudden turning Chicano over night. Nope, not buying it Trent. You are so fake.
Isn't Leo a Law-tee-noe?

I don't think Trent's racist - it was the Q making free with the controversial remarks.

By the way, i'm sure there's some Central/South Americans who love Rush... and didn't NIN go to South America and maybe Mexico n' shit? They may not know what they're saying, but the music's ¡la cagada, huevón! :P

(I get your use of hyperbole. it made me laugh, but I figured I'd still comment.)
But Trent knows damn well what offensive things he said to a Latin crowd in English doesn't he? Who do you think was behind his wife's rascist remarks on the internet, he is so proud to admit how control of everything he is, isn't he?

Watched Rush in Rio? Did you know that Peart enjoys the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by sevenfire2 »

sevenfire2 wrote:A bunch of musicians go "wow that's kind of nutty, we're not going to tour there." And everyone flips shit over it.
What I mean when I say "everyone flips shit over it", it's the people who go "ZOMG MUSICIANS DOING STUFF THAT IS NOT MUSIC. FUCK THEM" So, basically this entire message board.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: "Who cares what a bunch of profligate, unwashed musicians think about this law, or the political situation in general, right?"

I doubt anyone here has no fucking idea what the full implications of this law are. When it comes to unreasonable search and seizure this is like Darth Fucking Vader and the Death Star. Once it starts blowing shit up it doesn't stop.

Let's be honest how many people, here, are actually invested in the discussion of SB 1070 here? It's just another excuse to go "oh fuck those fucking music stars thinking they're the shit and stuff."

amouthfulofsin220 wrote: So they wrote a terrific tune, wrote a pretty poem, or painted a pretty picture? Fuckin' great, but does that make them the an authority on socio-political issues
Nope, but so far, I have seen few posts that have anything remotely redeemable, and I've seen next to nothing other than 290 pages of slagging off on here. And this is the third thread in the series? The response of course will be 'well that's what this thread is for'. My critical view of this thread and really the shit I've seen elsewhere? Everyone here is apathetic. And apathy is more fucking dangerous than a loaded gun.

If you have noticed one thing about the general trend I'm doing here is individuate and humanize you guys. You sure as shit don't like it. It's social psychology 101. Let's make you feel again.

Everyone here are the people from the Kitty Genovese case. Everyone else is assuming that somebody else will say stop. And of course nobody does. There's no reward to it other than what it merits to yourself.

"Well hello there, you have a nickname and anonymity but at some point at some level you're fucking human"

Say hello to what essentially you guys (and gals) are on this site. You are the guards in the Stanford Prison Experiment. You have otherwise normal people that have become fucking nightmares when they become anonymous.
Phil Zimbardo wrote: "In my own work, I wanted to explore the fictional notion from William Golding's Lord of the Flies about the power of anonymity to unleash violent behavior. In one experiment from 1969, female students who were made to feel anonymous and given permission for aggression became significantly more hostile than students with their identities intact."


Group pressures, authority symbols, dehumanization of others, imposed anonymity, dominant ideologies that enable spurious ends to justify immoral means, lack of surveillance, and other situational forces can work to transform even some of the best of us into Mr. Hyde monsters, without the benefit of Dr. Jekyll's chemical elixir.

The Stanford prison experiment is but one of a host of studies in psychology that reveal the extent to which our behavior can be transformed from its usual set point to deviate in unimaginable ways

I was forced to terminate the projected two-week-long study after only six days because it was running out of control. Dozens of people had come down to our "little shop of horrors," seen some of the abuse or its effects, and said nothing. A prison chaplain, parents, and friends had visited the prisoners, and psychologists and others on the parole board saw a realistic prison simulation, an experiment in action, but did not challenge me to stop it.
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: ... maybe not so much, although I imagine this particular issue hits some of these celebrities close to home, since their cook Esperanza or their maid Consuelo or their gardener Jose's an illegal whom they might be exploiting because of how cheap their labor is.

Hollywood needs to choke on its own bullshit and die.
Welcome to the sea of hatred, the danger of anonymity combined with apathy. Which in turn fuels the truly insane. The people who go "you know what, they're right AND I'M GOING TO GET A GUN AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT". All it takes is one person. One person only. And all of this bullshit goes from some fucked up sense of fun to moral and legal culpability.

