Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

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Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by BlackCrypt »

Uh oh!! Looks like Barry might be losing California!

Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows


While a bare majority of voters in solidly blue California still approve of President Obama's job performance, dissatisfaction with his leadership on key issues has increased significantly - especially among those who were once solidly part of his base, according to a Field Poll released Tuesday.

And in a finding that could affect Obama's fellow Democrats as they head into the 2014 elections, the poll shows that just one-third of California voters surveyed say the country is moving in the right direction, while 55 percent believe it is "seriously off on the wrong track." That's a significant decline from February, when 48 percent said the country was on the right track and 44 percent said it was on the wrong track.

The 51 percent of respondents who approve of Obama's performance represents an 11-point slide in the Field Poll since the start of his second term. His disapproval rating stands at 43 percent.

Among those souring on the president are groups that have been among his strongest supporters, the poll showed - Latinos (a 16-point jump in disapproval), union households (18 points) and women (13 points).

Even among Democrats overall, Obama's negative rating is 18 percent, double the total in July.

Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll, said the downward trend is cause for concern for the Democratic Party as it looks toward the 2014 midterm elections.

Obama started his second term with a positive job rating of nearly 2-1, DiCamillo noted, "and now it's only 5-4. And what's most disturbing is that the biggest declines over that period are coming from his base, voters he carried by a huge margin. That's unusual ... because it puts more voters in play if they're becoming disaffected."

The sliding right track versus wrong track numbers show that the botched implementation of Obama's signature accomplishment in domestic policy, the Affordable Care Act, is taking a toll on voter confidence, DiCamillo said. "Now people are not feeling good, even with a Democrat in the White House," he said.

Obama's approval-disapproval numbers on the issue of health care have suffered markedly, the poll showed. Half of those surveyed disapprove of Obama's performance in that area, compared with 43 percent who approve. In March 2010, when the health care law was approved, the numbers were split, 45-45 percent.

On foreign policy, Obama's approval-disapproval ratings are now 49-40 percent, down significantly from October 2009, when he enjoyed a 58-29 percent advantage, the poll showed.

The Field Poll surveyed 766 registered voters in California from Nov. 14 to Dec. 1. The margin of error on the overall job-approval rating was plus or minus 3.5 percentage points; among the smaller sample groups, the margin of error was plus or minus 4.5 points.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by BlackCrypt »

The WashingtoncomPost is losing faith in our leader too.


Recent polling from the Pew Research Center and Quinnipiac University has shown Obama's approval rating on almost all major issues plunging into the 30s -- below even his lowest-ever overall approval rating, which has stood around 40 percent in recent polls.

One might expect Obama's issue approval rating to be lagging on the economy, for example. And it is.

But even with an issue on which which the president appears to fall in line with a majority of Americans, he's struggling.

The Pew poll showed Obama's approval rating on immigration, for instance, was at 32 percent, with 60 percent disapproving, and Quinnipiac showed just 35 percent approving of Obama on that issue.

This is despite his push for a comprehensive immigration reform package that, in principle, Americans support. Two recent polls have shown about six in 10 Americans support the idea of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently living in the United States -- the linchpin of comprehensive reform.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by RATTdrools »

Like always the Repukes will fuck things up when people realize they trust a book of ancient middle eastern fairy tales (bible) instead of actual FACTS when it comes to climate change.

Also the Repukes refusal to accept marriage equality and THOUSANDS of people signing up for Obamacare every day will doom the GOP!
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:Like always the Repukes will fuck things up when people realize they trust a book of ancient middle eastern fairy tales (bible) instead of actual FACTS when it comes to climate change.!
Does this mean that a Republican, somewhere, has referred to the bible when discussing climate change - so you've magnified that into "this is what ALL Republicans believe", or is this just another one of your "shit I made up entirely" fictions? Because you do have quite a long and colorful track record for talking absolute fabricated shite, Rattrules. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by RATTdrools »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Like always the Repukes will fuck things up when people realize they trust a book of ancient middle eastern fairy tales (bible) instead of actual FACTS when it comes to climate change.!
Does this mean that a Republican, somewhere, has referred to the bible when discussing climate change - so you've magnified that into "this is what ALL Republicans believe", or is this just another one of your "shit I made up entirely" fictions? Because you do have quite a long and colorful track record for talking absolute fabricated shite, Rattrules. :lol:
Your butthurt shows right through Romney LOSER! Everyone knows the GOP is the party of the bible even if all of them don't believe it!
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Like always the Repukes will fuck things up when people realize they trust a book of ancient middle eastern fairy tales (bible) instead of actual FACTS when it comes to climate change.!
Does this mean that a Republican, somewhere, has referred to the bible when discussing climate change - so you've magnified that into "this is what ALL Republicans believe", or is this just another one of your "shit I made up entirely" fictions? Because you do have quite a long and colorful track record for talking absolute fabricated shite, Rattrules. :lol:
Your butthurt shows right through Romney LOSER! Everyone knows the GOP is the party of the bible even if all of them don't believe it!
In other words, you made it up again, right? :lol: Your track record for total bullshit is extended yet again. :lol:

