NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

citrinecastle wrote:Here we are. Has dual meaning. It can be from a kid's point of view, or a mod's point of view.

You decide. :mrgreen:

See if you can spot the line that was in my parody of Closer.

Something I Can Never Have......Children's Version

I still recall the taste of Three Muskateers
Torturing chocolate bunnies by nibbling off their ears
Stuffing my face with a bagful of Skors
Playing army games with my Marshmallow Peeps
Gimme more

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

Mom said the candy is giving me jowls
Says all my fat rolls are really starting to look foul
The Sweet Tarts they seem to give me the farts
And the Swedish Fish they are giving me the sharts
Want my candy!

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

Now I have no Peeps, can't play my game
Know I am a big fat cow
No bunnies I can maim
I piss cane sugar when I pee
I see that bag of DumDums, come on, please give 'em all to me!
Want my candy!

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have
I just want something I can never have

LOL 5 stars all the way!!
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

I can haz Candy? NOM ?

great song LMFAO
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lolo66 »

Citrine!! So very funny as usual!

I have been lurking watching this new clusterfuck unfold. I didn't think things could become more screwy and then the NINtards take it to a whole new level of fuckery. :shock: Amazing!
To the ladies who had their pictures and info released. Not Cool. If there is anything I can do to help please PM me. As unfortunate as this personal info leak was I do have to say that I was pleased to see lovely ladies and not the fat and unattractive lot we are all suppose to be.
Do you remember the pics of his "fans" that were posted on here a while back?? Jesus! I can honestly see why he loathes them. :roll:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

That's awesome, Citrine! And shart has to be one of the funniest words on Earth, lol.

Now you have me thinking of a Closer parody in that vein- if I get the chance tonight, I'll see if I can come up with something worthy (after that!)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="citrinecastle"]Here we are. Has dual meaning. It can be from a kid's point of view, or a mod's point of view.

You decide. :mrgreen:

See if you can spot the line that was in my parody of Closer.

Something I Can Never Have......Children's Version

I still recall the taste of Three Muskateers
Torturing chocolate bunnies by nibbling off their ears
Stuffing my face with a bagful of Skors
Playing army games with my Marshmallow Peeps
Gimme more

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

Mom said the candy is giving me jowls
Says all my fat rolls are really starting to look foul
The Sweet Tarts they seem to give me the farts
And the Swedish Fish they are giving me the sharts
Want my candy!

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

Now I have no Peeps, can't play my game
Know I am a big fat cow
No bunnies I can maim
I piss cane sugar when I pee
I see that bag of DumDums, come on, please give 'em all to me!
Want my candy!

Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I can't have anything
I'm still as short as an elf
Mom took my candy away
Mom took my candy away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have
I just want something I can never have[/quote]

Love this! You always make me laugh, Citrine.

For the record, I don't think Trent is directly responsible for the outings. Can't see him getting his hands dirty. I think the person/people responsible are one or more of the hard core disciples trying to please the master. It isn't a huge reach from laying out big bucks to spend a few minutes in his holy presence to outing people online in his honor. I think the point is that none of us are supposed to be attractive enough to interest Trent. Ruined my whole afternoon just thinking about it.


Ah well.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Someone's posted TR's father's address and phone number on the Insider board. I mean, wow, someone's really trying to smoke the Rez out of hibernation. I'm still wondering how he pissed in so many people's Cheerios...some people are just beyond nutty. I think the time has come for him to get involved - be it public or behind the scenes.

It's finally getting to the point where everyone, troll anti troll and lurker alike, are becoming disgusted...I thought that day would never come.

I hope that stupid fuckin' thread gets zapped ASAP.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:Remember Fatso's April Fool's FAKE album? Wonder who "SHE" is whose never been to a NIN concert, thus never on the "List" but Fatso's been looking/tracking her since 4/09?
Say what?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Well, never been to one of his concerts. Ever. I'm agoraphobic so even if I had wanted to, I couldn't. Don't buy his shit either. Didn't like several of his albums. I find it sort of weird that I've been 'called out'.


To whatever fucking idiot this is

Suck my asshole whomever you are.

Once we find out who you are, I'm going to make your life a living hell. I will humiliate and embarass you to no end. I will do everything in my power to make sure you can never post on the internet again and be taken seriously. I will also make sure you lose your job if you even have one. Lose your apt or townhome or house. I'll also write a little blog about you and your kind and your fucking KING.