You think you're some vigilante crusader, fighting the almighty powerful musicians. You're not and this board isn't either. You are the guards in the Stanford Prison Experiment, nobody is watching and I'm the only fucking person on here, vocally objecting, en total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Oh. My. God. :shock:

You really don't see the forest for the trees, do you? Can't you see I mostly agree with you?

I will freely admit that I'm guilty of speaking in generalities when talking about the selfishness and shallowness of celebrities - but you're guilty of the same thing when it comes to the good people who post in this thread and elsewhere on this site. Not everyone is an insecure, entitled asshole just looking to hate on people anonymously on the internet. We've been given the privilege of being heard, and damn it to hell, we're gonna use it...

Some truths are kind, but most are not. Opinions abound... it seems you want to gently cradle Trent's nuts in your hand when he shits so he doesn't get them dirty. Some people (like Sludger) may want to grab on and twist 'till something pops. Both extremes are disconcerting.

People can get really cruel when they're ignorant, envious, or frustrated. That kind of bullshit happened long before the world wide web was invented - it's called "gossip", and it's been around since the beginning of time. I'm sure even neanderthals used to sometimes enjoy a derisive grunt or two when a doofus tripped on a rock in front of them. I'm not saying it's right - but I AM saying that you putting yourself on a pedestal isn't going to get the lovely lissome ladies of this thread to pay you any mind. Get me, kemosabe? I swear, you proselytize like a extremist Christian - by knocking people over the head with your Bible, and Jesus Christ himself will tell you "Buddy, that ain't the way to go."

Trent & Co. are guilty of their own wicked fun world wide web wackiness. Maybe you should send that Stanford Experiment article to the email address that loco broad posted a while back. It might result in a remorseful, tear-filled midnight phonecall to you from Trent hisownself :lol:

Listen here, Jare: open your eyes, realize Ol' Rez is a fuck up just like us -- except he's got a marketable talent he's used to make a buttload of cash, good for him -- and have some fuckin' fun. Just light 'er up and puff puff pass, motherfucker!

Fame's just a fucked up game of russian roulette buddy, and teh_Rez won... BANG!

I'm gonna go drink myself into a belligerent stupor now (if there is such a thing.) Happy fourth of JOO-lie y'all!

That dick is on fire. Very patriotic!
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Lydia »

sevenfire2 wrote:You think you're some vigilante crusader, fighting the almighty powerful musicianl.
Projecting much?

Go outdoors and get your flaccid puny muscles some of the exercise they so sorely need. Trust me, Trent Reznor's not going to be sending you a Christmas card because you waste your life rambling on a rock 'n roll message board.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Sevenfire did u seriously just pull college psychology and the Stanford prison experiment out of your ass?
Come on now dude. Now your taking things to serious.... again. We are a bunch of assholes gossiping on a rock gossip site. Your acting like one us is gonna turn into "the punisher" and
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PastyGothChick »

Trent is trending for the 3rd straight day on yahoo over fourth of July weekend, must be nice to have drones in Sunnyvale and third rate media connections that will manipulate and lie for you.

Some people are so sick, especially NIN fans. They remind me of the wife who sees her husband sexually abuse and beat up their child and she doesn't say anything because her subsistence depends on him. But in NIN fans case it's their identity of themselves and need to belong to a group (cult) that needs validation, pretending not to see the very bad things their leader does, plus the few users who want a job in Hollywood. So uncool
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

I don't think anyone in this thread would go to LA and kill either those two.

However, i can't say that about anyone from
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

Because Trent is ugly and fat now and makes shitty music. Makes more sense to go see other bands.
People think it's a bad thing that Trent joined the list of artists who won't play in AZ.
It's Arizona's win not to have Trent and his ugly whore of a wife play a show there.
Trent should score a movie based on his love of Metal sludge and internet trolls. Then he can quit twitter and come back a few times during his temper tantrums.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Holy shit Justin timberlake has a big role in that facebook movie.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PastyGothChick »

So when is the Twitter movie going to come out? Why does yahoo and twitter have completely different trending topics and who's dick did Trent suck over at yahoo.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Anyone drunk yet?

