Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

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Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

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Dilbert creator Scott Adams thinks that Trump appears to be unstoppable, and he may be right!


Clown Genius

Posted August 13th, 2015 @ 9:09am in #Trump #fox news #hypnosis #persuasion #negotiating

Like many of you, I have been entertained by the unstoppable clown car that is Donald Trump. On the surface, and several layers deep as well, Trump appears to be a narcissistic blow-hard with inadequate credentials to lead a country.

The only problem with my analysis is that there is an eerie consistency to his success so far. Is there a method to it? Is there some sort of system at work under the hood?

Probably yes. Allow me to describe some of the hypnosis and persuasion methods Mr. Trump has employed on you. (Most of you know I am a trained hypnotist and this topic is a hobby of mine.)

For starters, Trump literally wrote the book on negotiating, called The Art of the Deal. So we know he is familiar with the finer points of persuasion. For our purposes today, persuasion, hypnosis, and negotiating all share a common set of tools, so I will conflate them.

Would Trump use his negotiation and persuasion skills in the campaign? Of course he would. And we expect him to do just that.

But where is the smoking gun of his persuasion? Where is his technique laid out for us to see.


As I said in my How to Fail book, if you are not familiar with the dozens of methods of persuasion that are science-tested, there’s a good chance someone is using those techniques against you.

For example, when Trump says he is worth $10 billion, which causes his critics to say he is worth far less (but still billions) he is making all of us “think past the sale.” The sale he wants to make is “Remember that Donald Trump is a successful business person managing a vast empire mostly of his own making.” The exact amount of his wealth is irrelevant.

When a car salesperson trained in persuasion asks if you prefer the red Honda Civic or the Blue one, that is a trick called making you “think past the sale” and the idea is to make you engage on the question of color as if you have already decided to buy the car. That is Persuasion 101 and I have seen no one in the media point it out when Trump does it.

The $10 billion estimate Trump uses for his own net worth is also an “anchor” in your mind. That’s another classic negotiation/persuasion method. I remember the $10 billion estimate because it is big and round and a bit outrageous. And he keeps repeating it because repetition is persuasion too.

I don’t remember the smaller estimates of Trump’s wealth that critics provided. But I certainly remember the $10 billion estimate from Trump himself. Thanks to this disparity in my memory, my mind automatically floats toward Trump’s anchor of $10 billion being my reality. That is classic persuasion. And I would be amazed if any of this is an accident. Remember, Trump literally wrote the book on this stuff.

You might be concerned that exaggerating ones net worth is like lying, and the public will not like a liar. But keep in mind that Trump’s value proposition is that he will “Make America Great.” In other words, he wants to bring the same sort of persuasion to the question of America’s reputation in the world. That concept sounds appealing to me. The nation needs good brand management, whether you think Trump is the right person or not. (Obviously we need good execution as well, not just brand illusion. But a strong brand gives you better leverage for getting what you want. It is all connected.)

And what did you think of Trump’s famous “Rosie O’Donnell” quip at the first debate when asked about his comments on women? The interviewer’s questions were intended to paint Trump forever as a sexist pig. But Trump quickly and cleverly set the “anchor” as Rosie O’Donnell, a name he could be sure was not popular with his core Republican crowd. And then he casually admitted, without hesitation, that he was sure he had said other bad things about other people as well.

Now do you see how the anchor works? If the idea of “Trump insults women” had been allowed to pair in your mind with the nice women you know and love, you would hate Trump. That jerk is insulting my sister, my mother, and my wife! But Trump never let that happen. At the first moment (and you have to admit he thinks fast) he inserted the Rosie O’Donnell anchor and owned the conversation from that point on. Now he’s not the sexist who sometimes insults women; he’s the straight-talker who won’t hesitate to insult someone who has it coming (in his view).

But it gets better. You probably cringed when Trump kept saying his appearance gave FOX its biggest audience rating. That seemed totally off point for a politician, right? But see what happened.

Apparently FOX chief Roger Ailes called Trump and made peace. And by that I mean Trump owns FOX for the rest of the campaign because his willingness to appear on their network will determine their financial fate. BAM, Trump owns FOX and paid no money for it. See how this works? That’s what a strong brand gives you.

You probably also cringed when you heard Trump say Mexico was sending us their rapists and bad people. But if you have read this far, you now recognize that intentional exaggeration as an anchor, and a standard method of persuasion.

Trump also said he thinks Mexico should pay for the fence, which made most people scoff. But if your neighbor’s pit bull keeps escaping and eating your rosebushes, you tell the neighbor to pay for his own fence or you will shoot his dog next time you see it. Telling a neighbor to build his own wall for your benefit is not crazy talk. And I actually think Trump could pull it off.

