Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther

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Turner Coates
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Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther

Post by Turner Coates » ... -radicals/

Academic board of new Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther, other radicals

The academic board for former Rep. Ron Paul’s recently unveiled Institute for Peace and Prosperity includes at least one 9/11 Truther and two of the most well-known apologists for Iran’s theocratic government in the United States.

In Washington last week, Ron Paul launched his policy institute, with the goal of mobilizing “colleagues and collaborators of Dr. Paul’s to participate in a broad coalition to educate and advocate for fundamental changes in our foreign and domestic policy,” according to its website.

One of the academic board members for the institute is Eric Margolis, an independent journalist who has questioned whether Osama bin Laden was behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, and wondered in writing whether the attacks were not instead really orchestrated by “America’s far right or Israel.”

“After 9/11, Secretary of State Colin Powell promised Americans the State Department would issue a White Paper detailing bin Laden’s guilt. Afghanistan’s Taliban government asked for this document before it would extradite bin Laden, as the U.S. was demanding,” Margolis wrote in a 2010 article entitled, “9/11. The Mother of all Coincidences.”

“The White Paper was never produced, and the U.S. ignored proper legal procedure and invaded Afghanistan. We still wait for evidence,” the journalist asserted.

“I remain uncertain that Osama bin Laden was really behind the attacks. Much circumstantial evidence points to him and al-Qaida, but conclusive proof still lacks,” he continued.

In the article, Margolis propagated the conspiratorial notion that the 9/11 attacks could very well have been President George W. Bush’s Reichstag fire.

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Re: Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther


Here's what your kid will learn in the Ron Paul Academy:


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Re: Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther

Post by Moggio »

I'm certainly not religious, nor do I EVER care to be. But Ron Paul has accurately predicted the Housing Bubble Crisis, the Iraq War, the drastic increase and value of Gold over the past 10-12 years, arguably 9-11, etc., etc., etc.

Also, your extremely leftist and bias propaganda machine can interpret things however which way they want to. However, the home schooling curriculum is called the Ron Paul Curriculum, not the Gary North Curriculum (despite the fact Gary is involved in the project). Nor does it apparently comprise the quantity of Biblical material that you make it out to include.

And ANYONE who thinks that there's anything but an ARTIFICIAL recovery going on right now, considering the Fed is now printing $85 BILLION per month (up from $40 BILLION per month), and that the US is borrowing $3 BILLION+ per day from creditors like China, Japan (who are already in recession themselves), etc., and that interest/inflation rates aren't ARTIFICIAL manipulated by the Fed at 0% or nearly 0% in order to prevent the Currency/Treasuries Bubble from bursting quicker than it otherwise would, have their heads so far up their asses, that the only light they'll be seeing any time soon is through their nostrils. Oh...and did I already mention that more Americans are on food stamps than EVER before (48 million, as opposed to 32 million 4 years ago) and that the Employment Rate is the lowest it's been since May of 1979 at 63.3%?!

You're obviously too BUTTHURT over my constant OWNAGE. And you're also too stupid to realize that Gold has SKY-ROCKETED over the past 10-12 years. Not only that, but you didn't mention that ALL markets experience lulls from time to time...and that there are NO exceptions. And just because there's been a lull in Gold over the past 6 or so months means JACK SHIT ALL unless its value is mostly or completely lost...but since it has since increased again, that's NOT the case.

Lastly, not even ONE quote or statement above that you've posted disproves ANYTHING I've stated in this thread. But keep posting away, it's always quite the entertaining show...


Keep tryin' and you'll keep failin'... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Moggio on Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther

Post by Turner Coates »



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Re: Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther


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Re: Ron Paul institute includes 9/11 truther

Post by Moggio »



Because of Obamination's spending & socialist BS, America and much of the world will endure one of the worst depressions in history in 5...4...3...2...
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