And that's just the minor things I intend to do.

As I told you on Twatter, bring it on.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

lol sorry.

I went mental there.

Isn't PMS wonderful?

(I'm still going to kick your ass)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Ah, someone on the Insider mentioned me as a suck up that wanted to meet the Fucktard himself. Negative. I tried posting over there and it won't go through. If anyone can help with THAT I'd appreciate it. I'd like to know what asshole posted such a thing. I hate him and what he does, I don't want to meet him, period. Anyone else see what that fucker posted on the Insider? About me. That is just NOT true. Called me two faced and trying to suck up to the prat so I could meet him. I'd rather slit my wrists...the 'correct ' way *snort*.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

it amazes me that people shelled out 300-1000 dollars to meet the motherfucker "charity " or not FUCK THAT SHIT. this is a recession and you couldnt even write that shit off.

I PAID for concerts and laughed my ass off and at PAYING offer to meet trent, HELL NO. He walked by me in the fucking house of blues in atlantic city in 2008 and I said whats up and he said hey or something back, I met justin and robin the same way too THE FUCKING END. SO I accidently met trent and and didnt really care that I did. stupid fuck thought he was lady gaga or bowie or something important. Entertain my ass for my 40 bucks a ticket FUCK meeting you, or shaking your dirty skeezy hand.

oh shizzz someone posted trents dad's address and phone number. RUH ROH. As much as the old dude has nothing to do with this, Maybe finally whoever is doing this outing crap will see that some crazy fan could do more damage with trents family info then finding out you live in the same town as some troll. Maybe that shit will stop now.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by jar »

sludger wrote:

09 On the List (She's Not)
I always thought that meant some chick wasn't on the list. I.e they tried to get backstage and security denied access.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by vladtepes »

I think you might be reading into this.. Remember people also went through ticket master ,etc during his tour.

sludger wrote:Not to be a big ol' downer but it's Tub of Lard & his Bubblehead wife. We are 99.9% sure of this because the name and addresses posted on the web are from credit card info that was used to purchase NIN tickets over 3 years ago. Lardo forgets that people grow up don't have to use their parents credit card anymore. Tsk, tsk, bad move Fatso.

Remember Fatso's April Fool's FAKE album? Wonder who "SHE" is whose never been to a NIN concert, thus never on the "List" but Fatso's been looking/tracking her since 4/09?

Strobe Light:
01 Intro Skit
02 Everybody's Doing It [Feat. Chris Martin, Jay-Z AND Bono]
03 Black T-Shirt
04 Pussygrinder [Feat. Sheryl Crow]
05 Coffin on the Dancefloor
06 This Rhythm Is Infected
07 Slide to the Dark Side
08 Even Closer [feat. Justin Timberlake and Maynard James Keenan]
09 On the List (She's Not)
10 Clap Trap Crack Slap
11 Laid, Paid and Played [feat. Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas and Al Jourgensen]
12 Feel Like Being Dead Again
13 Still Hurts [feat. Alicia Keys]
14 Outro Skit
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:
vladtepes wrote:I think you might be reading into this.. Remember people also went through ticket master ,etc during his tour.
The person Fatso outed purchased ticket online through the NIN website.
Jar, as for the meaning of On the List (She's Not) points to the facts that he keeps a list. Who knows who it is aimed at.
You keep referring to one person.

This nutty troll, whoever they are, has outed more than one woman...

So, he has a list. Does he check it twice, really try to find out whether we're naughty or nice? is he going to "come down my chimney" tonight (take that as you will :mrgreen: )

I've been really good...I swear.

Does the song "Pussygrinder" actually mean that he has a thing for Sheryl Crow?

How about "Clap Trap Crack Slap"? Does that mean that he's into slapping crack hos?

This is getting fascinating. Stop being so cryptic, Sludger. Say what you're meaning to say already.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

So is "Everybody is doing it" his way of saying he is gonna sell out?

Edit: I was reading the insider forum (wow what a clusterfuck) and someone accused me of posting Peedro Paula's address. First off, I posted her picture and name HERE. I never ever posted her address and posted on the insider board once (yesterday actually but NOT the address). I think its fucked up that someone posted an address and telephone #. Also- i have beef with her and not her family. Someone posted my fathers address and that hass nothing to do with it.