That beer with lime is the bees knees, sisters. And by "beer with lime" I mean an ice cold Corona® longneck with a real salted lime slice jammed into it. Yep.
PastyGothChick wrote:So when is the Twitter movie going to come out? Why does yahoo and twitter have completely different trending topics and who's dick did Trent suck over at yahoo.
He's trending because a lot of people like Fincher, so it's news. (Not to diminish Trent & Co, but I'm pretty sure that's why it's a yahoo trending topic.)
PastyGothChick wrote: But in NIN fans case it's their identity of themselves and need to belong to a group (cult) that needs validation, pretending not to see the very bad things their leader does, plus the few users who want a job in Hollywood. So uncool
That's actually pretty deep. They need to unplug and realize it's just music.
warmleatherette wrote:When your words or in other words your work isn't coming from a genuine place this yields non productive material. All of his work has been lackluster and medicore with the exception of The Fragile which was coming from a genuine place and he was true to himself, along with even W_T, but not as good as The Fragile but still something he created and isn't influenced by trying to gain any fans from any demographic just to stay in a mansion in Beverly Hills.
We more or less agree on something, even though I think a few songs of PHM and a sizable chunk of TDS were pretty damn terrific - whether he was suckling the corporate tit or not.

Yeah, a sizable chunk of the sky nearly knocked me senseless.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:Anyone drunk yet?

That beer with lime is the bees knees, sisters. And by "beer with lime" I mean an ice cold Corona® longneck with a real salted lime slice jammed into it. Yep.
PastyGothChick wrote:So when is the Twitter movie going to come out? Why does yahoo and twitter have completely different trending topics and who's dick did Trent suck over at yahoo.
He's trending because a lot of people like Fincher, so it's news. (Not to diminish Trent & Co, but I'm pretty sure that's why it's a yahoo trending topic.)
PastyGothChick wrote: But in NIN fans case it's their identity of themselves and need to belong to a group (cult) that needs validation, pretending not to see the very bad things their leader does, plus the few users who want a job in Hollywood. So uncool
That's actually pretty deep. They need to unplug and realize it's just music.
warmleatherette wrote:When your words or in other words your work isn't coming from a genuine place this yields non productive material. All of his work has been lackluster and medicore with the exception of The Fragile which was coming from a genuine place and he was true to himself, along with even W_T, but not as good as The Fragile but still something he created and isn't influenced by trying to gain any fans from any demographic just to stay in a mansion in Beverly Hills.
We more or less agree on something, even though I think a few songs of PHM and a sizable chunk of TDS were pretty damn terrific - whether he was suckling the corporate tit or not.

Yeah, a sizable chunk of the sky nearly knocked me senseless.

So why isn't Justin Timberlake or David Fincher trending? Why is he there with Paris Hilton and Fourth of July. Something is just not right. Did you see how they changed the timestamp on their Twitter posts to make it look like they said something first before any of us did?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Nymeses »

sevenfire2 wrote:What I mean when I say "everyone flips shit over it", it's the people who go "ZOMG MUSICIANS DOING STUFF THAT IS NOT MUSIC. FUCK THEM" So, basically this entire message board.
I don't give a rats ass if musicians do stuff that isn't music. If they want to get up on a podium and become a politician, fucking fine. What I was referring to is boycotting your FIRST JOB as a MUSICIAN and NOT PLAYING MUSIC to an entire geographical area that contains some remnants of what's left of your fanbase in order to make some kind of political statement.

THAT was what I was complaining about. Is this immigration law affecting any of these musicians personally? If not, then fucking go play there! It'd be an entirely different story if they were garbage collectors and weren't getting paid fair wages, but they are MUSICIANS. Sing unless you're personally affected by it!
Let's be honest how many people, here, are actually invested in the discussion of SB 1070 here? It's just another excuse to go "oh fuck those fucking music stars thinking they're the shit and stuff."
I am, but since you want to pull a holier than thou attitude about it, are you involved with any kind of activism involving the Arizona law? I swear, you have the arrogance of political science major.

For your information, I have been following the news of this law ever since all of my college friends started shitting their pants over the injustice of it. (And when your focus is sociology, you are going to end up with a lot of friends who find these kinds of laws appalling). If you are trying to insinuate that I do not care at all about the law and I'm just using this time as an excuse to bitch about the behavior of Trent and other musicians, you are mistaken. I don't support the law either, but if I was a musician, I would still do my fucking job. Must be nice to be that rich that you can choose whether you want to work or not. I mean, really. If Trent is really hurting that much for money, you'd think he would take every opportunity under the sun to make more of it. Especially considering he is suspected to be bipolar and has made extremely foolish financial decisions in the past. It would only make sense he'd go and play wherever he fucking can in this economy.
Everyone here is apathetic. And apathy is more fucking dangerous than a loaded gun.
Newsflash: Everyone all over the united states is apathetic. That's why the government has seeped into and has been controlling almost every aspect of our lives through various bureaucracies. Again, you give off the air of someone who thinks they are better than everyone else, when in reality you are probably sitting on your fucking ass just like the people you are condemning. By all means, if you are such a great person, why are you wasting your time here?
Say hello to what essentially you guys (and gals) are on this site. You are the guards in the Stanford Prison Experiment. You have otherwise normal people that have become fucking nightmares when they become anonymous.
Wow! Suddenly I lend you some credibility because you quoted a sociological experiment! This truly makes your argument hold water! Yeah, hold water in terms of how fucking far off track you can go on your tangents.