On a recent TV interview, the host (I forget who) tried to label Trump a “whiner.” But instead of denying the label, Trump embraced it and said was the best whiner of all time, and the country needs just that. That’s a psychological trick I call “taking the high ground” and I wrote about it in a recent blog post. The low ground in this case is the unimportant question of whether “whiner” is a fair label for Trump. But Trump cleverly took the high ground, embraced the label, and used it to set an anchor in your mind that he is the loudest voice for change. That’s some clown genius for you.

Update: When Trump raised his hand at the debate as the only person who would not pledge to back the eventual Republican candidate, he sent a message to the party that the only way they can win is by nominating him. And people like to win. It is in their nature. And they sure don’t want to see a Clinton presidency.

Update 2: And what about Trump’s habit of bluster and self-complimenting? Every time he opens his mouth he is saying something about the Trump brand being fabulous or amazing or great. The rational part of your brain thinks this guy is an obnoxious, exaggerating braggart. But the subconscious parts of your brain (the parts that make most of your decisions) only remember that something about that guy was fabulous, amazing and great.

If you’re keeping score, in the past month Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party, redefined our expectations of politics, focused the national discussion on immigration, proposed the only new idea for handling ISIS, and taken functional control of FOX News. And I don’t think he put much effort into it. Imagine what he could do if he gave up golf.

As far as I can tell, Trump’s “crazy talk” is always in the correct direction for a skilled persuader. When Trump sets an “anchor” in your mind, it is never random. And it seems to work every time.

Now that Trump owns FOX, and I see how well his anchor trick works with the public, I’m going to predict he will be our next president. I think he will move to the center on social issues (already happening) and win against Clinton in a tight election.

I also saw some Internet chatter about the idea of picking Mark Cuban as Vice Presidential running mate. If that happens, Republicans win. And I think they like to win. There is no way Trump picks some desiccated Governor from an important state as his running mate. I think Cuban is a realistic possibility.

I don’t mean this post to look like support for a Trump presidency. I’m more interested in his methods. I’m not smart enough to know who would do the best job as president. There are a lot of capable people in the game.

Update: Now that you have read my explanation of Trump’s three-dimensional chess, read THIS article and chuckle at how he is operating on an entirely different level from the TV host, Chuck Todd, and even the author of the article I’m linking to. It is literally hilarious.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

RATTrules wrote:Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
Your man sure loves his bible. He said, "It's the greatest book ever".
How 'bout that?

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Turner Coates wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
Your man sure loves his bible. He said, "It's the greatest book ever".
How 'bout that?
Yes indeed. And more:

"People are so shocked when they find out I am Protestant. I am Presbyterian. And I go to church and I love God and I love my church," Trump said.

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

Donald Trump Stumbles on Foreign Policy Knowledge in New Interview ... d=homepage

The tycoon said he'd learn key facts "when it's appropriate"

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump revealed holes in his knowledge of world affairs Thursday in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, appearing to conflate the Kurdish people with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s overseas force as well as confusing the names and leaders of various Islamist extremist groups.

The interview with Hewitt, who will co-moderate this month’s CNN debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, showed that there is thus far little substance behind the businessman-turned-presidential-candidate’s bluster. Trump repeatedly claimed that Hewitt’s questions were of the “gotcha” variety, a reference to 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s frustrations with media questions she deemed as designed embarrass her.

“Well, that is a gotcha question, though,” Trump protested to Hewitt when asked whether he was familiar with the leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS). “I mean, you know, when you’re asking me about who’s running this, this this, that’s not, that is not, I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.”

When Hewitt asked Trump whether he was familiar with Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the leader of the Iranian Quds Force, Trump replied he was, before referencing the Kurds, the U.S.-allied people that resides in northern Iraq, and adjacent territory in southern Turkey, parts of Syria and Iran. “The Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated,” he continued.

Hewitt replied with a simple simile for the man who now leads the Republican field nationally and in early states. “Well, Soleimani is to terrorism sort of what Trump is to real estate,” he said.

Trump said he was unconcerned by the personalities in the turbulent region since he claimed many would not remain in power in six months, and that he would recruit experts to guide his efforts in office. “I’ll have, I’m a delegator,” he told Hewitt. “I find great people. I find absolutely great people, and I’ll find them in our armed services, and I find absolutely great people.”

Trump appeared unable to distinguish between Hamas, the U.S.-designated Sunni terrorist group that controls Gaza, and Hezbollah, the Shiite group that operates in Lebanon and parts of Syria. Asked when he would spend the time to learn the difference, Trump replied “when it’s appropriate.”

“I will know more about it than you know,” Trump said. “And believe me, it won’t take me long.”

Trump’s Republican allies wasted little time pouncing on his rough performance, with Carly Fiorina appearing on Hewitt’s show an hour later and answering the same questions to Hewitt’s satisfaction.

“Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories,” Fiorina said. “Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places, but the truth is, both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel. Both of them are going to be benefitting from the agreement which Obama and Kerry have struck with Iran.”

And former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has engaged in a war of words with Trump of his conservative credentials, seemed to pity his rival Thursday, telling reporters he had read the transcript of the exchange with Hewitt. “You gotta know who the players are,” he said. “I’m sure, I’m sure he’ll bone up on this now.”

“I will know more about it than you know,” Trump said. “And believe me, it won’t take me long.”

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

Turner Coates wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
Your man sure loves his bible. He said, "It's the greatest book ever".
How 'bout that?
I know that. He HAS to say that to appeal to evangelicals. I'm fine with that. America is about FREEDOM. You can believe anything you want. Even a mythical being like Jesus! :lol:

The bottom line is this is about conservative values vs. liberal values and on the most important issues I'm on the side of the conservatives.

Few people are 100% conservative or 100% liberal. Most people have a mix of liberal and conservative values like I do.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:I know that. He HAS to say that to appeal to evangelicals. I'm fine with that.
So you're saying he's a liar and you're "fine with that"? Interesting endorsement of politicians, there.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:I know that. He HAS to say that to appeal to evangelicals. I'm fine with that.
So you're saying he's a liar and you're "fine with that"? Interesting endorsement of politicians, there.
You just showed your TOTAL ignorance of how politics works in America! ALL politicians lie to some extent! Obama lied left and right when he said 22 times he doesn't have the authority for executive amnesty but then did it ANYWAY! There are TONS of example over the years of politicians lying at ALL levels!

The fact that you don't even know that only certifies your RETARD status as I continue to OWN you every step of the way!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:I know that. He HAS to say that to appeal to evangelicals. I'm fine with that.
So you're saying he's a liar and you're "fine with that"? Interesting endorsement of politicians, there.
You just showed your TOTAL ignorance of how politics works in America! ALL politicians lie to some extent! Obama lied left and right when he said 22 times he doesn't have the authority for executive amnesty but then did it ANYWAY! There are TONS of example over the years of politicians lying at ALL levels!

The fact that you don't even know that only certifies your RETARD status as I continue to OWN you every step of the way!
You're as full of shit as Trump is, Ratty.

Fact is - you're supporting a guy who is publicly claiming to be a Christian and that he "loves God and loves the church". :lol:
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

How do you know Trump doesn't go to church? You don't know him as he would never associate with a mentally retarded INBRED like you!

Plus the voters don't care. He's not running for clergy! The fact that he is leading in the polls with evangelicals shows they don't even care!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:How do you know Trump doesn't go to church?
It's you that said he's lying about it - did you forget that, Ratty? :lol: I think he probably does go to church. He seems sincere in his personal faith and relationship with God. And you support him, let's not forget.
RATTrules wrote:Plus the voters don't care. He's not running for clergy! The fact that he is leading in the polls with evangelicals shows they don't even care!
He's representing the vote of Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists. You're one of his supporters. These are BOTH true sentences.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:How do you know Trump doesn't go to church?
It's you that said he's lying about it - did you forget that, Ratty? :lol: I think he probably does go to church. He seems sincere in his personal faith and relationship with God. And you support him, let's not forget.
I NEVER said he's lying you worthless LYING piece of shit! I said he has to pander to evangelicals like ALL the GOP candidates try and do. YOU said he's lying but have ZERO proof as always! He could very well go to church! He would never hang around a subhuman useless redneck like you so you wouldn't know!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:How do you know Trump doesn't go to church?
It's you that said he's lying about it - did you forget that, Ratty? :lol: I think he probably does go to church. He seems sincere in his personal faith and relationship with God. And you support him, let's not forget.
I NEVER said he's lying you worthless LYING piece of shit! I said he has to pander to evangelicals like ALL the GOP candidates try and do. YOU said he's lying but have ZERO proof as always! He could very well go to church! He would never hang around a subhuman useless redneck like you so you wouldn't know!
So NOW you believe that Trump really IS a genuine Christian? Or do you think he's not a Christian and just saying it to pander to evangelicals? It can't be BOTH, you unintelligent twat. :lol:

BTW - "Subhuman useless redneck"? Is that like the "CRIMINAL SCUM" that you accused me of being in the Myth thread, but now you refuse to post in it when asked to back up your accusations? I think it is.

You have no brains, no backbone and no balls, Ratty.

BTW - still waiting for you to provide some substance to your accusations that I'm a "CRIMINAL", Ratty. You're going to have to back that one up.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

RATTrules wrote:
I NEVER said he's lying you worthless LYING piece of shit! I said he has to pander to evangelicals like ALL the GOP candidates try and do.
And you're supporting THAT?
Shame on you. You're always calling out bible heads, and now you're endorsing someone who pretends to be one? You have no principles whatsoever.