Thats why i think its fucked up to post Trent's fathers address and phone #.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. 6 minutes ago via web

Somehow I can't see Pete hanging around with Trent...nice to see that made the beast crawl out of the woodwork, yet people posting personal shit about his family, he does nothing.
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Wikkedsyn wrote:trent_reznor
I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. 6 minutes ago via web


The sex is so bad, I've resorted to crying while jerking it to a fantasy I concocted involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. *

*Protip: Tuna doesn't work with dogs. Or horses. :D
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Wikkedsyn wrote:trent_reznor
I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. 6 minutes ago via web

Somehow I can't see Pete hanging around with Trent...nice to see that made the beast crawl out of the woodwork, yet people posting personal shit about his family, he does nothing.
betya he heard it from Dracula...i mean Peter Murphy
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Trent shouldn't tall about west Indian girl like that.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Cause the big baby got his bottle
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Wikkedsyn wrote:trent_reznor
I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band6 minutes ago via web

Somehow I can't see Pete hanging around with Trent...nice to see that made the beast crawl out of the woodwork, yet people posting personal shit about his family, he does nothing.
Done and done. I had a feeling he wouldn't let that slide for long...that Insider page was forming a singularity of cruel stupidity that was going to collapse into a black hole soon anyways.

P.S. - So, TON toured with NIN? The can of tuna was overkill LMAO

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
Wikkedsyn wrote:trent_reznor
I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band6 minutes ago via web

Somehow I can't see Pete hanging around with Trent...nice to see that made the beast crawl out of the woodwork, yet people posting personal shit about his family, he does nothing.
Done and done. I had a feeling he wouldn't let that slide for long...that Insider page was forming a singularity of cruel stupidity that was going to collapse into a black hole soon anyways.

P.S. - So, TON toured with NIN? The can of tuna was overkill LMAO


Trent just wanted to be relevant and have his name printed... ... ead-at-48/

“RIP Pete Steele – a nice (and very funny) man,” Trent Reznor wrote on his Twitter page. “I’m smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. Ahh, the good old days…”
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

misanthropia wrote:
Wikkedsyn wrote:trent_reznor
I'm smiling recalling a funny story involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. 6 minutes ago via web


The sex is so bad, I've resorted to crying while jerking it to a fantasy I concocted involving Pete, a microphone, an all-girl lipstick-lesbian band and a can of tuna. *

*Protip: Tuna doesn't work with dogs. Or horses. :D

"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

She's so insignificant and irrelevant, you stole her Tweets, not retweeted them to give her credit. :lol:
Low self esteem much? Never knew a fake marriage, a play husband, and no talent made a person think they were significant.
@mariqueen Get ur head out of your ass & stop plagiarizing my tweets dumbass. I don't play, now move along 2 your strip club.
32 minutes ago via web in reply to mariqueen
Reply Retweet I guess when u don't have a brain or talent, you need to plagiarize other people's tweets. Sad drug damaged person
36 minutes ago via Twitpic

mariqueen: so yes... back to my humming & ambience xo
5 minutes ago from web

mariqueen: side note: plagiarizing updates, especially when they are from someone irrelevant & insignificant isn't what im about.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lolo66 »

This is hilarious! Poor bored little girl. :lol: Who is this chick that she is plagiarizing??
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Seriously. I have NOTHING to do with this..But this is kind of awesome!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Whatever the hell is happening it's lol. Mariqueen is plagarizing who? Ooh ooh whatever happened
to rainbowbrite/nite the creepy looking chick talking about being with Trent and ranting on Twitter.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

What a fucking retard. You delete your own Tweets to go to the list's page--or go have a kool-aid drinker attack for you, whatever-- and pretend you're watching someone who just OWNED your ass on their own page. If you're gonna talk shit atleast own up to it, don't delete it.
Grow a pair, the both of you. Everyone who says something you don't like isn't trolling.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

so some random fucker is claiming what mariqueen stole her tweets? W...T...F for and why and who cares?. Again this melodrama train hit stupidtown population 2.

oh and edit:

Orion!!!! peedropaulaoldcatladycunt is bitching again on shitlist. for shit you didnt even do lolz

her post from the now ponyland???/shitlist. ---



Why so serious?

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I shitlist the banned member who's trying to make my life miserable for calling her a bitch.


Mods, it's time to turn this back into the shitlist.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2010 03:22PM by PeedroPaula.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

PeePants Paula needs to grab a can of Ensure and sit the fuck down. Bitch is senile!
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