While we're citing random-ass experiments, why don't I try to relate YOUR psychotic behavior to the Stanley Milgram experiment somehow? You are the one being told to shock us all with high electric currents to "make us FEEL again" when in reality the joke is on YOU because you're the one being experimented on! You're the one bowing to authority and there aren't any people on the receiving end of your electric shocks!

See? I can be a big kid too and quote shit from my homework at the university and somehow try to relate it to the conversation too! It doesn't make me any more knowledgeable and in fact makes me look like an arrogant douche! Kind of like sevenfire2!

In terms of the rest of your post, explaining the Stanford Prison Experiment in detail, you aren't exactly explaining anything new (at least not to me). For one thing I am familiar with the experiment, and I (unlike you) am also familiar with the fact that the internet IS the breeding ground of anonymous hostility. I've known that for the 12 years I've been on the internet. Where the hell have you been? Are you just NOW noticing that the internet is not a nice clean cut sandbox with established rules of orderly conduct?

If you want that, you can get it on The moderators keep things pretty clean there to avoid any negativity. It might be better suited to your tastes.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

What yahoo is doing by having Trent Reznor trending the whole July 4 weekend is really a form of mind control and brainwashing by preying on people's ignorance that Trent Reznor is as important as the Oil Spill or of concern as the World Cup. What a bunch enthocentric megalomaniacs and no wonder the US is losing credibility. The real Gods of Rock will know about this.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

dangerdiabolique wrote:
BigBang wrote:What yahoo is doing by having Trent Reznor trending the whole July 4 weekend is really a form of mind control and brainwashing by preying on people's ignorance that Trent Reznor is as important as the Oil Spill or of concern as the World Cup. What a bunch enthocentric megalomaniacs and no wonder the US is losing credibility. The real Gods of Rock will know about this.
How many people are really paying attention to either Yahoo or Trent Reznor on the Fourth of July weekend?
Enough for him to be a trending topic.

Duh! :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BigBang »

dangerdiabolique wrote:
BigBang wrote:What yahoo is doing by having Trent Reznor trending the whole July 4 weekend is really a form of mind control and brainwashing by preying on people's ignorance that Trent Reznor is as important as the Oil Spill or of concern as the World Cup. What a bunch enthocentric megalomaniacs and no wonder the US is losing credibility. The real Gods of Rock will know about this.
How many people are really paying attention to either Yahoo or Trent Reznor on the Fourth of July weekend? ... 412AAr1wjc ... 700AAGYIL3

Still think someone in NIN has been sucking someone's dick at yahoo. Yeah right!!! most people don't even know who Trent Reznor is or give a damn yet he was "supoosedly" on the world's collective mind for 3 days over
July 4. Yahoo needs to stop forcing its beliefs on people and making stars where there aren't any. Lies
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by PastyGothChick »

BigBang wrote:
dangerdiabolique wrote:
BigBang wrote:What yahoo is doing by having Trent Reznor trending the whole July 4 weekend is really a form of mind control and brainwashing by preying on people's ignorance that Trent Reznor is as important as the Oil Spill or of concern as the World Cup. What a bunch enthocentric megalomaniacs and no wonder the US is losing credibility. The real Gods of Rock will know about this.
How many people are really paying attention to either Yahoo or Trent Reznor on the Fourth of July weekend? ... 412AAr1wjc ... 700AAGYIL3

Still think someone in NIN has been sucking someone's dick at yahoo. Yeah right!!! most people don't even know who Trent Reznor is or give a damn yet he was "supoosedly" on the world's collective mind for 3 days over
July 4. Yahoo needs to stop forcing its beliefs on people and making stars where there aren't any. Lies

Dont' worry "Big Bang," you will get your turn. Seems like you are trending right now on yahoo.
-Lucifer and Jesus Christ were brothers
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