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Turner Coates wrote:
RATTrules wrote:
I NEVER said he's lying you worthless LYING piece of shit! I said he has to pander to evangelicals like ALL the GOP candidates try and do.
And you're supporting THAT?
Shame on you. You're always calling out bible heads, and now you're endorsing someone who pretends to be one? You have no principles whatsoever.
Ratty's argument: "Trump is not a liar, he's just pretending to be something he isn't. But he could go to church. And he doesn't represent the Christian evangelical vote even though he says he does. He's just pandering to the Christians. But he's NOT a Christian. He could be a Christian. He's pretending to be a Christian. But he's not. And he's not faking it either."

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

In other words, "Trump is lying to get what he wants".

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Turner Coates wrote:In other words, "Trump is lying to get what he wants".
Correct. And it seems that RATTdrools thinks that pretending to be a Christian and openly endorsing the evangelical and fundamental Christian vote is acceptable. But he's "not pretending to be a Christian" even though he says he is and always has been one, and says openly that he "loves God". No chicanery there at all, huh.

Ratty, read this: ... th-140522/

Speaking to CBN News in May, Donald Trump declared: "I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time."

Look at the comments, it seems that not all Christians are convinced. :lol: Even these poor, uneducated ChristNUTS that Ratty mocks 24/7 for being stupid, haven't been taken in by Trump :lol:
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

There are too many intrinsically dishonest people (Trump and RATTrules for example) in the US. What this country needs is truth.

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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

Turner Coates wrote:In other words, "Trump is lying to get what he wants".
Pandering is NOT lying! Trump may still go to church. We don't know for sure. Regardless ALL politicians have been pandering since the founding of our nation!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

RATTrules wrote:
Turner Coates wrote:In other words, "Trump is lying to get what he wants".
Pandering is NOT lying! Trump may still go to church. We don't know for sure. Regardless ALL politicians have been pandering since the founding of our nation!
Tu quoque is no defense for hypocrisy.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by BlackCrypt »

RATTrules wrote:
Pandering is NOT lying! Obama may still go to church. We don't know for sure. Regardless ALL politicians have been pandering since the founding of our nation!
Works either way.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party


Proof that the GOP field is weak or that the Republican party is undergoing a transformation.

Trump's lead in the Republican presidential race has continued to grow ... continues/
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by killeverything »

RATTrules wrote:Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
Are you sure about that? Bernie Sanders drew 28,000 ( at capacity ) to the Moda Center in Portland, OR. with an estimated 9,000 outside.

Maybe "no other candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did" is a MYTH you fucking retard.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by RATTdrools »

killeverything wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Trump IS unstoppable and he'll get the nomination! NO other GOP candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did!
Are you sure about that? Bernie Sanders drew 28,000 ( at capacity ) to the Moda Center in Portland, OR. with an estimated 9,000 outside.

Maybe "no other candidate can get 30,000 supporters like Trump did" is a MYTH you fucking retard.
I said "no other GOP candidate" you fucking RETARD! That's absolutely true! TThe biggest crowd any non-Trump GOP candidate has gotten isn't anywhere NEAR 30,000!

Trump will get well over 10,000 again in Dallas next week!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Olds_71_442 »

So you're now a Repuke, RattRules?
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
Turner Coates wrote:In other words, "Trump is lying to get what he wants".
Pandering is NOT lying! Trump may still go to church. We don't know for sure. Regardless ALL politicians have been pandering since the founding of our nation!
So you're saying he's telling the truth when he says he "loves his God" and will be "the best representative for all God-fearing Christians"?

Or is he, y'know......lying? It's one or the other. There is no "kinda lying" in the real world, Ratty. But then - you're a dishonest cunt, so you're probably not aware of that.
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Turner Coates »

RATTrules doesn't really believe Trump will win.
He's just "pandering".


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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Olds_71_442 wrote:So you're now a Repuke, RattRules?
RATTrules wrote:Plus you should know that if you look at democratic and repuke presidents since FDR there has been greater GDP growth and better employment under Democratic presidents than republicans!!
But now he supports Trump, the self-confessed "I love God", "I am a Christian" and "I will be the best representative for all God-fearing Christians" Republican candidate, while also claiming:
RATTrules wrote:But if Romney became president who knows what the voices in his head from the MORON religion would tell him!
Poor Ratty. Dumber than a rock. Or maybe we all are, for believing he could be remotely honest with what he posts. :lol:
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by BlackCrypt »

Trump Bump
Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
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Re: Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party

Post by HeavyMetalZombie666 »

I am glad he gave the party a kick in the ass. The cuckservatives watered it down.
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