You just invent things in your head, then you tap them out expecting people to be dumb enough to believe you.

You are remarkably stupid, and completely transparent - and when challenged, you provide nothing at all to back up your position, because last time you tried that, you wound up looking like a bigger dolt than usual, by quoting sources that you didn't realize actually opposed your position. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by RATTdrools »

Keep dreaming you delusional ChristNUT! You and the insane religious right you keep defending are losing every major battle in America and are slowly dying out!
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by BlackCrypt »

Are people on the right NOT religious?
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Turner Coates »

RATTrules wrote: Your butthurt shows right through Romney LOSER! Everyone knows the GOP is the party of the bible even if all of them don't believe it!
Anybody else feel like throwing a blanket party for this poster?

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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by BlackCrypt »

Wheresthestagemanager? wrote:Anybody else feel like throwing a blanket party for this poster?
Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
Trist805 wrote:Chip, You owned me and I will admit defeat. I love big black cocks. Hope you are happy.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:Keep dreaming you delusional ChristNUT! You and the insane religious right you keep defending are losing every major battle in America and are slowly dying out!
A classic RATTrules response - one that doesn't back up anything that he has said, primarily because he made shit up. :lol: You can't even defend your own words because you know that you're full of crap, and when challenged, you fold, and revert to immediate namecalling just like the GOP that you claim to despise. :lol:

Serious question for you RATTrules - if you truly believe the things you say you stand for, why do you lie so much? For someone who claims to speak "the truth", you really do have a very VERY deep line in fabricated bullshit. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Turner Coates »

Rattrules' generalizations are every bit as bad as the Christian right's generalizations.
He's listening to himself, while the real message is unheard.
That shit goes NOWHERE.

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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Luminiferous »

Foed the idiot a long time ago, but thanks to people quoting, I said it before, say it again.. There is no way Rattdruls is serious with the bullshit they post.. The trolling is beyond obvious..

Rambling, drooling, the stupid nicknames for his religious and Republican foes, and the most obvious, claiming Pearcy's vocals live are great.. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

Luminiferous wrote:
Rambling, drooling, the stupid nicknames for his religious and Republican foes, and the most obvious, claiming Pearcy's vocals live are great.. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Charles Bukaki »

RATTrules wrote:Keep dreaming you delusional ChristNUT! You and the insane religious right you keep defending are losing every major battle in America and are slowly dying out!
You do know that Obama's a christian right? I don't know what you do more, rail against christianity, or swing from Obama's nuts. As much as you clam christians, it's odd that it doesn't seem to bother you at all that your hero Obama's one as well.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Luminiferous wrote:Foed the idiot a long time ago, but thanks to people quoting, I said it before, say it again.. There is no way Rattdruls is serious with the bullshit they post.. The trolling is beyond obvious..
It's possible: RATTrules is either trolling for attention or a genuine, real-life window-licking fuckwit.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

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He isn't Heen, so troll is out. I'm going with window licker.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Turner Coates »

Hollywood's Burning wrote: It's possible: RATTrules is either trolling for attention or a genuine, real-life window-licking fuckwit.
I think that Rattrules' problem is that Rattrules has a very limited scope and doesn't look at the big picture. Rattrules' "opinions" appear to be based on sensationalism, with blatant disregard to details.

