I think we know that the people who get hooked via Oxycontin are a different case, but that's also only a portion of the people with a problem. I had major surgery (prostate removal, sadly) in 2012, and the doctor was about to prescribe oxycontin for pain when I interrupted him. I said, "hold on, I've heard about this. Is there anything else? What if I try something lesser." Got by for a week with Tylenol 5 and then didn't need any more. That was a good decision, an informed decision, and a responsible decision.ijwthstd wrote: ↑Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:39 amOh I agree completely. However after the US successfully got Turkey to stop growing opium in the 1970's and heroin use went into a steep decline most law enforcement resources and public education in the 1980's were directed at cocaine and marijuana. This was while opium cultivation and heroin purity was skyrocketing worldwide and methamphetamine production was also steadily increasing. A lot of people suggest it was the hyperbolic portrayal of marijuana as a dangerous and addictive drug that led to a lot of skepticism over the warnings against taking harder drugs.Van Ailin' wrote: ↑Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:02 amI do realize that once addicted to the stuff, it's a complicated thing as the body's addiction screams for it so loud that it becomes almost involuntary. That's why we're taught to not see the addiction in a moral sense or in a "why not just stop right now" sense.Bono Nettencourt wrote: ↑Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:06 am
Apparently the Tower Theatre riot he started in 1990 was because he couldn't cop heroin, got dopesick, and took it out on the audience, which is ridiculous because there were open-air drug markets all over Philly. Shit, the airport/SW Philly was just 10 min away. What a dumbass, he couldn't even get being a junkie right.
That said, there is a time in life when that addiction isn't there and isn't compelling the body to do it. That time is before the first time using the stuff. There is all kinds of information out there showing exactly why it's not a good idea to go down this road. So it's almost a measure of one's intelligence: do you ever take that first bit or not. If not, you're smart. If yes, you are a fucking dumbass. There is only one 100% foolproof way to not have to deal with addiction to opiates: don't ever take the first dose. I may be wrong about some things . . . but not this.
We did have a junkie speak at school about heroin use though.
But yeah, he is a dumbass. Now opiate use after 1997 is a whole different story. It was given to us safely by our trusted physicians. Well not me, though the dentist sure gave me a helluva lot of vicodin for a root canal. I think I took 1 or 2 and tossed the rest.
For those (like Perry) who just got into heroin through drug use, and especially after the late 1960s when plenty was known and publicized (yes, I'll put Nikki Sixx under the bus with this, too) - just a dumb decision. ?Same with meth and same with fentanyl. It's not really an issue of smarts or mental toughness once in the throws of addiction. But before that, before the first hit? It takes virtually nothing to just say, "no, man, don't need that." And that's ACTUALLY all it takes to avoid this altogether. People who make that choice (yes, like me) ought to be celebrated. People who don't should not be elevated.
There. I said it.