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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Rainbow Bright »

The sad part is that's your average American voter on both sides of the spectrum. If you want to see something really scary, go take a part time job at a Pollster firm during election season. You'll talk to people nationwide that are RATTrules. Sure they may deviate in philosophy but its still the same ideology when you get down to brass tacks.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Rainbow Bright wrote:The sad part is that's your average American voter on both sides of the spectrum. If you want to see something really scary, go take a part time job at a Pollster firm during election season. You'll talk to people nationwide that are RATTrules. Sure they may deviate in philosophy but its still the same ideology when you get down to brass tacks.
...which is alarming, when you think about it - all jokes aside, there are people out there who are as equally jaw-droppingly dumb as RATTrules, AND they are still allowed to vote. That's scary.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Wheresthestagemanager? wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote: It's possible: RATTrules is either trolling for attention or a genuine, real-life window-licking fuckwit.
I think that Rattrules' problem is that Rattrules has a very limited scope and doesn't look at the big picture. Rattrules' "opinions" appear to be based on sensationalism, with blatant disregard to details.
And manufacturing of "supporting facts", let's not forget. Which he gets comically wrong, too. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by RATTdrools »

LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
.....so, no danger of you actually addressing the questions asked of you then, RATTrules?

Nah, didn't think so. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by RATTdrools »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
.....so, no danger of you actually addressing the questions asked of you then, RATTrules?

Nah, didn't think so. :lol:
Already answered them MORON! Demographics and electoral map already gives the Dems 240 electoral votes! The civil war in the GOP will only ensure their destruction! President Hillary coming up!
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
.....so, no danger of you actually addressing the questions asked of you then, RATTrules?

Nah, didn't think so. :lol:
Already answered them MORON!
No you haven't, ya dummy. Read back and then feel free to apologize for being so fucking stupid.

Go ahead.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Charles Bukaki »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
.....so, no danger of you actually addressing the questions asked of you then, RATTrules?

Nah, didn't think so. :lol:
Already answered them MORON! Demographics and electoral map already gives the Dems 240 electoral votes! The civil war in the GOP will only ensure their destruction! President Hillary coming up!
and Hillary is another christian. I brought this up earlier in the thread, which you ignored. Funny how much you hate christianity but swing from the nuts of Obama and Hillary, who are both chrisitan
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Charles Bukaki wrote: and Hillary is another christian. I brought this up earlier in the thread, which you ignored. Funny how much you hate christianity but swing from the nuts of Obama and Hillary, who are both chrisitan
He ignores inconvenient facts. It's what "hardcore atheists" (his description of himself, lol) do.

In fact - what kind of person describes themselves as a "hardcore atheist" anyway? You've gotta be educationally challenged to pull that one out of your ass in the first place. :lol:
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Dr J Jones »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:LMAO! The Repuke butthurt in this thread is hilarious! You worthless losers get your BUTTS KICKED again and again!
.....so, no danger of you actually addressing the questions asked of you then, RATTrules?

Nah, didn't think so. :lol:
Already answered them MORON! Demographics and electoral map already gives the Dems 240 electoral votes! The civil war in the GOP will only ensure their destruction! President Hillary coming up!

Then what?
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Charles Bukaki »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
Charles Bukaki wrote: and Hillary is another christian. I brought this up earlier in the thread, which you ignored. Funny how much you hate christianity but swing from the nuts of Obama and Hillary, who are both chrisitan
He ignores inconvenient facts. It's what "hardcore atheists" (his description of himself, lol) do.

In fact - what kind of person describes themselves as a "hardcore atheist" anyway? You've gotta be educationally challenged to pull that one out of your ass in the first place. :lol:
I'm an atheist myself, and my feelings on it are pretty strong, especially when it comes to government and religion, but I always thought the term 'hardcore atheist' is just dumb.
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Re: Disapproval of Obama rises in state, poll shows

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Charles Bukaki wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
Charles Bukaki wrote: and Hillary is another christian. I brought this up earlier in the thread, which you ignored. Funny how much you hate christianity but swing from the nuts of Obama and Hillary, who are both chrisitan
He ignores inconvenient facts. It's what "hardcore atheists" (his description of himself, lol) do.

In fact - what kind of person describes themselves as a "hardcore atheist" anyway? You've gotta be educationally challenged to pull that one out of your ass in the first place. :lol:
I'm an atheist myself, and my feelings on it are pretty strong, especially when it comes to government and religion, but I always thought the term 'hardcore atheist' is just dumb.
Same here (despite this fucking dummy's assertion that I'm a "ChristNUT", lol) - but here we have someone who is perpetually mocking religion (well, he seems to have a hard-on for Christians in particular) even in threads that are not related to the subject, he quotes (wrongly) from extremist anti-Christian websites while claiming to not have extremist views himself, all the while supporting the election of a committed Christian. Go figure.

A troll or a cretin? It's one or the other. I just find it slightly worrying that someone that spectacularly dumb is allowed to have access to an internet connection. :lol:
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